

Amara Kaytlyn POV:

"Oh, my dear stepsister, congratulations! Now you know how to make contributions to the family!", I said as I sit at the empty seat beside my Grandfather Don Sebastian.

I also gaze at the man in front of me. He's got a cold aura.

"Hmm, Ford clan? Sean Raphael Ford?" I ask raising my right eyebrow.

"No my dear he's-"

My grandfather's voice cut out as the man across the table suddenly answered.

"Sean Gabriel Ford" I heard his baritone voice as he raises his glass of wine and again with that cold aura.

I saw him smirked.

"How did you know the third Master of the Ford"? my grandfather asks.

All eyes also on me.

"And also I am not saying that Olivia is the one to be married to the Ford clan, but you, my dear granddaughter, since you are the first Miss of the Anderson's", he added.

"What"!? I ask. My stepsister and stepmother also yelled that question.

"You must be kidding me, grandpa," I said as I tighten the grip on my glass.

"Dad, she's not acting like a noble lady, and also many men surround her, I bet she's not innocent anymore"! my stepmother Sussane yelled again as she stands up.

And that catches everyone's attention.

I heard people whispering.

"Oh, what a show", I thought while ignoring her.

"Look at the way she dresses! she looks like slut! she yelled again.

"Stop"! what evidence you have to call my granddaughter like that"!? my grandfather yelled back and raises his right hand as he called his assistant who approaches him hurriedly.

" I have evidence"! my stepmother said firmly as if she is confident enough to talks back to my grandfather.

I just watch her as she nods at her personal secretary also.

I smiled at the big screen in front of all of us.

The big screen shows my almost naked picture at a beach and a video wherein I dance, not like any dance but it's pole dance.

"I'll enjoy the show"! I thought as I raise my glass and the attendant behind me fill it up again with red wine.

"Thanks", I said, a smile plastered on my face as I walk towards the big screen in front of everyone carrying my glass of wine, and reached out the microphone on the table with the items to be sell tonight.

"What a lame move" tsk, hahaha!" I laugh.

All their attention was on me now.

"Now all the people will know that the first Miss is a slut"! my stepmother yelled at me as she points her hands at me.

"Stop with your nonsense Sussane"! grandfather said in an authoritative tone as he turns his gaze at my stepmother angrily.

"But Dad"! she said.

"Grandpa"? Mom is just concern about our family, she's just trying to give lessons to Kaytlyn since she's stubborn and acting as a wild uneducated woman", my stepsister said also.

"You two, stop this nonsense or I cut my ties to both of you, trying to slander my granddaughter"! grandfather yelled at them.

The people at the venue also kept silent.

I also saw that man in a cold aura shows a blank expression.

I really don't care what people think. I don't give a damn about it.

But, since this is a charity event, I don't want this event to be the gossip of the town and tarnish my grandfathers' reputation.

"I hate explaining to other people especially to those people whose mindset is like of a fool, believing someone's dirty tricks", I said at the microphone.

All eyes on me again, and now I know that they're interested in listening to my affairs.

"Hah! Whatever"! I thought.

I hold my grip on the microphone.

Tud tud! I patted first the microphone before I speak.

I saw the Ford man smiles cunningly.

"What is he thinking"? I thought.

"Well, that almost naked photo at the beach is indeed me, however, that is my private property and only female friends were present at that time also with the video", I stated.

I dialed the number on my phone and talk to my right-hand man Hunter.

"Boss?" Hunter's voice on the other line.

My team hacked all the systems here and we can also control their internet systems. That's how competitive my team is.

"Hunter, play the whole video also with the photo", I said and end the call.

The video played on the big screen. No man is in the video, all were a bunch of women. They are my team. Working at my company.

People in the venue whispering.

"So, it seems that a gathering with girls, we also do that, girl bonding with friends" someone yelled.

Heather Davis, I know her, the only daughter of Davis clan, the boyish type. We're not friends but we're not also enemies. I know that she's into motorcycles since I race with her once.

"Yes, we also do that," a chorus of girls said.

Yes, I have my own company and I am not talking about millions but billions.

It's a clothing line and I am also wearing it for my modeling. People only see me as the heiress of Anderson's and a model, while my grandfather knows how excellent I am not only in business but also in combat.

I have to learn how to fight, it's run in the blood, my grandfather is also a martial artist.

I know that being an heiress also takes a lot of responsibility that's why I always contradict my grandfather.

"I attended this event because it's for the benefit of the charity, home for the aged," I said continuing my speech as the video played ended.

"I don't also want to ruin my grandfathers' reputation since I am in favor of raising funds for the home for the aged, maybe because one day I might throw my grandfather into that community" I joke out laughing.

"Don't you dare young lady!" my grandfather yelled out.

"No more further ado, let's get to the point of this event for the benefits of the community for old folks", I said and raise my glass and take my bow concerning the people who present at the event.

"So, the bidding will start now," I said.

"Please take the floor for the item bidding", I said as I pass the microphone to one of the company's Board of Directors who is the emcee of the event, and I stride off my feet walking past and I saw my grandfather smiled at me and a person guide us to enter the room where the VIP meeting place at the building.

It's a soundproof room.

I find the Ford man sitting comfortably in the room with a well-built man behind his back.

"Take your seat my dear", I heard my grandfather told me gesturing to the seat on his left.

"Bodyguard?" He's also tall and has a well-built body, Did he know any fighting skills? Why he still needs a bodyguard, he can't protect himself", I thought and smirk at that idea.

"Weak," I said, enough to be heard by him.

I saw him staring coldly at me.

I put my right hand in my nape and gently massage it.

The door opens and there I saw my stepmother and stepsister and the family's legal attorney.

"Take your seat and let's talk about business and alliances", my grandfather begins.

"Business? I'm out, alliances? I am out also", just talk, Pretend that I am not here", I stated.

"Whether you like it or not? You're the representative for all the transactions of our family" attorney let her sign all the documents!', my grandfather said in a firm tone.

"How about us Dad?" my stepmother said and seems like she's going to cry, her voice crack.

"You're asking me? a mistress of my son? my grandfather said with sarcasm.

"Ha! Mistress? Dad, your favorite dear granddaughter looks like also a mistress, don't you think? she hissed.

"Look at the way she dresses?" Now answer me Kaytlyn? Do you want to be married to the Ford clan knowing that you're not innocent anymore?", she said looking at me with disgust.

I look at my stepsister, her dress is a conservative type. But I know their dirty secrets.

"How annoying"! is that your favorite line now? I said in a calm voice.

I stand up and stand beside my stepsister.

"So, let's straight to the point? Do you mean? I dress like this and that means I am not innocent anymore? I ask and smirk.

"I never dated anyone in my entire life, no one ever touches me, nor kiss me" let alone take my innocence?" I said firmly as I tap my hand on my stepsister's shoulder.

"Who knows?" my stepmother said smiling like a bitch.

"Who would dare touch me? I can kill a person with my bare hands, stepsister is my living proof! I said as I whisper something in her ear.

She tried to stand up but I put weight on her shoulder once again.

"Your mom is a bitch and so are you!" I said.

My stepmother stands up and raises her hand to slap me but I managed to grab her wrist and use that to slap her own face, then I push her away.

"Guards!" she said.

My grandfather is indeed enjoying the show. He knows me very well. He is just sitting comfortably and talks to that Ford man like I am invincible.

Those three ugly goons of hers approach me behind. I use back kick ( Ushiro Geri ), Sidekick ( Yoko Geri ), Front kick ( Mae Geri ).

I am wearing high heels but still manages to kick them off.

"Basic!" I shouted at them.

"I don't even use my fist?" I stared at my stepmother and gave her my sweetest smile.

"They're too weak for me", right stepsister? I turned at her still not moving on her seat.

"Next time, tell them to use a knife or even a gun, okay?" I mocked my stepmother whose been assist by her personal assistant.

"Now, let me see? I continued still looking at my stepmother. "My stepsister is indeed quiet, using a conservative type of clothes, but? tsk! tsk! tsk! how many men you have in a night, my whore stepsister? I ask and let my laugh.

"How pathetic!" I even killed someone when they tried to rape you! I said in my dismay.

"And now all of a sudden your mother is acting like your pure and innocent?" Grandpa, she's not even my sister! Can you just tell this bitch stepmother that the DNA between her precious daughter and father doesn't match, and it's been a year since we discovered it that's why father leaves them here", I stated.

Then I saw my stepmother's eyes widened and suddenly knelt in front of my grandfather.

"Dad!" Please spare us! Please?! she said in between her tears.

"You check your own daughter and take her with a psychiatrist, she's sick", finally I told her.

"My granddaughter spares your life when she told me that something wrong with Olivia, that's why I didn't tell you that we already know your lies but look what you did?", grandfather stated the fact.

"And in front of everyone! and to an important person also, I am sorry Gabriel," grandfather added while looking at the man beside him.

" As I told you Don Sebastian I like surprises and I love what I see," he said then turned his gaze at me.

I look him straight in the eyes and raise my right eyebrow.