
Forcefully married to a billionaire who needs me

A girl who never had a father figure find out that she had a billionaire father, but her happily ever after was cut short after she was married of by her father to a cold billionaire with erectile dysfunction. Would she ever get the fatherly loves she craves? Would she find love in the marriage and finally have a happily ever after? Find out.

Caramel_Tempz · Fantasy
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8 Chs

New Hope

Jessica POV

Two months Later

"Jessica Wesley?" The interviewer called as l answered.

-------------An Hour Ago----------------

"Jess, wake up. Have you forgotten that you have an interview today?" My mom yelled. I stood up with a jolt, rushed for a quick bath. I did not remember eating breakfast. I found my way to Kyle's broadcasting company.

"Damn, who wakes up for an interview this late? I pray I still meet up with the schedule time" i said as I scolded myself inwardly, entered the company premises only to hear my name being called my the receptionist.


"Is Miss Wesley here" the receptionist asked

"Yes, am here" I said, raised my hands for identification. "You are next, please follow me" she said, I calmed down then followed her with prayers in my heart as I entered the screening room

"You are Miss Wesley right" A man in his early thirties asked. "Yes sir" I responded with a smile.

"Miss Wesley, we have gone through your credentials and I must say you are indeed an intelligent lady" he said. "Thanks you very much sir" I said with a bright smile.

"I see you graduated from New York University. Well, we are in dire need of someone like you. You applied at the right time. In short, the job is yours" he concluded. I thought my brain receptors were malfunctioning when they received the concluded part of his speech. "Am in, like am employed" I asked to be sure.

"Of course yes, you are in" he said with a smile

"Thank you very much sir" I grinned happily

"Since you are now a member, you will be working at our main branch DELIGHT in San Francisco. I hope you accept this offer" he said.

"This is a dream come true" I said inwardly

"Yes, I will love too"

"That's was a good choice, your flying papers and everything needed to sustain a living will be provided. In the next two day you will be moving"he assured me. I thanked him, stood up and walked out, barely restraining myself from squealing in joy. I suddenly remembered my best friend Carie, so I brought my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number to share the good news. She picked it after a few rings "I got in" I shouted "you got what?" She retorted in confusion " I got the San Francisco job Carie" I responded. " OMG, Jess we can finally be together now. I knew you would get in from Kyle's. I'm so happy for you" she said and squealed.

" I'm more than happy" I said as I finally let out my squeal I was holding. " Then I can finally get you a boyfriend" she teased and continued "there are a lot of hot guys here, I can barely keep up"

"I told you am not ready for relationship" I said. "You are already twenty three years for crying out loud and you don't have a boyfriend or even thinking of dating" she argued. " I am not like you" I restored "but..." I stopped her before she continued

" bye Carrie"

"Bye love" she said in defeat and hanged up.

I hailed a taxi and left the company premises. I decided to surprise mum with the good news.

I got home about thirty minutes later but I did not find mom at home "she must have gone to the supermarket" I thought, then I started making dinner. I had just finished making dinner when mum walked in with bags filled with groceries from the supermarket. "Jess dear, how was your interview" she asked "it was fine" I responded with a fake sad face. I knew she wanted to know if I had gotten the job or not but I did not tell her to increase the suspense. Throughout dinner she looked at me with expecting eyes but I paid no heed. After dinner before I could break the suspense she started. " look Jess, I'm sorry if you didn't get the job but ....." I stopped her before she could continue "mom, I got the job". "You got the job" she exclaimed "yes, I did Mom. I'm moving to San Francisco in two days" I said in joy.

" I'm happy for you my dear daughter but I will miss you so much. Crazy girl, always trying to give me heart attack" she said as she playfully hit me as I laughed. After the dinner, I took a bath and got ready to sleep but I couldn't sleep due to all the excitement. I tossed and turned and eventually closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.