
Forceful Reincarnation: Lust (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Goldie's Respect

A card that looked similar to a tarot card floated, I placed it in my inventory. I looked at its description it was.

[Archer Class Card Gilgamesh]

Excitedly I shot up off my bed and entered the Training room.

"Alright [Install!]" The card glowed as a magic circle formed, however as the card fused with me something happened.

((You dare take advantage of this kings power how dare you!)) shouted a very familiar voice "No it can't be!" I said out loud.

((It is mongrel, I should smite you for trying to use my power and treasure without my permission, but rejoice ingrate I'll allow you to gain my power whenever gain my respect as from your memories I find this new world interesting.))

"Wait wha!" was all I could say ((Don't disappoint me.)) I could still feel the card however I couldn't use any of its abilities, it seems Gilgamesh took over...Shit!

((Well that went well.)) said Ddraig "Can you talk to him Ddraig?" I asked the dragon this guy is literally in my soul I don't want him and Ddraig getting into any arguments in there. Their both prideful people an argument can easily start between the two.

((Yes I can however he's blocking me.)) I exited the room and crashed into my bed again with sigh, I placed a hand over my head "Great just great."

*Knock Knock!*

A small knock came from the door "Issei are you okay?" said a voice from behind the door which I recognized as Asia.

"Yeah I'm fine you come in." I told her, she slowly opened the door, she was wearing a night gown honestly she was really f-ing cute. Not the lewding type cute, the cuddling type.

"You okay Asia?" I asked her, she hasn't had much trouble settling in but she's not really used to something's as of yet.

"Yeah I'm fine." she meekly says, I tapped my bed. "Take a seat it looks you want to talk about something." she nods and takes a seat.

"Issei I want to thank you for saving me." geez why is she so cute! I gave her head pat and a smile "It's okay Asia I'm glad I met you." she tears up a bit at this, I just wiped them "It's okay now." she silently cries in my shoulders.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" she says as her emerald coloured eyes met mine. "Sure why not." I smile as we layed down and drifted off to sleep.

-That morning I woke up to a sleeping Asia beside me not wanting to wake her up I opened my status and began to allocate my combat points. Right now I have about 165 points, where should they go....I'll just dump it 65 of it into MP, I can raise my physical stats by training, plus I'll be upgrading the gear inside the training dungeon.

The next few days were just Rias helping me train, plus me doing a bit extra on the side in the training dungeon along with grinding and a bit of flirting with Akeno and dealing with a jealous Rias and Asia, however Rias hasn't been her usual self these days which means the Phoenix prick would be making an entrance soon.

And I was proven right when Rias teleported in my room when I was going to bed after watching a few episodes of Milky Spiral Seven.

"Rias what are you-?" She placed a finger at my mouth and shushed me "I don't have a lot of time, but I need to you to take my virginity."

"Wait I don't think we shou-" Again I was interrupted by the timely arrival of Grayfia, thank Lucifer she showed up when she did cuz I ain't having my first time again like this. If I'm gonna smash her it'll be under my conditions.

"I'm quite disappointed at your choice, Rias." said the maid looking down at me but I could feel twitch in Gilgamesh. "Grayfia did my brother send you?" replied Rias clearly not pleased, I would be if I were engaged to that prick.

"Um! Rias you mind explaining what's going on?" I asked her, need to seem clueless here.

[Skill Acting gained] Huh? Neat!

"Rias your brother Lucifer has sent me to stop you in case you do anything stupid. Remember Rias you can't do anything reckless." said Grayfia completely ignoring me as she picked up Rias's shirt and placed it over her. "*Sigh!* I'm sorry I have to go now, everything will be explained in the morning okay." said Rias as she teleported away with a smile, but I could see she was anything but happy.

I was alone in my room again, I layed downon my bed again. "Ddraig."

((What is it?)) answered the dragon "Are you able to turn me into a hybrid dragon?" he was silent for a while ((If you want to be like a natural born hybrid then no.))

"I see but what if you turned my bone marrow heart and lungs into that of dragon would it work?"

((Maybe but be ready turning your heart and lungs should be extremely painful. So much pain that you'd ever feel in both of your lives, and you might not survive it.)) said Ddraig.

"I see that's good enough it's not like I'm in any rush anyway." I then went to sleep