
Forced To Marry The Crippled Lycan

Naiari is the neglected and hated daughter of King Edmund, she is made to live alone with a single maid in one of the huts, far from her father, his wife the queen Elara and their daughter Yvette in the Royal palace. When out of the blues she is invited to join Yvette’s wedding party she is so excited to be included but she has no idea about the sinister plan in play. She ends up forced to marry the crippled king Kael in place of her sister without a means to escape. Now that she is forced to be with a man who does not care about her and wants nothing to do with her, she has to learn to navigate a life where danger is behind every step. With time, despite the unease between the both of them, they get to realize that they have a lot more in common and that in order to defeat their enemies they have to come together. • “Have you come to help me bathe wife.” Kael asked, his voice mocking and Naiari’s cheeks bloomed a rosy red of embarrassment. “I am sorry your highness.” She said with a curtsy. “Kael.” He said and she looked up at him in confusion. “Call my name.” He demanded, his eyes hot as they concentrated on her lips as if willing her to open them and speak his name.

ElNoraaa · History
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8 Chs

Marriage Proposal

Queen Elara's hand trembled as she set down her embroidery beside her, the silken thread catching on the velvet fabric of her gown. Her husband, King Edmund, stood before her, his face etched with the stubborn pride she knew all too well.

"He is the King of Kwal, Elara," Adalric rumbled, his voice echoing in the cavernous chamber. "Those lands are fertile, his coffers overflowing with gold and silver. This alliance will secure our family and this kingdom's future."

Elara swallowed the bitterness that rose in her throat at his words and stilled her trembling voice. "First of all that boy is king in name only and what of our daughter's happiness, Edmund? Have you considered that?"

The king's brow furrowed. "Happiness is a luxury, Elara. A princess's duty is to her people. Yvette should be pleased that she will bring such fortune to us."

Elara's heart ached for their daughter, Yvette, her precious daughter who deserved the world and not this disaster her father seemed determined to plunge her into. "But this king, Edmund… I hear he cannot stand on his own feet and has to be carried about. The court whispers behind his back, calling him 'Kael the Crippled. Is that what you want as a son in-law?'"

Edmund scoffed derisively. "Mere gossip which is fueled by envy. His infirmity is minor, just a mere inconvenience and he will be so grateful for this marriage that he will more bendable to my will."

His answer did not surprise her at all. He had always been an ambitious and greedy man and he would gladly sell his mother for some gold. Unfortunately his mother was dead and for some reason he had set his sights on her precious daughter. She would not allow it!

"Minor to you, perhaps because you are not being forced to marry him," Elara countered, her voice rising. "But Yvette deserves a husband who will cherish her, not one who has been rejected and will see her as a means to an end. We will be the laughing stock of all the kingdoms."

Edmund's face hardened. "The King of the Kwal is very powerful, Elara. He will offer Yvette the security she needs and a life of luxury fit for the king."

"There must be another way, Edmund," she said, her voice softening. "Surely there is another king, maybe even a prince, another alliance, that does not come at the cost of our daughter's happiness. Yvette deserves..."

"Yvette deserves exactly what I believe she deserves! I am her father and I know what is right for her." Edmund boomed, silencing her. "She, like myself, like every soul in this kingdom, serves the greater good. Do you think that I care about love? This Union is not about that but it is about power, the kind you women never seem to grasp the importance of!"

Elara softened her voice and tried to reason with him. "How about we find another bride for the king?" As he raised his eyebrows in irritation she rushed her words. "I mean, Yvette is not the only princess, Naiari is also your daughter and will be a submissive and perfect wife."

It would be better for that stupid interloper to be sent away from the palace and married to the cripple, she deserved no better. Why not her? Why did he choose such a terrible fate for Yvette?

Edmund's lips thinned at her questioning him. "Nonsense. He requested for the older daughter and the older daughter he will receive."

Elara straightened, her spine a rod of steel. Here he was being stubborn and protecting that girl once again. "Do not underestimate the strength of a mother's love, Edmund. It sees beyond riches and titles. My daughter is not a pawn in your political game!"

The king scoffed. "And whose fault is that? Spoiled with poetry and music, you have raised her with fanciful notions about who she is instead of statecraft! She is the oldest daughter and she will do her duty."

Elara swallowed her anger. At this point she could tell that arguing was not going to help her. Instead, she knew she would have to take a different approach to tame this headstrong man. "Edmund," she said softly, "tell me, did you choose your advisors based on their scars, or their wisdom? Should we not let our daughter feel the chance for love?"

The king paused, momentarily taken aback then he burst out into loud laughter. "Listen woman, I did not tell you about Yvette's marriage because I sought your permission, I only told you so that you would get your daughter prepared. The marriage will hold whether you like it or not and that is final."


Later that night, Elara found Yvette in the moonlit garden, sitting on a stone bench with tears glistening on her cheeks. Holding back her own sobs, Elara knelt before her daughter. "My love," she whispered, "I know what your father has planned and I am certain he has broken the news to you."

Yvette's eyes widened, filled with a mixture of fear and defiance. "He can't do this! I will not marry a stranger, let alone one with such a… burden. Mother, you know that I love Frederic and want to marry him."

Elara squeezed her hand. "He thinks he can force you but we won't let him win. We will find another way."

A spark of determination ignited in Yvette's eyes. "But how? It's not like he is just going to listen to reason all of a sudden."

Elara smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't you trust me anymore? Have I not always taken care of every problem that has arose?"

Yvette sniffed and looked up at her mother. If there was anyone who could pull this off it was her. She could not stomach the thought of getting married to a man who was a cripple even if she was not in love with her golden prince Fredrick who was the only one she wanted.

Under the cloak of darkness, a plan began to form, one woven with wit, a dash of underhandedness and a whole lot of forbidden books. Elara knew there was no way that they could defy the king openly, but they could manipulate him and successfully even trick him and Kael into getting their way. It would not be easy, but Elara was a queen, and her daughter's happiness was her most precious treasure. She had not survived a loveless marriage to ship her daughter into one.

The next day, the entire court buzzed with anticipation. King Edmund, resplendent in his golden robes, awaited the arrival of King Kael along with the queen Alara and Yvette.

Instead, the doors swung open to reveal not a crippled king, but a stately looking old man in expensive clothes who walked in with his head held high. He was followed by a long line of servants who held different presents for the royal family.

After the presents had been placed in a tidy heap the old man stepped forward and bowed deeply before the king.

"I am Atticus Sandon and I am the servant of the King Kael Volric. I come bearing these gifts which his majesty has sent as a token of affection for his future bride. Unfortunately long travel affects his majesty's frail health and so he was not able to come and take the princess himself."

"He can't even come himself, how am I supposed to marry someone like that." Yvette wailed in a whisper.

"Hush…" Alara shushed her quietly. "I have told you that i will take care of it have I not?" She reassured her and together they followed the king into the banquet hall where a feast had been prepared.