
Forced to Double Heart

Abimana Valbuena Aldebaran is between two very tough choices. He has a heart to protect. His feelings, his love and affection that should not be shared, in fact he denied from his legal wife Alinea Maharani. Even though Abimana tried not to betray Alinea, fate said otherwise. Stevia Margaretha, The girl he helped initially, is experiencing severe depression due to being dumped in a two-bodied state. The woman felt comfortable with Abimana presence, so she wanted Abhimana to be her companion. Abhimana is forced to marry Stevia to help her overcome depression and save the fetus in Stevia's Womb, even without the permission of Alinea Maharani. But in fact, all of that became a thorn in their marriage. Can Abhimana share his love fairly between the two women? Can Abimana also make Alinea accept the presence of his second wife, so that their marriage can last? Find the answer in my work In Forced to Double Heart!

Ai_Azahra · Urban
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52 Chs

Give a surprise


"Finally finished." Said a man while leaning his head on his throne chair.

All the books that he had been working on since this morning had been finished, so he piled them together on the table of his pride. It was already ten o'clock at night, time to rest and stop his activities. However, this handsome Indonesian-Spanish mulatto, there is no sign of wanting to stop his activities immediately.

He is Abimana Valbuena Aldebaran. A CEO of the largest textile company in the city of XX. The company was owned by both of his parents, but he himself directly held the company because he only had one younger sister.

His father, Harris Valbuena Aldebaran, has stopped working at the company he founded for twenty years, he transferred his company to Abimana. No wonder Abimana has been so busy lately, he always comes home late at night from his office.

The man was seen relaxing while turning his pride chair, staring straight at the ceiling above him. Sometimes he smiled to himself, briefly silent with his eyes closed. I don't know what he's imagining, no one knows because the author didn't tell him. Hehe!


The sound of the device vibrating startled him. his mind was drifting on something happening, suddenly dispersed. Abhimana suddenly stopped his reflection, to see who was contacting him.

Abhimana immediately reached for his cellphone which was placed on his desk.

Looks like the name of a woman who is so precious in his life is contacting him. Immediately he answered the phone, afraid to make the woman wait a long time to be angry with him.

"Yes Honey!" He replied as he stood up from his seat.

"What time will you be home? I want us to eat together at home! I've prepared your favorite food, you know, just now." Alinea coaxed on the other side.

"Ouch…. the food must be delicious. I always look forward to all your cooking. But…..!" Abhimana thought of something, with a leg he did not keep still. Walk around the entire room, while talking to Alinea. His words seem to be serious, maybe there are a myriad of plans that he deliberately prepared.

"But? But what, honey?" Alinea interrupted very curiously.

"Looks like I'm not going home tonight." Abimana tried to seduce his wife who seemed to have been disappointed because he had waited too long.

"Not home, why mas? Another woman asked you to go home?" Alinea raised her voice, afraid that there was another woman in her husband's heart.

"I'm just kidding, don't be suspicious! I'm just going to be home late again tonight, maybe midnight."

"What else do you do, honey? Don't be too busy with your work, you'll get sick! Why are you doing it at night anyways?" Alinea exclaimed suddenly lowering her voice. She sounded worried about her husband's condition, which she knew that Abimana was very busy.

"Here, here. The work is not finished, all the documents are coming to me. look! Her documents are piled up in front of me. There are still many documents for tomorrow's meeting to be prepared. Makes me come home late again. It is okay, right?"

"Oh, I see," replied Alinea a little curtly.

"Yes Sorry, honey!" Abinama coaxed, pointing the thin object towards his lips, then he kissed Alinea through the cellphone.

'I'm sorry honey! I was trying to lie to you.' he muttered to himself.

Actually there is something else behind his lie, he wants to give a surprise to his wife. Not as a surprise for Alinea's birthday, nor their wedding anniversary, there's nothing right now. But because Abimana is a romantic husband, at any time he still gives happiness to Alinea.

So that they have been married for eight years, there is no oblique gossip about their relationship. It's cool, there are no words of quarrels, they are always united in showing their feelings.

But not a perfect couple either, because there are still many shortcomings in their household. Ya, like the cry of a baby that fills their house. Or the tiny little hand that tightly grips the two's hands, as a complement to their happiness. In fact it does not appear in the magnificent palace.

Questions from both sides of the family, always loudly heard. Even though they try to get rid of it, it becomes one of the things that is always scary when they meet their extended family.

There is nothing wrong with them either, maybe only God has not entrusted it to the husband and wife pair. God still allows them to live happily together, to always be romantic to their partners.

Alinea understands Abimana's situation, even though she is less sincere when she says 'it's okay'. Maybe he wanted Abhimana to come home soon, and eat together at home. However, because of a job that requires Abimana to come home a bit late, Alinea must be able to accept it all.

"You're not mad, are you, honey?"

"Mmm…no." Slow reply.

"Haha….why is the answer like that? It's not sincere I guess. Oh yeah, one more thing. If you're already sleepy, you should just sleep first! Don't wait for me to come home, let alone fall asleep on the couch! I don't want that to happen again. Watch out, you have to sleep in the room! Understand?" Abimana said maybe worried about his wife's condition who always fell asleep while waiting for him to come home.

"Yes, sir. As a wife, I just obeyed. Well, I hung up the phone first. Want to keep this food in the microwave, if Mas Abi comes home and wants to eat, keep it warm."


Alinea hung up the phone one-sidedly, it seemed she did what she said just now. Busy storing back the food he had served on the dining table into the electronic device, so that when Abimana came home the food would not go stale.

Unlike Abimana, the ignorant man, he giggled when Alinea was that busy. Abhimana imagines the look on Alinea's face when she says she won't be coming home. It must be very sour and cold, don't forget the various kinds of ravings that come out of his mouth. Hah, basically men like to make women sulk, they think it's really fun especially when they seduce their wife back. Maybe that's what Abhimana had in mind.

Abimana hastily cleaned up all the files on the table, rearranging them so they don't look messy. After feeling all over, Abimana took his bag and car keys to immediately go home to meet Alina at home. Well...doesn't he want to come home at night? Maybe the man just wanted to give a surprise to make Alinea happy.


A knock on the door was heard from outside, it seemed that someone had met Abhimana in his room.

"Enter!" Abimana ordered back to keep the bag that he had been carrying.

"Sorry, sir! There is an important file that you haven't signed. This is for tomorrow's meeting with a client." Said a woman written on her nametag named Vera. He thrusts the blue-bound file in front of the boss.

Okay, work again! That means, Abimana will undo his intention to go home early. A rectangular object, is the reason to go back to work.

"Oh, where is this!" Without waiting long, Abimana reached for a black ink object that he kept near the file earlier. He signed the paper, then returned it to Vera.

"Looks like you want to go home early? Tumben, what's going on?" Vera exclaimed, frowning in surprise.

"Just wanted to go home early. Why, is something wrong?" Abhimana's reply instantly turned sour.

"There isn't any. It's just weird."

"What's strange, I also went to my own house, not the neighbor's house."

"Yes. But the work is not finished, usually you don't want to go home before the work is finished." Vera threw a little sarcasm at the boss for his sudden change in attitude.

"Tonight, there's something special. So all the work, I'll throw it at you. Including this, you take this to its place! I want to go home." Abimana no longer cares about the insinuation of Vera the secretary. His briefcase was back in his hand, ready to leave at a moment's notice. Huh, thought Abimana would undo his intention to go home. But it turns out he still left the room.

"Hah! What do you mean, I did all this myself?"

"Sir, Mr. Abi!" Vera shouted as she followed her boss out of her room.

Abimana looked away from Vera, he walked towards the place where his car was parked. Abimana did not waste his time, he hurriedly started his car engine by making the speed of his car as fast as possible.

Along the way, Abimana continued to learn to string words to make his wife feel happy. Yes, definitely romantic words, not just any words. Uhuy… I really want to have a husband like Abinama, who endlessly makes women smile. Abhimana was seen taking something from the nightstand of his car, a small red velvet object.

Wow, that must be a gold ring, or a diamond that he specially prepared for Alinea.

"I don't think this is complete yet, something is missing to be your friend." Abimana muttered to the red velvet box he was talking to.

Simultaneously, Abhimana saw a flower shop that seemed to be still open. Wow so lucky for that guy, because there are still flower shops that are still operating.

Abhimana stopped his car, then got down and bought the most beautiful and expensive bouquet of flowers for his wife.

It was enough, Abimana returned to drive his car. How happy Abimana is now, because he will give a special surprise for Alinea.

But suddenly, Abimana saw a woman deliberately blocking his oncoming car. He stood in front of the car to make his body hit by Abimana's car. It was clear that the front of Abimana's car hit the body of the woman who was desperate to die. Even though Abimana tried to dodge, he couldn't master the living iron power.

The woman appears to have fallen down after being hit by a car.

Not wanting himself to actually kill the woman, Abimana tried to avoid the woman's figure.


Abimana's car looks shaky, he deliberately makes his car crash into a tree on the side of the road. Until now his car was out of the way he was, the car no longer looks perfect now because the front of the car which looks quite shabby.