
Praposal Or Special

After eating dinner Anaya was going fir her room to sleep but she saw karan who is coming tawords her.

**Karan:** Hey, Anaya.

**Anaya:** Oh, hi, Karan.

**Karan:** Can we talk for a moment?

**Anaya:** Sure, what's up?

**Karan:** I just wanted to apologize for my mom's behavior earlier. She can be really harsh sometimes.

**Anaya:** It's okay, Karan. I understand. Family dynamics can be complicated.

**Karan:** Yeah, but that doesn't excuse her rudeness. I hope you're not too upset about it.

**Anaya:** *Smiling softly* I appreciate your concern, Karan. I'll be fine. Thank you for checking in.

**Karan:** No problem. Well, if you ever need someone to talk to or if there's anything I can do, just let me know.

**Anaya:** That's really kind of you, Karan. Thanks.

As Anaya headed to her room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth from Karan's genuine gesture of kindness.

**Karan:** Anaya, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now.

**Anaya:** Oh, what is it?

**Karan:** Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me sometime?

**Anaya:** *Taken aback* Uh, Karan, I...

**Karan:** Come on, Anaya. We could have a great time together if we doing hangouts togather. What do you think about that.

**Anaya:** *Nervously* Karan, I really appreciate the offer, but...

**Karan:** *Interjecting eagerly* Great! How about this weekend?

**Anaya:** *Pausing, feeling conflicted* Karan, I... I can't.

**Karan:** *Confused* Can't? Why not?

**Anaya:** *Hesitating* It's just... complicated. I... I can't explain right now.

**Karan:** *Looking disappointed* Okay, I understand. But if you ever change your mind, just let me know, alright?

**Anaya:** *Forced smile* Yeah, sure. Thanks, Karan.

As Anaya walked away, she felt guilty for not being able to be honest with Karan about her marital status, but she knew she had to respect her grandmother's wishes.

As Anaya retreated to her room, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling. She knew she had to talk to Grandma about this, but she also dreaded the conversation. Meanwhile, Karan stood there, puzzled by Anaya's response, but he decided to respect her wishes for now.

In her room, Anaya pondered over what to do next. She couldn't keep hiding the truth from Karan, but she also couldn't defy Grandma's instructions. Finally, she made up her mind to talk to Grandma the next morning.

The following day, Anaya mustered up the courage to approach Grandma. She found her sitting in the garden, sipping tea.

**Anaya:** Grandma, can I talk to you for a moment?

**Grandma:** *Looking up from her tea* Of course, dear. What's on your mind?

**Anaya:** *Taking a deep breath* It's about Karan. He asked me out on a date yesterday, and I didn't know how to respond.

**Grandma:** *Nodding knowingly* I see. And what did you tell him?

**Anaya:** I didn't tell him anything about us, about my marriage to Rudra. But I feel guilty for hiding it from him.

**Grandma:** *Sighing* I understand, Anaya. It's not an easy situation. But you must remember why we're keeping your marriage a secret for now. It's for your own safety and well-being.

**Anaya:** I know, Grandma, but... I just don't want to hurt anyone, especially Karan. He's a nice guy.

**Grandma:** *Placing a comforting hand on Anaya's shoulder* I know, dear. But sometimes, we must make difficult choices to protect ourselves and others. Trust me, it's for the best.


Anaya nodded, feeling reassured by Grandma's words. Deep down, she knew Grandma was right, but it didn't make the situation any easier. She resolved to handle things with Karan delicately, keeping their family's secret safe while also being truthful to him as much as she could.

Anaya found herself facing Karan in the garden, her heart pounding with apprehension. They had only met the day before, and now he seemed eager to talk to her again.

**Karan:** Hey, Anaya! I've been wanting to catch up with you.

**Anaya:** *Nervously* Hi, Karan. What's on your mind?

**Karan:** Well, about yesterday... I hope I didn't come on too strong with my invitation. I just thought it would be nice to spend some time together.

**Anaya:** *Taking a deep breath* No, not at all, Karan. It's just... there's something I need to tell you.

**Karan:** *Curiously* Oh? What is it?

**Anaya:** *Choosing her words carefully* I... I have someone special in my life.

Karan's expression shifted from confusion to surprise, and then to disappointment. Anaya could see the hurt in his eyes, and she felt a pang of guilt.

**Karan:** Someone special? You never mentioned that yesterday.

**Anaya:** I know, and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. It's just... it's a complicated situation, and I didn't know how to bring it up.

**Karan:** *Nodding* I understand. I appreciate your honesty, Anaya. I guess I should respect your relationship.

**Anaya:** *Grateful* Thank you, Karan. I hope this doesn't change things between us.

**Karan:** *Smiling weakly* No, of course not. We can still be friends, right?

**Anaya:** *Relieved* Yes, definitely. Friends.

As they parted ways, Anaya couldn't shake off the mixed emotions swirling inside her. She was relieved to have been honest with Karan, but she also couldn't shake off the guilt of hiding the truth from him for so long. She knew she had made the right choice, but it didn't make it any easier.

As Anaya walked away from Karan, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. She knew she had done the right thing by being honest with him, but she couldn't help but feel guilty for not revealing her marriage.

**Anaya:** *To herself* I hope I did the right thing. It's just... I couldn't tell him about Rudra. Not yet.

Lost in her thoughts, Anaya made her way back to her room, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. She knew she had to be careful, especially with Karan showing interest in her. But she also couldn't deny the flutter of excitement his attention brought.

Meanwhile, Karan stood in the garden, processing Anaya's revelation. He felt a twinge of disappointment knowing that she was already taken, but he also respected her honesty. Deep down, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her, but he knew he had to respect her boundaries.

**Karan:** *Thoughtfully* Anaya... she's something else. Maybe it's best if I keep my distance for now.

With a sigh, Karan decided to give Anaya the space she needed. He knew that whatever they had, it was complicated, and he didn't want to complicate it further.

Back in her room, Anaya found herself torn between her loyalty to Rudra and the unexpected feelings she harbored for Karan. She knew she had to tread carefully, but she couldn't ignore the flutter of excitement in her heart.

The next day, Anaya couldn't shake off the encounter with Karan from her mind. As she went about her day, her thoughts kept drifting back to their conversation in the garden. Despite her efforts to focus on her tasks, she found herself constantly distracted.

**Anaya:** *To herself* Why is he still on my mind? I need to focus. Rudra trusts me, and I can't betray that trust.

But try as she might, Anaya couldn't shake off the feeling of curiosity about Karan. She wondered what he was doing, whether he was thinking about her too, and if they would ever cross paths again.

Meanwhile, Karan was also grappling with his own thoughts. Despite his initial disappointment, he found himself unable to forget about Anaya. Her presence lingered in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

**Karan:** *To himself* Anaya... there's something about her. I need to find out more about her.

Determined to learn more about the mysterious Anaya, Karan decided to do some digging. He asked around discreetly, trying to gather any information he could about her. Little did he know, his quest for answers would lead to unexpected discoveries and challenges ahead.

As Rubi approached Ria and Anaya, she began inquiring about Rudra's favorite dish, hoping to impress Ria with her knowledge. Ria couldn't resist teasing Rubi, subtly mocking her attempts to win favor. However, Anaya couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of someone else vying for Rudra's attention.

**Rubi:** Hey, Ria! I heard Rudra loves Italian cuisine. Is that true?

**Ria:** Oh, really? I thought he was more of a sushi guy. You know, loves his Japanese food.

**Anaya:** (feeling a pang of jealousy) Um, actually, I think he enjoys a variety of cuisines. It's not just about one dish.

Ria noticed Anaya's reaction and exchanged a knowing glance with her. Rubi, unaware of the underlying tension, continued her attempts to impress Ria with her knowledge of Rudra's preferences. But Anaya's jealousy lingered, despite her efforts to brush it aside.

**To be continue**

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