
"Somthing secret"

At the Singhaniya's office there is lots of people who is running here and there is such a rush and Anaya still confused and ask Kunal who is standing beside her.

Anaya: *Kunal, why are they all in such a hurry?*

*She asks Kunal with a confused and curious look, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her head tilted to the side.*

Kunal: *Oh, you don't know about it?*

*He glances around at their colleagues, then looks back at Anaya with a small smile.*

*Today is the board leader's meeting with other members, so they must be preparing their work and projects. That's it.*

Anaya: *Oh, then let's go. Others are also waiting for us, right? We don't need to worry about meetings because we're just interns here.*

*She smiles brightly, her eyes crinkling at the corners, feeling a bit relieved.*

Kunal: *Yeah, you're right! Oh look, someone is coming...*

*He points with a slight nod, his expression turning curious as he spots someone approaching.*

*Anaya follows his gaze, her eyes widening slightly with interest and anticipation.*

Anaya: *Who could that be?*

*She wonders aloud, her voice soft and her eyes sparkling with curiosity, as she tries to see who Kunal is pointing at.*

Anaya: *Who could that be?*

*She wonders aloud, her voice soft and her eyes sparkling with curiosity, as she tries to see who Kunal is pointing at.*

*A tall, distinguished man in a sharp suit approaches them, exuding confidence. His hair is perfectly styled, and he has an air of authority about him.*

Kunal: *That's Mr. Mehta, the new board leader.*

*He whispers to Anaya, his tone respectful and a bit awed.*

Mr. Mehta: *Good morning, kunal. *

*He greets with a warm yet authoritative smile, his eyes scanning the room and settling briefly on Anaya and Kunal.*

Anaya: *Good morning, sir.*

*She responds politely, her voice steady but with a hint of nervousness, her eyes wide and attentive.*

Kunal: *Good morning, Mr. Mehta.*

*He echoes, standing a bit straighter, his demeanor respectful.*

Mr. Mehta: *Carry on with your work. It's going to be a busy day. I'll meet you at evening *

*He nods at them, his smile encouraging before he walks away, heading towards the conference room.*

Anaya: *Wow, he seems impressive.*

*She says, her voice filled with admiration, her eyes following Mr. Mehta until he disappears from sight.*

Kunal: *Yeah, he is. We should get going too.*

*He smiles at Anaya, his tone light and friendly, as he gestures for them to move towards their workstation.*

Anaya: *Right, let's not keep others waiting.*

*She nods, her smile returning, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity about the day's events as they walk together towards their team.*

*After some time, as they settle into their workstations, Anaya can't contain her curiosity any longer.*

Anaya: *Kunal, how did you know him? You've only been an intern for a few weeks, right? But he talked to you so respectfully...*

*She asks, her eyes full of curiosity, leaning slightly towards Kunal, waiting eagerly for his response.*

*Kunal looks a bit caught off guard by the question. He pauses for a moment, glancing around as if looking for a distraction.*

Kunal: *Oh, well, it's a long story...*

*He scratches the back of his head, giving a slightly nervous laugh.*

*Anyway, did you finish the report we were working on? I think we should double-check the figures before submitting it.*

Anaya: *Wait, you're changing the topic! Come on, tell me how you know him.*

*She insists, her tone playful yet determined, leaning closer and narrowing her eyes slightly in suspicion.*

Kunal: *Haha, maybe another time, Anaya.*

*He chuckles, trying to deflect the question with a friendly smile.*

*We really need to focus on our work right now. How about we grab coffee later and I'll tell you then?*

Anaya: *Hmm, fine. You owe me the full story over coffee!*

*She relents, giving him a mock serious look before breaking into a smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement.*

Kunal: *Deal. Now, let's get this done.*

*He grins back, relieved, and they both turn their attention to the task at hand, the mystery still lingering in the air.*

*Anaya agrees to Kunal's suggestion and starts working on her PC, but the thought still lingers in her mind. She can't stop thinking about the lady she saw earlier with Rudra, another colleague.*

*As she types away, she occasionally glances up, lost in thought, trying to piece together who the lady might be.*

Anaya: *Kunal, by the way, did you notice that lady with Mr. Singhaniya earlier?*

*She asks, trying to sound casual, but her curiosity is evident in her tone. Her eyes flicker with intrigue as she looks at Kunal.*

Kunal: *Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?*

*He replies, glancing up from his work, his eyebrows raised slightly in curiosity.*

Anaya: *I'm just wondering who she is. She seemed important, and Mr. Singhaniya was quite engaged in their conversation.*

*She leans back in her chair, her fingers tapping lightly on the desk, her mind clearly still preoccupied with the mystery.*

Kunal: *Hmm, I don't know either. But she did look like someone significant. Maybe she's from the board or a major client.*

*He speculates, his tone thoughtful, before focusing back on his screen.*

Anaya: *Maybe... It's just unusual. Mr Singhaniya doesn't usually look that tense.*

*She muses aloud, her gaze drifting towards Rudra's desk.*

*Kunal notices Anaya's continued distraction and decides to humor her a bit, hoping to put her mind at ease.*

Kunal: *Tell you what, during lunch, let's see if we can find out more. Maybe someone else knows who she is.*

*He suggests with a reassuring smile, trying to redirect her focus back to their work for now.*

Anaya: *Okay, sounds like a plan.*

*She nods, feeling a bit better with the promise of finding answers later, and tries to concentrate on her tasks, though the question still dances at the edge of her thoughts.*

*During lunch break, Anaya and Kunal decide to head towards Rudra's office, hoping to satisfy their curiosity about the mysterious lady. They find Rudra at his desk, reviewing some documents.*

Anaya: *Hey Rudra, got a minute?*

*She asks with a friendly smile, stepping into the room with Kunal following behind. Her tone is casual, but her eyes are full of curiosity.*

Rudra: *Sure, what's up?*

*He looks up from his papers, offering a welcoming smile. His demeanor is professional yet approachable.*

Kunal: *We were just wondering about something we saw earlier.*

*He starts, glancing at Anaya for a brief moment before continuing.*

*Who was that lady you were talking to this morning? She seemed pretty important.*

*Rudra's expression shifts slightly, a mix of surprise and hesitation crossing his face. He leans back in his chair, considering his words carefully.*

Rudra: *Oh, that was Ms. Kapoor. She's one of the senior consultants brought in for the board meeting today.*

*He finally says, his tone measured. There's a hint of respect in his voice as he speaks about her.*

Anaya: *Ms. Kapoor? What's her role exactly?*

*She presses gently, her eyes widening with interest, as she takes a seat opposite Rudra.*

Rudra: *She's an expert in strategic management. The board brought her in to advise on a few critical projects we're working on. She's got a reputation for turning companies around.*

*He explains, his voice steady, though there's a slight edge of admiration.*

Kunal: *That makes sense. No wonder she seemed so significant.*

*He nods, understanding dawning on his face.*

Anaya: *Wow, that's impressive. No wonder you seemed so focused when talking to her.*

*She remarks, her curiosity now satisfied but with a new sense of respect for Ms. Kapoor.*

Rudra: *Yeah, she's definitely someone to learn from. Anyway, enough about that. How are your projects coming along?*

*He shifts the conversation smoothly, his tone friendly as he directs his attention back to Anaya and Kunal.*

Anaya: *They're going well, thanks! Just trying to keep up with everything.*

*She smiles, feeling more at ease now, and ready to focus back on their work.*

Kunal: *Yeah, we should get back to it. Thanks for the info, Rudra.*

*He grins, giving a small nod of appreciation