
"Riding into Friendship"

Anaya stirred from her sleep, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Blinking away the remnants of her dreams, she reached out instinctively for Rudra, expecting to find him beside her. But her hand met only empty space, sending a pang of disappointment through her heart.

Anaya: *murmuring sleepily* "Rudra?"

There was no response, only the stillness of the room. Confusion clouded her mind as she sat up in bed, searching for any sign of her husband.

Anaya: *calling out louder* "Rudra?"

But the silence remained unbroken, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

Anaya: *thoughts racing* "Where could he be?"

With a sense of unease gnawing at her, Anaya swung her legs over the side of the bed and rose to her feet. She padded across the room, her steps faltering as she realized that Rudra's side of the bed was untouched, the sheets still neatly folded.

Anaya: *voice trembling* "Did he leave?"

A wave of hurt washed over her, mingled with confusion and disappointment. Today was supposed to be their one-month anniversary, a day they had both been looking forward to. But instead of waking up to celebration and love, Anaya found herself alone, with no explanation for Rudra's absence.

Anaya: *tears welling up* "Why didn't he wish me?"

The weight of his silence pressed down on her, suffocating her with its enormity. She felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.

Anaya: *whispering brokenly* "Did he forget?"

Her heart ached with longing for Rudra, for the connection they shared, and the promises they had made to each other. But in that moment, all she felt was a profound sense of loneliness, a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Anaya: *voice barely above a whisper* "I miss him."

With a heavy sigh, Anaya sank onto the edge of the bed, her shoulders slumping with defeat. She buried her face in her hands, the weight of her emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

Anaya: *voice choked with emotion* "What did I do wrong?"

But deep down, she knew that it wasn't about her actions or her worth. It was about the unspoken promises, the silent expectations, and the bond that had been broken by Rudra's absence on their special day.

Anaya: *heart aching* "I just want to understand."

But as the minutes stretched into hours, with no sign of Rudra's return, Anaya realized that some questions would remain unanswered, some wounds would remain unhealed, and some anniversaries would remain uncelebrated.

With a heavy heart, Anaya retreated into herself, seeking solace in the quiet solitude of her room. And as she waited for Rudra's return, she couldn't help but wonder if their love would be enough to bridge the distance that had suddenly grown between them.

As the hours passed, Anaya's heart weighed heavy with a mix of emotions—hurt, confusion, and longing. She couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment, the unanswered questions swirling in her mind like a storm.

Anaya: *whispering to herself* "Did he forget about our anniversary? Or is there something more?"

Her thoughts raced, searching for any semblance of an explanation for Rudra's absence on what was supposed to be a day filled with love and celebration. Yet, the silence from his end only deepened the mystery, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Anaya: *voice trembling* "I wish he had just told me... Whatever it is."

With a heavy heart, Anaya rose from the bed, her steps slow and hesitant as she made her way to the window. She gazed out at the world beyond, the familiar sights now tinged with a sense of loneliness.

Anaya: *softly* "Where are you, Rudra?"

The unanswered question hung in the air, a testament to the growing distance between them. Anaya couldn't help but wonder if their love was strong enough to weather this storm, or if it would crumble under the weight of their unspoken fears and doubts.

Anaya: *voice filled with determination* "I need to talk to him. We can't let this come between us."

With newfound resolve, Anaya reached for her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she dialed Rudra's number. She held her breath, waiting for him to pick up, hoping against hope that he would answer and provide some semblance of clarity.

But the phone rang and rang, each unanswered tone echoing the emptiness in Anaya's heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that Rudra wasn't picking up, further fueling her fears and insecurities.

Anaya: *voice breaking* "Please, Rudra... Where are you?"

Her words hung in the air, unanswered and unheard, as Anaya grappled with the overwhelming sense of loss that threatened to consume her. She felt a wave of loneliness wash over her, a stark reminder of the void that Rudra's absence had left in her life.

Anaya: *whispering to herself* "I can't do this alone."

With a heavy heart, Anaya sank to her knees, her tears flowing freely now as she allowed herself to feel the full weight of her emotions. In that moment of vulnerability, she realized that she needed Rudra more than ever, and she could only hope that he would come back to her, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.


As Anaya freshened up and changed into her office clothes, her mind raced with thoughts of the missed anniversary. She couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment, but she pushed it aside, focusing instead on the tasks of the day ahead.

Anaya descended the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. She paused for a moment, glancing around the familiar surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone who might acknowledge the significance of the day.

Anaya: *to herself* "Maybe someone remembered..."

But the house remained eerily quiet, the absence of any celebratory atmosphere only serving to deepen Anaya's sense of solitude. She felt a pang of sadness in her chest, a reminder of the distance that had suddenly sprung up between her and Rudra.

Anaya: *voice barely above a whisper* "Did he forget? Or did he choose to ignore it?"

The unanswered questions gnawed at her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. She longed for some sign, some indication that their love was still strong enough to weather this storm.

Anaya made her way to the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. She poured herself a cup, the warmth of the liquid soothing her frayed nerves. But even the comforting embrace of the coffee couldn't dispel the sense of unease that lingered within her.

Anaya: *sipping her coffee* "Maybe I'm overthinking it..."

But deep down, she knew that her feelings were valid, that the hurt she felt was real. She couldn't simply brush it aside, pretending that everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.

Anaya: *resolute* "I need to talk to Rudra. We can't let this come between us."

With determination in her heart, Anaya finished her coffee and made her way to the door. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that lay ahead. Whatever the outcome, she knew that they needed to address the elephant in the room and find a way to move forward, together.

Anaya stepped out into the bright morning sunlight, her mind focused on the road ahead. As she drove to the office, she couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring and whether she and Rudra would be able to find their way back to each other.


As Anaya stepped out of the house and headed towards her way to office ,lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapping around her from behind.

Startled, she turned around to see Ria, her bestfriend, standing there with a mischievous grin on her face.

Ria: cheerfully "Hello, bhabhi!"Anaya couldn't help but smile at Ria's exuberance, the warmth of her embrace melting away some of the tension that had been building inside her.

Anaya: returning the hug "Good morning, Ria. You startled me!

"Ria: playfully "Sorry about that! But I couldn't resist giving my beautiful bhabhi a surprise hug."

Anaya turned to Ria with a puzzled expression, her brow furrowing in confusion at the unexpected term of endearment.

Anaya: curiously "Ria, since when did you start calling me 'bhabhi' instead of Anaya? Aren't we classmates and best friends?

"Ria's eyes widened in realization, a sheepish grin spreading across her face as she realized her slip-up."

Ria: chuckling "Oops! My bad, Anaya. I guess I got a little carried away with the whole 'bhabhi' thing.

Force of habit, you know?"Anaya couldn't help but laugh at Ria's explanation, relieved to know that it was just a harmless mistake.

Anaya: smirking "I'll let it slide this time, Ria. But don't make a habit of it, you also getting late na ?

"Ria: playfully rolling her eyes "As if, Anaya! You know I also getting late for my office can you please drop me... Please.....

""Anaya:- awwww my baby.. ofcourse I drop you ..""

"The two friends shared a laugh, the tension from earlier dissipating in the warmth of their easy camaraderie.

Anaya: grateful "Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face, Ria. Even on days like today.

"Ria: grinning "That's what best friends are for, right? Now go kick some butt at the office, Anaya. And if Rudra gives you any trouble, just let me know. I'll come over and give him a piece of my mind!

"Anaya: laughing "I'll keep that in mind, Ria. Thanks."

Anaya decided to take her bike to the office, preferring the freedom of the open road to the confines of her car. As she prepared to leave the mansion.

Ria :- Anaya we are going on bike. But whet uf rudra knows about.it..

Anaya:- he allowed me to use bikes so we are going on this bike oki.. (she sai With naughty smile...).

Anaya: "Sure thing, Ria! Hop on."With Ria settled behind her, Anaya kicked off the stand and revved the engine, the familiar rumble of the bike filling the air.

As they rode out of the mansion gates, Anaya felt a sense of liberation wash over her, the wind whipping through her hair and the sun warming her skin.

Anaya: calling back to Ria "Hold on tight!"

Ria laughed in response, her arms wrapping around Anaya's waist as they navigated the streets together. The ride was exhilarating, the thrill of the open road mingling with the joy of shared laughter and conversation.

Anaya: grinning "Isn't this better than sitting in traffic?

"Ria: gleefully "Definitely! Thanks for letting me join you, Anaya. This is just what I needed.

"Anaya: smiling "Anytime, Ria. You're always welcome to ride with me."As they made their way to the office, Anaya couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these—simple, carefree, and filled with the warmth of friendship.

With Ria by her side, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have someone to share the journey with.

**To Be Continue**

Anaya couldn't help but marvel at the easy banter she shared with Ria, a testament to the strength of their friendship. In moments like these, filled with laughter and camaraderie, she found solace amidst the chaos of her daily life. With Ria by her side, she knew she could weather any storm that came her way.

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sorry for late updates reader's , I apologise but soon I upload next chapter in few days..

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