
Forced Marriage to a Foreign Duke

On hiatus, may continue story in the future. Princess Jade the 7th Princess of the Muterra Kingdom is being forced to marry someone against her will. Her eldest brother the current King, jealous of her talent and the love the people have for her. Arranges for her to be married to a Duke of a foreign nation far, far away from her home. Distraught and pained she is set to leave in 3 days across the grand sea to be wed to someone she does not know and with a terrible reputation. How will this marriage turn out? Is the Duke really as horrifying as the rumours suggest?

Sword_immortal1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Castor's advice

"Regarding this marriage that your brother has arranged." Jade shivered the moment Castor brought it up but stayed silent allowing him to continue. She trusted her master's words, ever since her father died, her master had been her most important person. The one she relied on, complained to, gave her support in her times of need.

"In my opinion you shouldn't be so quick to trust rumours that float in the noble circle, your betrothed may not be the monster that he's portrayed as." Castor spoke softly trying to be optimistic about this situation, but Jade was not buying it. She knew of the rumours and yes, they were probably exaggerated but that wasn't the point. She wished to marry for love, not be forced and used as some political bargaining chip by her brother. She loved her nation and would gladly fight and risk her life for it, but this wasn't that. Damien was just getting rid of her, the further from Muterra the better. There was no glory or honour in this marriage, it was born from petty jealously.

Jade pulled away from Castor's chest and glared at him, revealing her opinion on the matter.

"Cough cough alright I get it, I get it…then look at this way. Ignoring the fact that it's a political marriage, you'd be able to finally leave Muterra and for a much more advanced and powerful empire. I'm sure they'll have technology and magic that you can't even fathom." Castor tried to come at the problem from another angle, ignoring the duke and focusing on the Zoroba empire instead.

Jade was the most gifted student Castor ever had and she'd soon surpass even him, there wasn't much left he could teach her. By going to Zoroba her talent in magic and technology could shine even brighter, she'd no longer be restrained by Muterra's limitations. Zoroba had a much greater access to magic and technology than Muterra and they didn't discriminate between men and women in that regard. Therefore, Jade would be able to pursue her passions, she could live how she wished, as long as you forget the whole forced marriage part but that was in a way just part of being royalty.

"In my opinion this could actually be a great boon for you and a horrible mistake, one of many made by your brother." Castor looked his student in the eyes hoping that she'd be able to see the good in this situation, but he was a bit too ambitious. Although Jade was incredibly talented and intelligent, she was still just a young girl whose entire life was just ripped apart by one she used to affectionately call elder brother. She'd need time.

"Haaaaaaaa" Castor sighed deeply, knowing that he wasn't getting through to her, but he didn't expect to not yet anyway. Jade had stopped crying, but she still looked upset and distressed. Unable to truly see her master's point of view.

Castor waved his hand and summoned something with his magic, it was a large hoverboard, Jade's hoverboard.

"Griffin!" Jade instantly perked up when she saw her prized hoverboard, she'd customised it herself but was deprived of it by the King for some stupid and petty reason. She thought she'd never see it again.

Hoverboarding was one of her favourite pastimes, a great stress reliever. Flying at incredible speed through the air with the wind at your feet, the rush was intoxicating. She grabbed her board from Castor and rubbed her cheeks against it, holding it in close, it brought her some solace within this dark period.

"Go Jade, fly as your heart dictates and then make your choice. No matter what it is, I'll stand by you little one" Castor spoke with a gentle smile. He waved his hand casting what appeared to be some kind of illusion spell. A fake Jade appeared lying on her bed, he'd cover for her.

"Thank you master, thank you!" Feeling much happier Jade ran over to her window with Griffin in hand. She was pretty high up considering her station, falling out the window from such a height would easily kill someone. But she wasn't just anyone and she was armed with a board.

"I've already spoke to Collin; he'll guard you just in case." Eventually Jade would be discovered but now that she was being shipped off to Zoroba, Damien should be a little more lenient, as long as she didn't try anything funny. Having Collin, her assigned royal guard with her would help to justify the escape. She was just cooling off/ celebrating her engagement.

"Got it master thanks again, see ya!" With joy now in her voice she leaped from the window , plummeting to the ground yet she was smiling. When she was flying, she could forget all her troubles. When her mother died, she flew, when her father died, she flew, when her pet died, she flew, every time she did, she'd feel happy as though the pain was washed away. Hopefully this time would be the same.

"Yahoooooo!" Jade shouted and placed the board underneath her and channelled her mana into the customised mana engine causing it to brim to life. The board shone blue as intricate markings came to life and a bright sail made of mana extended out. She grabbed hold and stamped down with her back foot, a jet of mana fire burned from the back, and she was off. Pulling against the sail she flew away into the distance, towards Forton forest.

Castor was left in the room, he watched her fly off into the distance with a complicated expression.

"Haaaaa Jack, you left this world too soon." Castor thought of his old friend, the previous King, Jade's father before sighing and teleporting away. There was a few people he needed to see depending on how this situation went down.

Back to the present

Jade had slowed down to cruising speed allowing Collin, her royal guard as well as his subordinates to catch up. She had flown enough; her mind was clear, and she could make a logical decision in how to proceed but first.

Collin pulled up beside her, his eyes filled with pity. He'd heard what was going on and it filled him with rage, but he was a mere guard, unable to stop this transgression against his Princess.

"Collin" Jade spoke his name with a slight quiver. She trusted Collin a lot, they were long-time friends.

"Yes, my Princess." He frowned knowing what she was about to ask. The other guards decided to look the other way or chat amongst themselves, sort of giving them privacy but not really. Jade appreciated the thought though.

"What do you think about this whole arranged marriage that my brother the King has decreed for me?" She tried to stay calm, but her fists were clenched as she spoke, her rage was still there.

"Haaaaaaa...do you want my honest opinion Princess?" Collin sighed before replying. He'd thought about how to answer this question the entire time they were out here, flying through the trees.

Jade frowned before nodding, she needed honesty.

"Although I have great anger towards the King for this action and know that it wasn't made for the benefit country but purely out of spite." Collin slammed his fist on the hovercraft's dashboard and spoke through clenched teeth.

"….But I agree with sir Castor, this will be beneficial for you. You'll be able to truly grow and use your talents, plus you won't be alone." Collin agreed with Castor, the benefits for his Princess would far outweigh the cons. And wherever his Princess goes he would go, he was her guard and that wouldn't change even if she marries into another kingdom. He also wasn't one to believe in the rumours of high society but even if the Duke of Zoroba was a monster his soon to be wife wasn't exactly normal either. He looked at his charge, although she was pretty and appeared as though she was a weak little girl, her magic abilities were nearly unrivalled with only Castor surpassing her. Even him a royal guard wouldn't stand much of chance against her in combat. His job was actually pretty unnecessary given her abilities.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa" Jade let out a long sigh while rubbing her hair back and forth, frizzing it up. Two of her most trusted people both said that this forced marriage was a good thing for her but the key point that both of them were dodging was her future husband. They spoke about how good this life would be in regards to her magic enhancement and being able to experience new technology but completely evaded the fact that she'd be marrying someone she'd never met. Even if his reputation was somewhat fake and misleading, she still hadn't met this man, yet she was supposed to share her entire life with him. That was crazy in her opinion.

She wasn't exactly naive but she'd yet to even have her first kiss, her first date or even a first crush so jumping straight into marriage, the idea was daunting to say the least. Plus, this was an idea formulated by her insufferable elder brother, how could it possibly be good. She started yanking on her hair due to the stress but at least she could think a bit clearer now that she'd gotten some space and fresh air.