
Forced Marriage to a Foreign Duke

On hiatus, may continue story in the future. Princess Jade the 7th Princess of the Muterra Kingdom is being forced to marry someone against her will. Her eldest brother the current King, jealous of her talent and the love the people have for her. Arranges for her to be married to a Duke of a foreign nation far, far away from her home. Distraught and pained she is set to leave in 3 days across the grand sea to be wed to someone she does not know and with a terrible reputation. How will this marriage turn out? Is the Duke really as horrifying as the rumours suggest?

Sword_immortal1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: The Duke's manor

Banuun's docks were not as busy as that of Muterra's plus the fact that a serious contingent of Zorobaian soldiers were standing in formation didn't help generate a happy atmosphere. A bunch of citizens could be seen hiding in the distance wary to approach, the military within civilian districts always made people nervous.

"Haaaaaa I guess they're here for me." Jade sighed as she approached the armed soldiers. Her own contingent excluding Collin were seriously outmatched in their auras. These were true soldiers, experienced in the art of killing.

One of the colder and fiercer looking soldiers moved ahead to greet Jade, he was clearly the leader.

"Princess Jade of the Muterra kingdom?"

"That's me, are you the escort from Zoroba?" She'd been informed before leaving Muterra that a squad of soldiers from the Lionheim household would escort her to her new home once they reached the western continent.

"Yes, Princess my name is Zacov a Captain under the lord Duke's command. He dispatched us to safely escort you to the Duchy. Milord is excited to meet you Princess, he's heard many great things about you."

"Hoh! how lovely, I'm keen to meet my new husband as well." Jade replied with a curt smile, she truly was interested, and didn't expect that the famously cold Duke Lionheim to know much about her.

'The captain's probably just praising for the sake of being nice.'

"He'll be happy to hear that, please we've arranged a carriage for you. Your contingent can follow behind, we'll take care of your protection." Zacov spoke with pride, confident in the strength of his men. The Duke had chosen Zacov specifically to escort his new wife and it filled him with pride.

"Thank you, Captain Zacov, I'm sure you and your men are reliable, but I'll keep my royal guard nearby, I trust them with my life." Jade was not one to insult her own people. If she gave up her protection to those of Zoroba, her authority would be questioned. She and the Muterra Kingdom were not to be treated as weak.

"Ugh," not expecting such a harsh response Zacov stuttered, his lips twitching. He didn't mean to come off as offensive, insulting the capabilities of Muterra.

"….Ah, of course as you wish Princess, my apologies." Zacov bowed low in apology, he didn't want to anger her since she'd be his second boss soon.

Jade smiled gently but her aura was forceful, Collin sniggered by her side, enjoying the sight. Zacov moved to the side allowing Jade and Collin to enter the carriage which was incredibly lavish.

"Well, the Duke certainly didn't cheap out with this carriage." Jade couldn't help but be impressed. There was no horses or other creatures pulling the front. No this was a carriage of Zoroba, it ran through mana technology. The carriage was silver in colour, made of some kind of mana rich metal that allowed the carriage to float in the air without making a single sound, it was magnificent. Far more advanced than any other transport vehicle Jade had ever seen. Even her Griffin which she customised herself still gave off sound when being used.

"Cough cough" Collin had to fake cough to stop Jade from taking apart and reverse engineer the carriage right here. It wouldn't do good for his Princess's image to start tinkering on the street.

Although reluctant she did stop and reorganised herself before alighting the carriage in a graceful manner. Collin followed closely after her joining her in the carriage. The rest of her contingent joined up with the Zorobaian soldiers, arranging themselves into a guarding formation before the large procession made way to Zoroba's capital, Solus.

This journey was far more boring than the voyage, although there was lots to see out the window none of the Zorobaian soldiers were up for chatting. They all coldly performed their duties, never interacting with her, all serious. She wanted to gleam some more info about the Lionheim household or even Zoroba, but they were silent on the topic. It was dull plus Collin didn't allow her to examine the carriage they were riding on. Constantly teased by something interesting yet unable to enjoy it, her mood became more and more irritated as they travelled.

2 days later Jade arrived in the Lionheim Duchy and what was before her was far more amazing than she could ever imagine. Zoroba, well the Lionheim Duchy was far, far more advanced technology wise that Muterra. Hovercraft vehicles could been seen everywhere, hovertrains connected most of the territory, yet the natural environment wasn't culled. Patches of beautiful green plant life could still be seen dotted around throughout. The buildings were tall, some even reaching the clouds, all with interesting aesthetics, much to her admiration as a mana engineer.

Then there was the defences, high metallic walls covered in mana runes for added strength surrounded the Duchy for protection, yet it didn't look claustrophobic or imposing but safe. Along the walls she could even see mana cannons similar to the ones of the Damocles yet larger and more advanced, as well as many other types of weaponry she'd never heard of. Patrolling soldiers could be seen on the walls garbed in what looked like some kind of battle suit, Jade was in love. This place was heaven for someone like her. The moment she saw this sight she no longer cared about the Duke's reputation, even is he was an absolute demon she'd be fine with it, just as long as she could live and learn in this beautiful place.

"Princess you might want to compose yourself before we arrive at the Duke's mansion." Collin spoke with a mocking tone, struggling not to laugh. Jade at this moment had her face pressed up against the glass and a mad fervent look in her eyes, very unbecoming of the 7th Princess of Muterra.

"Oh, stuff it Collin! I can act however I wish, why should I care about how I come across. I'm finally free, no more will I constrain myself, I'm going to have so much fun here!" Instead of composing herself and agreeing with her friend Jade fiercely rebuffed him and was having none of it. What did she care if she came across as non-Princess like that wasn't her and it was about time, she stopped pretending. If the Duke doesn't like it then too bad.

"Alright, alright I'll stop nagging, you're old enough to make your own choices, act like a crazy mana geek if you wish." Collin shook his head and sighed yet was incredibly happy. Finally, his Princess could be true to herself without worrying about how her siblings and her people viewed her. She was no longer a Princess of Muterra but a soon to be Duchess. Less responsibility.

"Hmph! Better a mana geek than an alcoholic Casanova." Jade hmphed as she teased her royal guard. The two of them had very different personalities and interests but got along so well, a perfect team.

The two of them laughed without restraint. The dour mood of the 2 day carriage ride was erased easily.

The carriage convey travelled for another 2 hours before they came to the Lionheim estate. Jade was almost bursting thanks to the amazing sights she saw throughout the city, Solus was truly the mecca of mana technology. Luckily although she had her face smooshed against the window for the entire time, the glass was tinted preventing the outside from seeing in otherwise she would have definitely caused a commotion.

The carriage came to a stop outside the front of the Duke's manor, a battalion of servants, maids and butlers presented themselves, lining up outside the front door ready to greet the new Duchess.

Zacov moved towards Jade's carriage and knocked on the door.

"Princess we've arrived at the Duke's manor."

"Thank you, Captain Zacov," Jade composed herself a little, casting a quick clean up spell to remove her drool and fix her make-up. She couldn't meet her soon to be husband looking like a mess after all.

Collin opened the carriage door and stepped out before taking Jade's hand and helping her down acting like a true loyal guard.

The moment her face was visible.

"We greet the future Duchess." Each of the servants, maids, and butlers of the Lionheim household bowed towards her and spoke with respect. Jade was unfazed, she was used to such treatment back in Muterra.

"Thank you all, it's a pleasure to be here, please rise." She spoke with a regal aura befitting that of a Princess, bringing smiles to the servants. The previous Duchesses were incredibly arrogant and dismissive of the staff, yet Jade thanked them, it was a pleasant change. Jade gained a lot of points without even knowing it.

An older gentlemen walked ahead, this was the head butler of the manor, Jacob.

"Greetings your Highness, my name is Jacob and I'm the head butler for the manor, please allow me to show you around. The master will be home in a few hours, you can join him for dinner." Jacob spoke with respect, he too was quite pleased with Jade. She was beautiful and kind, with a heart-warming smile, his master was a lucky man.