
chapter 1

"Riya baby wake up, you have school to attend" said arjun.

Chubby girl Riya even through she's awaken but gave no reaction to her handsome dada because she's angry with him. She lost her mother in an early age. she's little princess to her Dada (daddy).

Yesterday night arjun made a mistake in recognising his wife photo, when Riya showed him as a surprise. (Why! he was not able to recognise, in coming days you will be knowing?)

"oh oh baby your going to miss your dance class" said arjun tried his best to change her mood.

Even after not receiving any reply from his cutie pie. He was fully confused how to make her forget about photo incident. He through a age five kid cannot understand. Suddenly see towards kichen, he got an idea.

Arjun told "Cutie pie, I will cook your favourite banana cake" and he left his princess with a frown inside her blanket.

Riya is a chubby and fair five year old kid like her mother. She loves to dance and eat, majorly banana cake and ice cream are her weakness. she's thinking this time I shouldn't give up to my temptation. Daddy made a big mistake. I'm not going to get bribed like usually.

when she smells banana cake smell in air, she rans towards kitchen forgetting fully why she's angry.

"Dada, Dada, it's smells too gud. I wanna have it. My little demon hungry" she shows her stomach which gives sounds.

After half an hour, seeing his angel having her favourite cake he felt relieved. he will think sorry Riya never you will be know that your not my daughter.

"baby if you finished let's go to dance class, later we will buy you little cute cute princess dresses okay" said Arjun. " love you Dada" she gets happy.

Both father and daughter left for the dance class and later to shopping. As promised to his daughter he buyed her all chubby dresses.

"Dada when your going shop" she asks innocently forgetting it's Saturday his cake shop will be on holiday. "baby today it's Saturday dear, I will spend my full day with you" he told.

Lisening this she will get happy. Seeing ice cream shop in far she calls her Dada to go there and pulls him. As arjun carrying full new princess cloth, kid shoes and his own new shoe. he will slow down his walk and his daughter walks in front of ice cream shop.

Riya gets bumped to a lady. she told sorry by rolling her eyes. lady with laugh kisses her on cheeks and turns to seeing with whom this kid roaming. Riya turns towards arjun and call "dada". Arjun comes near his daughter and gets shocked with a name "chanchal"..

When Chanchal had eye contact with arjun, she will frown, happy, sad, etc. she will control her tear. when she hears the small call him has dada. she will get more and more sad. she thinks a incident of them. "hey babe, I will make you happiest women in this world, your my world dear, we will be together for next few births. I would love to ask this will you become mom to my future kids with you" said arjun.

After hearing her name again she will come back from her past and sees her friend Swathi. she will search for arjun & that kid. Not finding him, she thinks again you ran away arjun, your a coward to not face me.


He's handsome, most girls dream boy even before 6 years and now also. For Riya future sake, he left all the richness, his family, love & friends. Riya mother left her with him to take care of her as guardian and father. due to his childish mistake he became Riya father and lost all. this so called mistake no body knows even Riya mother.


After her dealth now she knows. She wants arjun to leave all past and move on. seeing his love for her daughter. (Riya mother priya ghost through).

note:- if any mistake kindly sorry, first time writing a novel.