
Chapter One: Aden's Death

Annalise's memory, Aden's murder


" I think I should be going home. Aden's waiting for me, and I promised her we'd have movie night." I said to Cayley, my best friend.

"Okay." Cayley and I are hanging out in her room, debating whether or not she should get her hair cut. Cayley's long brown hair falls to her waist, and her mom's been pushing her to get it cut shorter.

"I think you should listen to your mom. Get it cut to shoulder length, at least." I say on my way out. I walk out the door, pausing to wave to her. The car waits for me in the driveway. Next to the car waits my butler, Isaac. Before dad died, one of the last things he did was hire Isaac. Isaac's father used to work for us before he died in a car accident. Isaac is young, 22, I think.He's more a like a big brother than a butler.

The drive home is silent, all except for a random song. We arrive back home within the next 15 minutes. The driveway is empty. No surprise. After dad died, mom left. I don't know why, but every time I come home, I always expect mom's car to be there. Like she's waiting for me. Just like she used to.

I get out of the car and start walking down the long driveway. Another one of our cars is in the driveway. I hear something. I walk to the car, with Isaac behind me. When I reach the car, I scream. Aden's been stabbed.

She's not unconscious and is breathing heavily. She's laying down in the passenger seat, a knife in her chest. I open the car door and sit in the driver's seat. I already know she's going to be dead within minutes.

"Aden, can you hear me?" I say.

"Anna? Is that you" Her voice comes out forced, and it hurts me to see her in so much pain.

"Yes. I'm right here. You're going to be just fine, I promise," I lie. "Did you see who did this?"

"He was tall, very buff. I couldn't see his face, but he said something to me that I couldn't understand. He had a heavy Russian accent."She looks like she wants to say more, but it clearly hurts her and she's already using almost all of her strength to talk.

"I love you, Aden," I say. I grip her hand. She doesn't have enough strength to say more, but her eyes say it all. She smiles. Then I know she's dead.

"Call the police," I say to Isaac, who was standing close by.

Isaac calls the police. After a few minutes, I hear police sirens close by. When they get here, they question Isaac about what happened. I can't hear all of the conversations, but it sounds like Isaac is telling the policeman about when we first got home.

A woman walks up to me. She's tall, with dark skin, black hair and grey eyes.

"Are you her older sister?" The woman asks.

I nod. Aden and I look alike, with the same black hair and bright green eyes. The only that's different is that Aden has freckles and I don't.

"Was she conscious when you got home?" She asks.

I nod again.

"Could she talk?"

I nod. "Barely."

"Did she say anything about who did this?"

"She couldn't see his face, but she did say that he was tall, buff and had a thick Russian accent."

"Any other details?"


In the background, I notice a woman taking Aden's body out of the car. I rush over there. "Wait," I say. I take the locket Aden wears around her neck. It has a picture of the two of us. I slip off the ring dad gave her. "Can I at least take these?" I ask. I  know I probably can't, but I need something personal of hers. Just one small piece of my little sister.

The woman gives me a sympathetic look. "I lost one of my siblings, too." She says. "You can keep them, but don't tell anyone I let you keep them, or else I'll be in trouble  with my boss."

"Thank you," I say quietly.

I walk over to the steps on the front porch and sit down. Everything else blends into the background, except for me and Aden's jewelry. I clutch the necklace in my hand. "He won't get away with this. I promise. I'll make sure he pays for what he did to you." I'm going to find him. I don't care how far away he gets, I'll find him. And kill him. I don't care how big he is, or how good at fighting he is. I will kill him. Slowly. I'll make him suffer. Just like he did to me and Aden.