

Jimi solade is the brightest student in the star at the elite Forcados high school. He has a good look, brains and is the captain of the football team. It's his last year in senior secondary, and together with his friends- the sweethearted and devout Nene and Ansa the nerdy art genius- he's determined it's going to be his best year yet. But Jimi's rogue brother, wole, is back - which means trouble can't be far behind.then there's Efua, the beautiful and mysterious new girl in class who seems to have no time for boys. And when Jimi's mother falls I'll, he realises that things are about to change- and not necessarily in a good way. can the smooth and confident Jimi handle this tumultuous final year, or will it be too much even for him? A funny and brutally honest story about tolerance, self-discovery, family, friendship and life on the brink of adulthood.

slim_hq · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter one

It was early in the morning and still dark when Jimi solade woke up to someone shaking him roughly.

'jimi'! he jerked fully awake at the sound of that familiar voice.it was his brother.

'wole' Jimi said in surprise.

yes, it's me,' and his brother smiled in a way that showed only his upper teeth.

'Man! what...? Jimi began. they looked at each other, delighted.

'no greeting, little bro?' wole smiled again.

'sorry, does anyone know you're here. Does daddy....?

Jimi did not complete the sentence; instead he embraced his brother tightly. 'I've missed you!'

wole was thinner. Jimi could feel it.

Mum knows I'm here,' wole said. He too did not mention their father. just then, the alarm clock sounded.it was time to Jimi to get up and he released his brother.

'Go on, get ready for school,' wole said , stretching on the bed .

'At least you seem happy to see me.' he looked round the room at the carelessly flung shirts,jeans and boxer shorts over the chair, to the poster of the Manchester United football team on the wall above Jimi's bed. A typical boy's room. another worn-out poster of Tupac shakur was pasted on the opposite wall.

'i didn't remove it even though it's an eyesore,' Jimi said, grinning ' everything's just as you left it.'

wole squeezed Jimi's arm lightly.

He picked up something from bedside table beside Jimi's music CDs, chemistry and mathematics textbooks. 'man, this is some watch. must have cost a mountain. you always get all the nicest things, why...?

' wole, don't touch my watch..'.

'what's your problem? can't I look at the watch?'

'im sorry bro,' Jimi muttered. 'I'm glad to see you back-----really----but you know....'

' my cute, spoilt little brother...you grow taller everyone I see you.' wole got up walked towards the door. don't worry about the old bear. better get ready for school Er---i took some cash from your drawer,hope you don't mind.'

sighing,Jimi plodded to the bathroom. trust his brother to always collect things, but he was happy he was back .it was a new day and the beginning of his final year at school. like his brother,he was as tall and long-limbed as an athlete, though, unlike his brother, he had dimples when he smiled. he was sixteen years old and he was already sprouting a beard. he flexed his right arm noting that he had developed muscles.


he whistled as he took his shower, refusing to think about morning's surprise.the reason why was a long story;to long to think about on a brand new day.

as Jimi ate his breakfast of moin-moin and brown pap,wole sat on the sofa watching early morning cartoon on television.their mother was in the kitchen with risikat, their househelp.

it was like any other morning ---- peaceful, almost as if wole had never left. then Mr solade came out of his bed room, yawning. he was tall and well-built man with a head shaved bald. he wore a loose caftan over his bulging tummy.

'kemi....' he began and then stopped short and rubbed his eye,and rubbed them again just to make sure.

' good morning, papa,' wole said and, as an afterthought,prostrated himself. he sounded as if he was enjoying himself..

'what are you doing here?' his father said in a strangled voice.

Mrs solade came running out of the kitchen. 'good mornin, dear. just relax and let me explain....'

Jimi knew his father wouldn't listen.

'what is this good-for-nothing doing in my house?' his father roared. 'didn't I tell you never to set foot in here again?

Get out before I call the police!'

'Kola!' Mrs solade shouted---if her high,thin voice could be called a shout. 'it's to early in the morning for this! you must not go on like this!' she knelt down.

'it's you!' Mr solade turned to her . ' you spoiled the boy! he has brought shame and disgrace on this family and you still beg for him. all your children are bad!'

Jimi jumped down from the dining table and knelt down too, beside his mother and brother. 'papa, forgive him.'

Mr solade stood still,his chest heaving, and said very quietly, ' you are not welcome here,' and turned back to his room. Mrs solade collapse onto a chair, but when wole stood up, he was grinning widely.

'you can laugh,' his mother said. it's not funny. you saw how he reacted. we shall have to see uncle kazeem and maybe uncle shola. they will talk to him.'

'he's not a serious man,' wole said , grinning.

'Ah wole' his mother protested. 'he's your father!'

Jimi picked up his schoolbag and slung it over his shoulder.

'you've not finished eating,' his mother said anxiously. 'i'm not hungry. bro, stay cool.' he was annoyed as he turned for the door, but didn't know exactly why.

papa and his temper, Jimi thought. outside the gate,he stood for a moment and listed to the distant sounds of the buses and shouts of the bus conductors on the main road. A cock crowed in the distance. someone called his name. it was his next-door neighbour and schoolmate, Ansa izaegbegbe, running towards him, a short, thin boy who hardly reached Jimi's shoulders.

'heard you arrived back from your trip yesterday,' Ansa said, slightly out of breath. 'was waiting for you.'

'hey Ansaboy! sorry. my mind was somewhere else.' Jimi smiled delightedly and threw Ansa a friendly punch.

Ansa snorted noisily. 'well, it's nice to have you back.'