
Forcados high school

it's about a girl who was molested by her stepfather and eventually moved to another place thinking she would be happy there..

Victory_Martinz_3456 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

chapter sixteen

shortly afterwards, Mr Williams told his sons he was traveling out of the country.he said he was about to secure an important financial deal and might be away for as long as five months.

' five months" Jimi gasped

' yes, I promise you boys will be fine. I'll leave plenty of money for you and I'll send you more regularly.

money,money. that was what Jimi's father was all about.

' listen ,' Mr Williams said to Jimi, gruffly, I'm proud of you and I know you can look after that brother of yours. I'm trying to save up for your future education and give your boys the best. things have been tough recently. my dear wife now resting in heaven understood that.'

what about me? Jimi wanted Shout, responsible younger brother indeed.at that moment Jimi almost hated him.

when he left both Brothers saw him off at the airport.jimi never thought he could miss his father,but as Mr Williams went through the departure gate, Jimi suddenly had a terrifying feeling he might never come back.

" chin up brother,' Jackson said when they got back home,but Jimi slumped on his bed

" both parents are gone now. said Jimi

Jackson bought him a wrap.' I have something for you. A nice smoke. are you in ?

" what's that?'

' come on , let's light up and take it .all our worries will soon up .

'i... I don't know....'

come on, just this once . I have your back . I'm your bro, not so ?.

Jackson went wild.everyday visitor trooped in and out of the apartment and every weekend was party . he ran his money like water.

Jimi was feeling sick.throughout class he felt sleepy .his scores became low.

after class Michelle, Becky and went to visit Jimi because it was weekend and they saw him finished and vamished like he was not himself again, they talked to him.

he started staying with Daniel's family because they couldn't afford him to stay with his brother who smoke and get drugged.

Later, that night as Becky and Michelle walked home, Becky spoke up .

you seemed very concerned about Jimi

' he's in a really bad way and he's all alone.

listen Michelle, I know you like doing lots of good works but .... ' her voice trailed away as if she was embarrassed.

" what'?

" remember Jimi is a human being,not one of your causes'

Michelle stopped." that's an unfair thing to say,'

it wouldn't be fair to him if you're just saying these things and who was the person that said I should be nice to him.'

thank you very much,' Michelle said coldly,and walked off.