
Forcados high school

it's about a girl who was molested by her stepfather and eventually moved to another place thinking she would be happy there..

Victory_Martinz_3456 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

chapter fourteen

second term had started. the chemistry laboratory was filled with serious faced students. one held up a test tube filled with a green liquids. " bingo!" he said. Jim's this would indicate ferrous iron wouldn't it?

" um....it should,' Jimi replied absently.

Mr edet, the chemistry teacher came to their table ' how are you all doing".

just fine sir,' they chorused.

' Williams,you wait behind after lab'.

Jimi muttered a little. he looked around and saw Michelle filling the burette, eyebrows puckered in concentration. she looked up,their eyes met and she quickly glanced away. he wondered why she had been staring.

After classes Mr edet asked Jimi to help tidy up in the laboratory. he led the way into the back room that was usually empty, but was now filled with Microscope, burette and other new equipment.

" brand new stuff for your exam,' said Mr edet, rubbling his hands. ' your students don't know how lucky you are.'

it's good sir, Jimi said politely.

Mr edet stopped and peered at him short sightedly. " is anything wrong ?

" Nothing sir'.

" good to hear that's. he patted Jimi's head paternally.' you can join the technician help him preserve and label the snake. give him the keys to the cupboard where the formalin is kept. it's on the cabinet.'

thank you sir, but I think I should be getting home now'.

Michelle came upon Jimi as he was wiping his hand with a handkerchief.she had stayed behind too, helping miss Harriet plan a weekend campaign against children Hawking.

" do be careful,' miss Harriet had just before leaving, ' I heard there was a clash between some boys this morning around here'.

I didn't hear anything like that,' Michelle had said, ' Anyway, don't worry.' the teacher had patted her cheek lightly and for a minute they'd gazed at each other affectionately.

As Michelle Walked along,the air seemed sweeter and colours brighter.until she saw Jimi.

' oh, she said.

oh'.... he mumbled.

she had always thought Jimi was cocky and irritating but today there seemed something helpless about him and, in spite of herself.she felt a tenderness for him, like the tenderness she felt for helpless creatures,like baby birds. why, she suddenly thought,he looks just like a child really. a poor kid"

he stood up straight." excuse me'

" wait,' she said. I don't mean to pry, but Becky said your mum wasn't feeling too well. I hope she's better now.'

' thanks ,' he answered shortly.

they stood staring at each other a little awkwardly. then he said I'm going home, are you ?

And that was how they found themselves Walking together towards the school gate.

Michelle was already regretting her impulse.she didn't like walking with boys.

they turned down the street and she started to say something when they heard gunshots, suddenly the nose of people screaming and glass breaking filled the air.

people running Helter skelter and a tray of oranges rolled in the dust .the young girl Hawking them was wailing loudly,but nobody seems to pay attention to her.

they ran towards an uncompleted buildings.

we'd best stay here,' Jimi said when they got inside. he noticed almost regretfully that Michelle had released his hands.

I know that boy!.

Michelle saved the baby because the child was from retarded children" disabilities children's homage and then she went home.