
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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170 Chs

Chapter 105

The Northern Region.

The Gateway to the Other Realm.

Since the battle thirty years ago that shattered the invaders from the Other Realm,

there have been no beings from beyond setting foot in this realm again.

Yet none dare forget the crisis lurking behind this gateway.

It hangs like a sharp celestial sword suspended at the apex of the sky, ready to fall at any moment and sever the lifeblood of the Qingyang Realm.

"Thirty years have passed... more precisely, it has been thirty-one cycles of time."

"Back then, we could only passively defend. Now, finally, we have the opportunity to counter-attack the other side!"

Zhang Ming gazed at the Gateway to the Other Realm before him, his eyes filled with reminiscence.

He turned to look at the people behind him and shook his head gently, "This reversal against the other realm, I wonder how many heroes will dissipate because of it."

"How can there be war without sacrifices? It is inevitable."

"Even if we do not actively challenge the Realm of No Immortals, their world will invade ours again one day."

Lin Ling stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze as cold as frost.

Hearing this, Zhang Ming fell into contemplation.


As long as the Gateway to the Other Realm exists, a war between the two realms is inevitable, only a matter of sooner or later.

Rather than waiting to be slaughtered, it is better to take the initiative, strike first, and break the deadlock.

On a deeper level,

Qingyang Immortal Country's daring to initiate this counter-attack undoubtedly indicates ample confidence in resisting the Other Realm.

Even if they fail to establish a foothold in the Other Realm this time, retreating to defend Qingyang Realm will not be a problem.

The Lord of the country once defeated a sixth-level powerhouse who claimed to be the Lord of the Ancient Wilderness, whose cultivation was unfathomable.

Thirty years have passed, and no one knows what realm he has reached by now.


Three days swiftly passed.

Almost all the strong in the Qingyang Immortal Country have gathered here.

Among them, there are three hundred and twelve fourth-level cultivators and six fifth-level cultivators.

As for cultivators below the fourth level, they are as numerous as stars, even the five ancient cities cannot accommodate them all.

"In this battle, Qingyang Immortal Country's momentum is as strong as a rainbow. Even though the Realm of No Immortals has profound heritage, we still have a chance of winning!"

Above the Wanqing Ancient City, Gu Fang looked down at the large army of the Immortal Country and countless sect cultivators.

After thirty years of transformation, Qingyang Immortal Country has been completely renewed and is incomparable to its former self.

Ji Xuan said, "According to the Lord's orders, our army's purpose in this expedition is not to conquer the Other Realm, but merely to open the battlefield, allowing some cultivators to enter the Realm of No Immortals, which is sufficient."

That vast expanse of land is enough to nurture countless top-tier powerhouses.

In comparison, Qingyang Realm's territory is narrow and shallow.

Practicing here, reaching the fifth level is already extremely difficult.

After the fourth level, each advancement is as difficult as ascending to heaven, far beyond the comparison of the third level.

Among the reasons for this, apart from the difficulty of cultivation itself at the fourth level, is the sparse spiritual energy of Qingyang Realm, which makes it difficult to support higher-level cultivation.

However, once entering the Realm of No Immortals, everything will be different.

At this moment,

A majestic voice suddenly echoed in everyone's minds.

"Granting all participants the innate talent to understand the language of the Realm of No Immortals!"

As soon as the words fell, a torrent of information surged into their minds like a tide, causing everyone to feel headaches, as if knowledge not belonging to them was forcibly integrated.

After a long time.

This surge of information was completely absorbed.

"The language of the Realm of No Immortals!"

Gu Fang whispered. At this moment, what he spoke in his mouth was no longer the language of Qingyang Realm but belonged to the Realm of No Immortals.

The originally obscure and incomprehensible foreign language, now came naturally, without any hindrance.

This sudden change not only surprised Gu Fang but also amazed everyone else.

However, before long, everyone understood.

The Lord of Qingyang Immortal Country, Lu Qingyang, is unpredictable, and they have long been familiar with this. Now, granting a language talent is not surprising.

"To participate in the war and gain a language talent for free, it's not bad. Under normal circumstances, if you want to exchange for a foreign language, you must pay a lot of contribution."

Yang Yan sighed with a smile. With such a language talent, it will be smoother to enter the Realm of No Immortals in the future.


Elders of the Immortal Country ordered everyone to rest in place for a day and fully attack the Realm of No Immortals the next day.

Once this order was issued, no one objected, and they all quietly adjusted their breaths, preparing for the impending battle.

For cultivators above the first level, even several days or even dozens of days without eating is harmless, and the higher the cultivation level, the longer the fasting time.

With cultivation reaching an extremely high realm, it can even completely fast, relying solely on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to sustain life, without relying on external objects.

Therefore, resting in place for a day, even without additional supplies, will not affect the combat effectiveness of the army at all.


Time flies, and the final batch of cultivators has finally arrived.

As the morning sun rises, several powerful auras surge out of the five ancient cities.

Six figures soared into the sky, standing first before the gateway.

These six individuals are the six current fifth-level powerhouses of Qingyang Immortal Country.

Gu Fang, Lin Ling, Lu Wanqing, Lu Tiangang, Lu Tiansha, and Lu Tianshu.

The six stood in mid-air, and their emitted breath alone was enough to awe everyone, with countless eyes focused on them.

"Level five..."

Zhang Ming took a deep breath, his gaze becoming more resolute.

With the rewards from the Great Competition of the Immortal Country, he has successfully reached the peak of the fourth level and has the qualifications to advance to the fifth level.

However, there is still a considerable gap between having the qualifications and truly stepping into the fifth level.

Although Zhang Ming temporarily lags behind Gu Fang, Lin Ling, and others, he firmly believes that as long as he seizes the opportunity of this great battle, he can step into the fifth level in one fell swoop.

When he reaches the fifth level, the Battle Immortal Body will awaken further. At that time, when he confronts Lin Ling, Gu Fang, and others, Zhang Ming is confident of winning.

In mid-air.

Gu Fang's loud voice resonated, entering everyone's ears.

"Thirty years ago, when the Other Realm invaded, our predecessors of Qingyang Realm fought bloodily, never retreating, and eventually repelled the enemy."

"Thirty years later, Qingyang Immortal Country is no longer what it used to be. The blood debts of the past must be repaid today."

"Everyone, the horn of counter-attack has been sounded. This is not only the first battle of our Qingyang Immortal Country against the outside world but also a battle that concerns the future fate of our country."

"Our goal is not to conquer the Realm of No Immortals. We only need to open a gap to allow some extraordinary cultivators to enter."

"The territory of Qingyang Realm is narrow and difficult to nurture true top-tier powerhouses. Only by using the Realm of No Immortals as a stepping stone can we hope to reach the pinnacle of the Great Dao!"