

The most important thing a parent can teach their child is how to get along without them. But I guess that was never the case for me. My parents were old fashioned and strict. My name is Levena Johnson, and this is my story. I fell in love with a gangster... yes you heard right, after being heartbroken 5 times that is hahaha funny right, sigh. "Mom, can I go to the movies with Jeriah, I really wanna watch the new barbie movie" I got up the courage to ask but alas I failed to free myself again...

Dreambabyy_ · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Levena's Pov:

I wake up on the floor of my room, "ughhh, God, my head is killing me" I giggle. I wonder how much trouble I'm in, Shit gets real when I look in the mirror. My lipstick smudged, my mascara runny. I laugh, I slide to my knees in front of the vanity, tears begin pouring. I was laughing through my tears.

"I'm partying and he's dying, I cry. I get up and shower erasing the negative thoughts. I put on a baggy t-shirt and loose shorts that hung low on my waist. I descend the stairs. I look my mother in the eyes. "Where the hell, did you go last night?" my mother exclaimed disappointment in her tone.

"To the club I said calmly" SMACK! "Who sent you to the club?" she raged. I hold my face in pain but stand my ground. "Mom, I am not twelve anymore I am sixteen and I have the right to be free" I say calmly.

I walk out the door, and head for the hospital to visit Kayden again I wonder if he will wake up soon. When I arrive, the room is completely empty. wtf did he die.

Just then a nurse passes by um "hey" I reach for her arm and grasp it. "Where's the guy that was in this room?" I ask nervously. "Oh, he woke up this morning and was in a hurry to get out of here" she says nonchalantly.

"Oh, I see, well thanks I guess" she nods and is on her way again. At home, immediately Coming through the front door I see a scene unlike any other. Men in black suits are seated in my living room, and that's when I see them, or rather him.

"K-Kayden?" I call out, my voice came out softer than intended. "You- you're okay" I burst into tears again like a big baby. He stands and embraces me in his arms "shh Its gonna be ok" he comforts. "I thought you would never wake up." I say sadly. "It's ok baby, I'm here" now he says.

I turn to look at my parents, shock and fear on their faces "w-what's going on" I ask, His face becomes serious instantly, he sighs. "Your parents owe us, big time" he states. "What, what d-does that mean?"

He sighs, sitting back down, he looks up at me with a worried look, "will you promise not to overreact after I tell you?" he asks. "Just tell me" I say getting impatient, "no, you have to promise me first" he demands. I sigh in frustration, "fine I promise not to overreact" "I'm in the mafia, my family and I are a mafia family." he says calmly.

"Is this some kind of sick Joke? Be for real right now." I look at him my composure lost. "It's not a joke baby" he moves towards me and reaches out his arm to touch my face, a sad look in his eye. "Don't touch me! my father was right! you're a criminal!!" "I'm no criminal" he shoots back his tone cold "oh yeah, then what do you call it?"

"Survival" he states in a matter of a fact tone. "You disgust me! what about the people that deserve their lives, their possessions, their family!" I debate "what does that matter!?" he shouts. "I-It matters do know what it's like to lose someone?" I ask not sure he knew. "Yes," he says through gritted teeth.

My father stands "I will pay you soon please leave he states". Kayden turns and shoots him the most dangerous look I've ever seen. "You don't get to dictate what happens here old man" he says his tone a commanding nightmare. "Now", Kayden says "Let's make a little deal" he steps forward limping, yet he still looked dangerous, the way he commanded the room, even his older brothers had looks of respect in their eyes. he clutched his stomach, his ribs I sigh.

"I am taking your daughter as collateral until you pay me what you owe". No, you can't take her!" my father shouts one of Kaydens men step forward and kicks my father in the stomach, he falls to the floor, and I rush to him "Dad!" I scream the man raises his fist and slams it into my shoulder, Shocking pain runs through my body, and I grit my teeth maintaining my stand and giving the man a cold look, Kayden reacts more swiftly than I thought possible.

"You touch her again, and I will cut off your balls and feed them to the fucking hounds!" the man nods in fear, he then pulls out a knife and cuts off the man's hand without even blinking. "Stop!" I shout. "I-I'll go with you," I say. "You can take me but please stop all this violence" I state. He punches the guy, and he falls to the floor.

The guy was kind of cute I feel bad for him wait wth is wrong with me I smack my forehead mentally, one of Kaydens's brother's open the fridge and take out a container with ice cubes and place the bloody hand in it they shove the container towards the man, and he stumbles again screaming in pain.

I am then put into the back of a black Cadillac and a bag is put over my head, I guess they don't want me to know exactly where the place is or...they don't want me to escape. a few hours pass and I decide to speak "Are we there yet?" I ask I can feel Kayden roll his eyes; I don't know how I just know he is doing it.

He cups my face; slows down the car and says, "we'll get there when I'm good and ready" he states his tone implying he was mad, he let's go. How can he turn from my sweet dirty minded boyfriend to this, this, criminal, this mob boss. is he pretending to not care? Or is this really him?

He suddenly slaps my thigh, the stinging pain shoots between my legs and moisture forms. He does it again and I'm starting to think he's doing this on purpose. "Kayden, can you stop?" I squirm in my sit. "Don't tell me what to fucking do with my property" he states. "But I-" never mind I say not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

He takes off the bag over my head and when the sunlight hits my face, I squint waiting for my vision to clear. I turn to him, and he is smirking triumphantly. I look back at the back seat and there are two men looking everywhere except at me nervously. "Who are you?" I ask. They don't answer, instead they look at Kayden and Kayden rolls his eyes again.

Don't talk to them, they're not important" he states not minding the look of hurt on the men's faces. we pull up to a luxurious house and my eyes look on in wonder. "So, you rich rich or just rich?" I ask. He smacks his forehead and rolls his pretty eyes.

He sighs and grabs my hand pulling me through the house, we go through all the house with expensive paintings on the wall and exquisite art and decor. The main family room had a large painting on the ceiling it was a painting of the family. No women just the father and his three sons looking dangerous.

We came to a stop on the long winding stairs up to the second floor as a tomboy looking girl is standing Infront of me her face fair. "Who's this bitch?" she says, "C.C, don't fuck with me" Kayden states his tone menacing. "Who are you calling bitch?" I ask.

"You, she states you think you're not one because of your pretty little face and gorgeous body?" she scoffs. "C.C" Kayden's tone is a warning. "Well at least I don't pretend to be what I'm not, when you're just a whore" I state she gasps Kayden chokes and starts coughing, dragging me by the hand and out of there before things escalate.

We enter a large room with a dark theme and the smell of weed hits me, black and grey walls, with black curtains and black and grey furniture the bed was in black, and the AC was freezing. I'm cold I say. he opens a draw an pulls out a small remote control.

He raises the number on the AC. The room instantly gets warmer "thanks" I say "no need baby" he says calmly "make yourself at home this is our room" he says "ours?" I say "yes, ours" he says lifting the large mattress effortlessly and pulling out a large stash of money and drugs, he rolls a joint and counts some money. I suddenly remember not bringing any clothes but before I speak.

He hands me $10,000 dollars cash; "we'll get you some clothes tomorrow". He fishes through another draw and pulls out a black card, "also hold onto my credit card you might need it" he walks around the room putting things in place and out of place again nonchalantly, are "you just gonna stand their baby girl?"

"Um I-" he comes over stuffs his hands in his pockets and smirks "you?" he asks He removes his hands from his pockets and places a hand on my shoulder "first time in a boy's room?" he asks. "Uh well does my brother count?" I ask worriedly. he shakes his head slowly "no baby" he says.

He goes to the bed and sits down pulling out his phone and sighing. "Come here" he says patting the space beside him, my legs move on their own and I move to the bed and sit. "Good girl" silence follows, and I glance at his phone screen, he swiftly exits Instagram and I look at him with suspicion. "Were you talking to a girl?" I ask, "Are you a virgin?" he asks, "hey answer my question."

I get impatient. "It's just business baby", he says brushing it off. "Then why can't I see?" "cuz, I said so" he states. I stand anger boiling; "you were talking to girl, you're a liar Kayden, and the worst thing I hate in this world are liars" I state tears threatening to spill "What the fuck are you saying baby, are you mad?" he asks.

"Liar" I slap his face and felt satisfied. He puts on his phone with rage showed me the screen and I saw the message; it said something about killing someone at twelve tonight. "What?" I say, "I- I'm sorry I overreacted" I state he stands and heads for the door slamming it and locking me in.

"Kayden don't' go, please" he opens the door again looking angry and his eyes show both anger and lust at the same time how is that possible. He slams me against the wall and begins kissing me, this kiss was possessive, it demanded entrance into my mouth, and I gave him access.

He separates our lips and starts kissing my neck and I arch to give him more access. "Are you a virgin?" he asks, "I'm" I put my head down shyly. He cups my chin and makes me look him in the eye. "Are you?" he asks. "Yes" I blush. "Fuck" as if he had lost all control, he tore my shirt open and ripped my bra off. I gasp "What are y-" "shhh" he puts a finger on my lip gently.

Turning me over to face the wall I was up against he pulled of my shorts and grabbed my ass roughly, slapping it, hard, he stoops and spreads my cheeks. Licking me, tasting me, "Ohhh" I moan, He slaps my ass again "that's it baby moan for me." He licks me from my pussy to my ass "fuck!" I shout, he hums in satisfaction.

He slaps my ass again and again. I am trembling, He sticks one of his fingers in my pussy and I feel slight pain. "oww" I say "aww does that hurt, huh?" "But it felt worst when u slapped me, you're going to get punished for that." He throws me onto the bed, He rummages through a draw and pulls out some rope, he binds my hands together, and sits me up. Removing his belt, he shrugs of his pants and his dick springs out. A soft gasp escapes my lips but before i have time to react he invades my mouth roughly, "mmm" I say trying to avoid biting him.

"Did you say something sweetheart?" he takes out his dick and asks "I've never done this before" I say "There's a first time for everything baby don't worry" he says shoving himself back into my mouth I Begin sucking and licking but without my hands it was kind of hard because of his size, things started to get messy, suddenly he shoves deep into my throat I began to choke, but it made me so horny, I loved it, I kept it there and tried not to pull away.

I kept on sucking him until, fuck!! he said I "mm" I say. my eyes go wide as he cums into my mouth, I Keep it there tasting it, it was salty but not revolting, I liked it. "Swallow it" he demands I comply and swallow the thick liquid slowly and lick my lips. "yeahh good girl" he says. "Are you sure this is your first time?" he asks an unsure look in his eye "yes" I say still licking my lips for more he grabs my hair and wipes my lips.

"You're a dirty girl you know that" he turns me over and I am on all fours as he rubs his still hard dick on my entrance, "please" I beg, please" "please what baby?" he smirks. "Please put it in" I say, "put what in baby?" he teases me some more, "I can't say it" I tremble, "well I can't help you" he says stepping away. "Wait, no" I say "hm?" he arches a brow, he leans down and cups my pussy tightly "mmm" I squirm "yes" I say, "I want you to beg me, tell me to fuck you senseless baby" he says.

"I- I want you to fuck me senseless" I beg "and?" he says "please put your dick in my pussy" I felt embarrassed for saying those dirty things, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't control it anymore, "please daddy" He goes stiff behind me "what did you say baby?"

"I said please daddy" I spoke louder, "fuck baby you're so hot" he states. Suddenly a rippling pain spreads from my pussy to every part of my body, I look down between us and I am bleeding. It hurts but soon pleasure fills me and I am a moaning mess.

"Ohhh, fuck, yes, fuck me, yes fuck me" Kayden pounds into me so hard I feel like I'm going to burst. "Ohhh myyy Goddd" I moaned "No" he says stopping "why did you stop?" I ask turning towards him "Say my name baby, I wanna hear it" he says serious "Kayden" I say. He begins fucking me again "yess Kayden, oh Kayden fuck your property" I scream "Fuck you sound so Good baby" he says pounding me even harder.

"Yes baby!" I was out of control I was climbing, something was building in my core, it felt so fucking good. "Fucking hell Levena your pussy it's so tight" he says. More pleasure shoots through me and I am trembling, I don't think I can stay up anymore, I go down lower, but my ass moves higher up.

"yess just like that baby" Kayden says. "Ohhh I'm cumming, I'm cuminggggg", i came, the pleasure rippling through me. But Kayden still pounded into my sensitive pussy with the same intensity omg "Omg I'm sensitive!" I shiver another high is coming I can feel it, then it hits me and we both cum undone.