
Forbidden Shadow

We're stuck together, we've been abandoned, meant to suffer in frozen time for eternity... or so we thought. Time has begun and we have to deal with the remnants of the Boundless war. === Thanks for reading!

Inksmen · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Tap water flowed into the palm of my hand, curiously so, since I have basically confirmed that time has frozen since the sun stays in place. I don't know how or why the water still moves...

...That's a bit too much thinking for 10 seconds, I also haven't found anyone I'm reasonably sure that I'm alone.

Officially the last man on Earth... yay... I have no idea how to react to this idea that I have no memory of people and yet I'm sure that these places are supposed to be bustling.

Phones don't work, cars do, I don't want to experiment with the helicopter, and I'm too far from the coast at the moment.

Something cool is that I don't get hungry and somehow my finger healed yesterday. My body became noticeably thinner than the first day. I'm far, far weaker than that day.

Food doesn't spoil either and the taste remains, if I drop anything it freezes after about a second. In a way, it's a very free world and having no memory frees me from any regrets I assume I once had.

I don't even have a name and that means I can be anybody... yeah, just have to remain positive.

I'm going to start reading some books I need to find stuff to do, and remember more about this world.

{1 day later}

Reading became boring after around 2 hours ish, I can't really keep the time so it could have been 4 hours or even 2 minutes! Who knows... I sure don't!

Running around town I could last around a record long 7 minutes! Or so I think I kept count in my head and might've lost focus once or twice but that's fine after

I'm going to keep a diary, a self-help book said it would well... help.

[1st April 2023]

Dear diary, this is my first entry may our time be swell together and maybe I won't lose my mind. Found the date on a frozen phone screen maybe that's when everyone disappeared, and since I don't know how much time has passed I'll just start from there.

The sun is really annoying if time is frozen I should visit the other side of the planet to get some of that midnight chill eventually.

I've been thinking that since I'm completely alone with no other humans or animals perhaps I should name inanimate objects to help me cope... bah! I sound crazy already may my pen be with you young (or old) diary invader!

[1st April 2023]

I thought it would be funny to keep the date since technically it is the same day... Time is such a complicated concept. I don't even remember ever experiencing it.

I started my journey now, I don't know if I'll find another person but the windy chill is starting to hurt a little. At least the buildings are dark but with no electricity, the temperature remains the same. I'd like to visit someplace tropical, it should be warmer there.

Well diary, and diary reader my best wishes to you.

[1st April 2023]

Dear Diary,

I'm still keeping this going I forgot about you for almost a week, it's been quite lonely. No matter, since I now have a couple of companions, Wilson, Steve, and Joe; A coconut, a mirror with a smile I drew on it and a Teddy Bear respectively. I realized that maybe acting crazy early on might prove substantial to my mental health.

Oh! I'm near the coast now and it is EXTRA chilly here, I 'borrowed' a couple of body warmers from a hotel near the beachside. The view is nice, and I found that I love the sound of the ocean it's very soothing.

I also found these things called 'shells' they look pretty damn cool so I'm gathering some and taking them with me. There is one with a weird conical shape that sounds like the ocean inside!

Mmm. It's worrisome that my skin has become paler and I'm now very skinny. Taking a look at Steve, my skin which was once a golden brown tan is becoming wheatish and I can swear I see my cheekbones. I still eat though I don't hunger I just continue to lose weight...

Well, Diary and Diary reader I bid you adieu I won't write for a while unless something happens.

[1st April 2023]


It's been a long time.

Still, no way to measure the time, but I've been working on a little something. I'm trying to make a mechanism with running water, like an hourglass that uses sand, but a bit more complex.

I'll need to study up on it, I found a reference in a book but can't find one in any stores.

This illness, I've got is very strange and I couldn't find the symptoms of it in any book. My skin itches, I'm increasingly sensitive to temperature and my senses constantly fluctuate. The other day I completely lost my hearing.

I've travelled approximately 12000km, using the road signs as a reference.

Still no sign of people. Wilson, Steve and Joe have been great company you would not BELIEVE what Joe said the other day-

[1st April 2023]

It's done!

I got it to work I broke hundreds of hourglasses and had to figure out glass moulding but I got a water hourglass! It measures about 1 hour if this book's measurements are accurate...

Anyways I can now keep track of days! It's still tough to keep a day-night cycle, so I'll just consider the time I wake up to be one day.

No more 1st April 2023! It's been getting on my nerves. I got a new hobby of breaking fragile objects very effective method of relieving stress.

One more update! The illness is definitely not something possible to achieve on Earth. My skin... it's turning black. I don't mean like the melanin skin black, I mean close your eyes type of black.

My hands up to my wrist have slowly transformed into this abyssal black colour. I tried to prick myself with a needle to get a look at my blood, and guess what?

It went through! Luckily I can still hold objects but things that can harm me fall through instinctually, I wonder if I can control this ability.

One downside though, my hands are constantly freezing, putting on gloves makes no difference.

Final update, no people or creatures. I'd KILL to find a real living being apart from me, but I guess I'd need to find a living being in the first place (hahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhaha)<--- (when did I write this by hand?)< p>

[3rd May 2023]

Hola mis amigas, como estan?

I decided to learn other languages if I ever DO meet someone (being optimistic here) It would be awkward not knowing the language.

Been reading, studying, travelling, and found a hobby in woodworking it's very relaxing though I'd say my skills are... subpar.

Especially since I've been getting weaker and weaker as the days go on.

The darkness is still up to my wrists but they wriggle around whenever I feel some excitement.

The other day I heard a stick crack and ran towards the sound, turns out it was just a fallen stone...

I'm going to leave the UK tomorrow, I've read up on seafaring and am going to try my best to reach other places.

I made a bucket list of things I want to see wish me the best!

[5th May 2023]

Hello diary

Maybe it was a teensy weensy bit presumptuous of me to think I could conquer the sea after reading a few books, I'll try again next week and slowly increase the distance.

Wilson, Steve and Joe don't seem to be in a very helpful mood, couple of blokes they are.

[12th May 2023]


I've done it! Kind of. Figured out the compass, the different sails, parts of the ship that I found at the port and other particulars.

Guess from here on the best way to learn is through experience.

The shadow illness as I've decided to name it has shown no signs of spreading though it's been moving around a lot.

I'm tired of feeling cold, putting it in boiling water does nothing for me...

If it becomes any more bothersome I'll need to start studying the gates as that's the only reason why I could think this is happening to me.

[7th June 2023]

Dear Diary,

Sorry, it's been a while. I landed in what I believe to be France.

Seems like learning Spanish won't do me much good here. I can't even read anything, luckily everything is written in familiar alphabets or it would be a total pain in the ass to learn.

In a way I'm thankful to have no memories, I'm completely undisturbed when learning anything though it does get a tad bit boring... ok maybe more than a tad but it's not so bad.

Drifting in the middle of the night was relaxing but I can't be too relaxed, don't want any high waves to catch me off guard.

I think I'll go for a dip in the ocean away from the ports tomorrow. It's dark and horrific but not like there are any sharks like I've seen in books.

Perhaps I'll let Wilson go first he's the brave one after all.

[9th June 2023]

I'm exhausted.

I've been walking for days, comparing statistics with humans before they disappeared it seems my stamina and regeneration are far beyond the norm. Despite how weak I feel my basic human parameters are beyond what I should be capable of. Why? I don't know. Probably will never know, unless I start taking learning human biology seriously.

That won't happen unless I'm really out of options and I'm stuck for a couple of years... That shouldn't happen at least some semblance of an answer as to where other humans have gone to should pop up till then.


[1st April 2028]

Dear Diary...

I've been a fool.