
Forbidden Prince

Elliot lives in a poor village. He's a pickpocketer. A bastard and an orphan. In one day, one mistake rips everything he's ever known away. Elliot finds himself in Queen Embers castle and he doesn't know why he's there. There are truths, and there are lies. Everyone has their own story and version of what happened in his past, but only one person can tell him what actually happened, and the truth could start a war...

CricketBooks · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Castle

Elliot heard murmuring voices around him, and hushed whispers.

He kept his eyes shut either way. The last thing he remembered was....was trying to get away from the guards, and being tackled. He had hit his head. That explained the throbbing he felt.

"Make sure the bandages stay clean," a soft female voice said.

"Ok" another, younger voice says. Also female.

The rustling of clothing, and then a door shuts. Only one set of breathing now, other than his. The woman sighs and walks across the room. Elliot takes the opportunity to open his eyes and take in his surroundings.

He was in a large stone room, bigger than the cabin back home. There was a huge stone fireplace that was pulsing heat around the room, the logs crackling and shifting. There was a door to the left of the fireplace and a door across the room from him. There was also a door near the woman, who was standing over a desk and writing something...notes, maybe?

The woman was barely a woman at all, maybe one or two years older than he. She was wearing a simple, blue dress, and a dark grey cloak over that, the hood down. Her hair was dark brown and wavy. She was pretty, he admitted to himself.

"You don't have to pretend to be asleep," she said, still writing.

How had she known? He hadn't moved an inch and he had kept his breathing steady and quiet.

Elliot sits up with a groan of pain and began to assess his wounds. The wound he got from hitting his head was wrapped, and the wounds the boys had given him were less swollen, and the cuts not as inflamed.

"You should be happy Her Majesty decided to let you into the castle at all. It's an honor" the girl said, finally turning to look at him.

She was stunning, a natural beauty not very many possess. Her eyes were a honey color that shined with emotion and confidence. Her body both slender and lean.

"An honor many don't get, mind you," she says. "I'm going to be your personal assistant...or...maid if you want," She spit the word maid as if it tasted vile.

"Uh, how about neither" Elliot said. He looked down noticed that his clothes had been changed. He was now wearing a tunic and loose pants. He looked back up at the girl. "Who dressed me?" he asked, his face heating up.

The girl smiled. "My boss and I," she said, giving him a small smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get your dinner" She curtsied and walked towards the door that was across the room. She stepped through and shut it with a small click.