
Forbidden Prince

Elliot lives in a poor village. He's a pickpocketer. A bastard and an orphan. In one day, one mistake rips everything he's ever known away. Elliot finds himself in Queen Embers castle and he doesn't know why he's there. There are truths, and there are lies. Everyone has their own story and version of what happened in his past, but only one person can tell him what actually happened, and the truth could start a war...

CricketBooks · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Long Live the Queen!

The next day, Elliot refused to stay home, even though Matthew said that if he didn't stay home, he wouldn't bring him anything from his next visit to the castle. Despite his injuries, he didn't care.

"This is probably the only time I'll ever be able to see Queen Ember" Elliot had replied, gingerly getting to his feet. "I'll stay in the back, you can even come with me"

Matthew sighed, and then grunted. "I suppose it ain't gonna hurt...but only for an hour." Elliot nodded excitedly. "And don't you go pickpocketing people either," Matthew says, pointing a finger at Elliot. Elliot nods again, smiling sheepishly at Matthew.

As Matthew and Elliot had started walking towards the town square, Matthew had started explaining why the queen was coming into town.

"Her Majesty is going to deliver a speech or two. Apparently, there has been a lack of crops and resources that the kingdom has been getting..."

Matthew's words faded into the background as they walked into town. It was loud and people were bustling around. Shopkeepers were sweeping decks and floors, and hushed whispers spread through the town square, this time they were not about him.

"...and whatever you do, don't look her majesty in her eyes, got it, lad?" Matthew finished. Elliot nods, distracted.

People began to file into the town square, and Matthew dragged him towards the back of the crowd.

Suddenly, people parted, and the queen rode through the crowd on a black pegasus and flanked by two royal guards on white horses on either side. Behind them were six more guards that rode upon horses.

The crowd shrank back from the glare of the royal guard, whose eyes saw all. They were dressed in the royal colors, black, red, and orange. When the queen reached the center of the town square, she slid off the pegasus. She was wearing a black dress with red fluff coming from the collar and sleeves.

"People of the North," she started "I am VERY disappointed in you"

Hey guys, It's been a while. I know that this episode is short, and I promise I'll make the next one longer. If you like the story make sure to share it with others!

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