
Forbidden Prince

Elliot lives in a poor village. He's a pickpocketer. A bastard and an orphan. In one day, one mistake rips everything he's ever known away. Elliot finds himself in Queen Embers castle and he doesn't know why he's there. There are truths, and there are lies. Everyone has their own story and version of what happened in his past, but only one person can tell him what actually happened, and the truth could start a war...

CricketBooks · Fantasy
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24 Chs

About This World

This is a fantasy world called Arthoria, where magic and magical beasts like dragons, fairies, and other mythical creatures exist.

I do believe I will add some sort of technology, because that makes it more interesting, but remember, this is technically set back when kingdoms and castles were a common thing.

The way the castles work is a little different from most fantasy novels. There are 3 castles, and then one big kingdom. The biggest kingdom rules over all of Arthoria.

The 3 castles have a bit of say in what goes on in their castle and land, but when it comes to Arthoria, the kingdom has the most power.

In Arthoria, one of the castles (the Kingdom of Shadow and Ice) fell when it was conquered by invaders. Many people assumed that there were spies involved in the conquering, but very few people know what actually happened that night, and they're keeping quiet. Even though the castle and land that the former and now dead King and Queen reined over now stand empty, the remaining castles do not trust each other.

Only royalty has natural magic which they receive at 10-16 years of age. Mages also have natural magic, which gets explained further into the story. Some mages were taught the magic they know which is unnatural magic. Commoners do not ever have powers.

Each Castle has a Queen and King. The Kingdoms and the Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses are listed below:

The Kingdom of Fire and Ash - King Tobias | Queen Ember | Prince Wren | Princess Lilian

The Castle of Enchantment and Healing - Lord Jay | Lady Sparrow | Lord Asher(son) | Lady Bella(daughter)

The Castle of Rivers and Earth - Lord Rundy | Lady Fauna | Lord Tarn(son) | Lady Ruby(daughter)

The Castle of Shadow and Ice - King James /dead/| Queen Lily/dead/ | Missing Prince ???


I'll add more to the plot and things like that further into the story. This is my first online novel as well as my first fantasy novel. I hope you give me tips on how I can make this story better. Anyway, that's all for now!