
Unsettling feeling

Never in my life had I experience a hangover. Never in my life had I drink till I passed out since the thought of how irresponsible it is didn't settle with me and never in my life had I felt so weak, drained and exhausted even after getting abused, like what I was currently feeling right now.

The pulsating headache, the numbness in my feet, the soreness in my limbs and that heavy feeling like something was weighting you down. To make matters worst I can't remember what had happened before I became like this. All I know is me and batcheeva slept without finishing the movie last night, that's all that I could recall so how did I end up feeling like my energy had been sucked out of me?

'Sleepwalking?' I suggested in my head then laughed, there's no way I'm gonna feel this tired after sleepwalking, though it never happened to me before so I don't really know.

With all of my force I sat myself up, had a hard time halfway through yet still accomplished to do something not so hard yet a million times harder at my current situation.

"Just what the hell happened?" I groaned, clutching my aching head. Suddenly the door opened and batcheeva came in, wearing nothing but an apron while carrying a cart with what looked like breakfast. Bacon, eggs and a side of leafy vegetables.

"O-oi! why are you only wearing that!?" I exclaimed in shock, instantly closing my eyes. I heard her giggle and place something on the nightstand, probably the food then the bed dipped which meant she was sitting beside me.

"Come on now, don't act like that after what happened between us" she mused and I felt her place her head on my shoulder.

'What happened between us? Hold on! What happened between us!?'

I opened my eyes and stared at her, my mouth trying to find the right words to say.

"W-what happened to us!?" I stuttered, eyes wide like flying saucers. Batcheeva looked at me for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, clutching her stomach while her head was leaning against me.

"You're face is priceless!" she exclaimed, still laughing. Heat started to creeped up my face till the tips of my ears.

'Such a tease'

Was she joking though? or was she completely serious and just find my reaction funny. Man this girl is weird yet I like it or perhaps the better way to describe her is completely unique.

I laughed awkwardly when she showed no signs of stopping and now she somehow fell over the floor, rolling towards the other side while clutching her cramping stomach. I might've find it funny till her backside was fully exposed to me and jesus, its so round and plump.

The blush on my face became extreme and a sudden surge of blood all went south, making something rock hard that it was painful. I grabbed a pillow and place it on my lap, turning my head away from the sight of her body that she should be hiding; well it's not like I regret seeing anything.

"You're aroused aren't you?" her voice suddenly sounded different, it was a little deep with a hint of seduction but it could've just been my horny mindset at the moment.

"It's normal every morning" I replied, eyes glued to the wall and trying to count some ship jumping over the fence inside my head.

"Oh come on now, your arousal is stronger this time" she mused and I felt the bed dipped once again, meaning she was right behind me.

"This is dangerous"

"Not really" she answered and I flinched.

'Welp I did not mean to say that out loud, how embarrassing'. I thought grimly.

"Come now, face me" she spoke in a soft manner, her hand stroking my shoulder ever so gently and I moaned quietly.

For some reason my body was reacting strongly to her touch, it was like I could feel our flesh grazing each other even though I was clothed.

"Please..." I gasped, biting my lower lip as a shiver ran down my spine when she trace her finger on the side of my neck.

"Oh what is it? I can't hear you" she chuckled, her warm breath hitting my nape and sending goosebumps all over my body. There was also this strong scent, I couldn't recognize what scent it was yet all I can say is it somehow smelled sweet, my body craved for that sweet scent but I didn't know what it was or where is it's source then that's when I realized that the scent was here the moment batcheeva entered the room with breakfast for me. At first the scent was faint yet now how is it so strong? And it's directly coming close from behind me.

"Please stop..." I finally manage to let out, my voice was still a little shakey, like it wouldn't come out because of this strong arousal that seemed to control my proper thinking.

Growing up my hormones had always been over the roof, yes I admit when that happens I would do what any other randy teenage boys would do in that age but now that I'm an adult I payed no mind to my body's needs; If it was a need of course yet right now, this kind of arousal is something I've never had before. It's like I don't even have control over my own body.

Batcheeva looked at me for a minute and I glance at her warily, she gave me a soft smile and proceeds to pat my back.

"I wanna tell you something" she stated and it got my attention making me turn my face towards her direction.

"About last night?" I suggested hesitantly with an awkward side smile. She chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe, maybe not but right now I want you to know..." she paused and frowned, seeming to be thinking hard of something.

"What is it?" I mumbled to her, somehow hesitant of breaking her deep thoughts.

"Ah yes! Breakfast!" she suddenly exclaimed, the intense aura around her gone and replace with something light and cheerful.

'Huh? How weird, I have a feeling it's not what she was going to say' I my gut says and I believe that but kept my mouth shut.

"Here I prepared a light breakfast for you cause I'm gonna entertain you about what happened last night" she declared while handing me this small wooden portable table which contained my meal.

"Well how should I start this...we drunk till we're both wasted!" she exclaimed cheerily and I frown.

"We...drinked last night?" I confirmed and she gave a me cheerful nod then continued to add more details onto what had happened.

Inside me, there was a part of my mind that was telling me something wasn't right. Like a missing puzzle piece that was replace with another piece and forced itself to fit there. Her story was believable and the glint in her eyes seemed to indicate that she somehow wasn't lying yet the feeling inside me won't go away.

'Its so confusing, her behavior earlier, the very revealing outfit, those teasing and the hesitation about what she was gonna tell'

I didn't want to have doubts with her, I was starting to like her, her kindness and characteristics but this unsettling feeling came and I was somehow scared and in doubt of the person cheerfully talking infront of me.

Okay so the updates would be even slower (I'm terribly sorry) because of my other book that I'm focusing on yet I'll still try and update as much chapter to this book with what little time I have.

I hope the chapter wasn't confusing due to me being a little sleepy.

Have a great day/night everyone!

AsahinaMinamotocreators' thoughts
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