
Mythical Creatures

A week had passed after we talked about what happened between us the night before I started feeling really sick. So far the unsettling feeling was still present but right now something was wrong with Batcheeva.

She looked exhausted all the time yet all she does is sleep while I was left to clean the house and prepare food for us but it would only go to waste cause she would just move the food around her plate then stand up and go back to her room to sleep. Lastly one of the most suspicious thing is that she would go out at night, in secret and would come back an hour after that with her head down and strode weakly towards her room to sleep.

Her behavior was bothering me non stop and I honestly don't know what to do. I tried approaching her but got ignored, I tried having a conversation yet she wouldn't answer properly and just groan the whole time whenever I ask a question and lastly I tried following her yet when I did it felt like she knows cause she just stayed at the porch the whole time before coming backs inside and sleeping.

Right now I was carrying a meal towards her room just like how she did it with me, except for the apron of course. I don't think I'll look good on it unless she's into those kind of things.

I knocked on her room gently then just like always I heard a groan. I opened the door and carried the bowl of rice porridge towards her nightstand then settled it there while I placed my arm on her back and shake her gently.

"Wake up, I prepared breakfast for you" I spoke in a low voice and heard no reply.

"Are you feeling sick?"

Still no reply. I frowned sadly and hesitantly stroke her hair. It was soft yet the ends were tangled, like she hadn't been combing it lately. I grabbed a comb and fixed the tangles on the tips of her long hair. I didn't hear any complains so I continued what I was doing and even went as far as to play with her hair by trying to braid it and only failing miserably. After some time I stopped what I was doing and just sighed heavily.

From the looks of things she won't eat again but I'll leave the food here just in case, it won't be good eating it cold but I guess it's better than eating nothing at all.

As I was about to turn around and leave her hand darted forward and grab a hold of mine.

"Uhmm...is something wrong?" I asked hesitantly.

"Don't leave" she murmured, her voice distorted because of the pillows. I smiled and sat beside her, she didn't let go of my hand so I let it stay there.

"Are you feeling awful?" I asked gently and started to stroke her hair again.

"Yeah..." was her short reply and I nodded even though she couldn't see it.

"Can you describe what you're feeling?" I asked curiously and she shifted. She layed her head on the side and I saw some deep bags under her eyes, her face pale and lips dry.

"Oh!" I exclaimed in alarm and placed my arm on her forehead. Her temperature was normal but why does she look sick? my worry began to increase as I check for any serious problem in her, an injury or something unusual in her body

Batcheeva laughed weakly and sat up, she slowly crawled towards me and place her head on my shoulder, eyes closed.

"Say...do you believe in mythical creatures?" she suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"I think we should take you to the hospital" I suggested urgently and she shook her head.

"Trust me Prince I'm fine" she reassured yet how could I believe her, she was sick and it's evident on her face.

"Chev you don't have to act like you're fine, I can see that you're in need of medical attention" I spoke firmly and she remained silent.

"Answer my question" was her reply towards me and I sighed in defeat. Looks like she doesn't want to be treated nor get out of her house and go to the hospital.

"Well...I don't easily believe what's written on those books without witnessing it myself" I answered and she hummed.

"Are you gonna be scared if you see one? Will you think it's dangerous?" she questioned and I frowned.

"To be honest it depends, There are different types of mythical creatures. The elves and Elemental Creatures are good ones, they play a good role in our society while the other mythical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, mermaids and demons are creatures that preys on humans" I answered her honestly and for some reason I saw a glint of sadness passing on her eyes.

"Isn't it unfair? What if those creatures want to co exist with humans yet the humans want to kill them because of their beliefs so they chose to be hidden?" she murmured, her voice strained.

"I don't really get what you're trying to say to be honest" I sighed. "And besides, they're just things people wrote in books so I don't know why you're telling me about them co existing with humans" I added. Batcheeva was silent and I scratched the back of my neck.

'Did I say something bad? Is she one of those people who believes these creatures are real?' I thought curiously.

"We try hard to survive too..." Batcheeva murmured but I couldn't catch the first phrase.

"Survive? what did you say?" I asked and she sighed heavily. Out of nowhere she wrapped her arms around me and place her head in the crook of my neck. I was taken aback by her sudden actions yet I felt a strange aura emmiting from her, it was heavy and gloomy.

"Don't leave okay, I promise I won't hurt you" she murmured on my ear and I nodded even though what she said got me confused.

Was she hiding something? If so what was it? Could it somehow be involved in the things she asked me just now? Now that I think about it Decklan told me something about this..what was it again? Hayst my memory is messed up but if what he said somehow connects with what Chev tried to tell me I have a feeling I'm about to find out something that would change my perspectives in certain things.

Welp this was rushed and short.

Though I'm happy to tell everyone that the updating schedule of this book would now be back to normal! One chapter a day would be released within the length of 1k to 1.5k words. Thank you for everyone who was patient on this book, I will now give you all a steady updates of chapters as an appreciation of your support.

Have a great day!

AsahinaMinamotocreators' thoughts