
Horror Movies

       It was currently night time. Batcheeva was in the bathroom taking a shower while I make some popcorns. Earlier she taught me how to make a salted caramel syrup and we decided to mix it with the popcorn, it was for our movie marathon later.

At first I thought she would start acting more distant since it's just the two of us and remembering what happened on the sofa yet to my utter surprise she was quite nice. We cooked together, ate together, played a game of tag when I playfully stole her favorite snack. Wasabi flavored potato chips. Weird but good enough. We were having fun the whole afternoon and had dinner just a few minutes earlier.

During dinner she suggested that we watch some horror movies after she finished setting up the love seat and coffee table in her room a few meters away from the flat screen TV. To be honest I wasn't a fan of horror movies especially one's with lots of jumpscare and gruesome killings. It's not like I was scared, I just somehow can't stop being jumpy, flinching here and there whenever a scary scene pops out.

I bought my focus back on my current work. Mixing the popcorn with the salted caramel and making sure everything was coated nicely. When it was done I turned off the stove and place the popcorn on a bowl, letting it cool down before taking it upstairs. It had been roughly 45 minutes, she must be done using the bathroom by now.

I went upstairs with the intention of using the bathroom, it was open so I thought she was done.

I bolted straight inside, my hand opening my zipper when I heard gasp. My eyes widen as I turn to look at Batcheeva, holding a towel tightly to cover her body cause it wasn't wrapped around her.

Heat creeped up my cheeks and I instantly turned around, zipping my shorts back up.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't see anything!" I blurted out loudly and darting straight towards my room.

I'm so stupid! But the door was open so it wasn't really my fault right? What the heck am I talking about of course it's my fault!

I groaned as my mind seemed to argue to try and make me feel unguilty yet it's not really working as I felt the tightness in my groin area. I looked down and glared, pointing my finger on it. "Stay down junior this is not the time be standing tall and hard"

Welp that sure made me sound like an idiot. I lamented inside my head. With a mild headache from thinking to hard and arguing with my dick to be soft I close my eyes and shook my head expecting to ease my mind a bit only to regret doing such thing when a scenery of her accidentally letting go of the towel and making me take a peek at her body—STOP!

"Aaaaahhhh I'm not a perv!" I screamed in frustration, scratching my hair repeatedly.

20 minutes had passed. I was flopped down in the soft mattress of my bed on my stomach.

One of my hardest problem had gone soft and I managed to clear my mind too thanks to my memories of touching my grandma's dentures when I was a child.

I suddenly remembered our movie marathon and bolted up straight.

Oh shoot I must've kept her waiting.

I ran towards the door, opening it only to be surprise when I saw her standing there.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly though I notice how she wasn't looking at me straight.

"U-uhmm yeah, I'm good" I answered sheepishly.

"So are we still having a movie marathon? The salted caramel popcorn must have warmed by now"

She nodded her head and I lead the way towards the kitchen while she unexpectedly followed. There was a  little tension between us and I couldn't figure out why.

Does she think I did it on purpose but she's trying to be nice? I thought grimly.

"You saw..." I heard her murmur yet I couldn't understand it.

I paused on my tracks and turned to look at her confusedly. "What?"

"N-nothing!" She suddenly stuttered, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Ehh...." I didn't know what to say so I just turned around and descended the stairs. I grabbed the popcorn and went back up again, she was still tailing behind me and I was starting to get worried with her behavior.

We made our way inside her room. I placed the popcorn above the coffee table while she went to the TV and insert a USB behind it. When she was done she sat down on the corner of the loveseat and I sat on the other corner though due to the love seat being a little small I couldn't really give her any personal space. Maybe just an inch or two.

She decided to watch 'The poltergeist'. I haven't watch this movie before but from the looks of it, it ought to have lots of jumpscares.

It started normal at first. A family moving in to a new house with a hella scary dead looking hairy tree on the side of their home.

We just watched in a comfortable silence and I could feel the tension slowly dissipating in the air, she even leaned her head on my arm. Me on the other hand was holding my breath. I was preparing myself to not freaking flinch or sound like a girl when a jumpscare would pop but sad to say, when that clown popped on the screen all my voice chords let loose as a squeal left my mouth. A loud one.

"Should we stop?" I heard her ask after she paused the vid. I shook my head and tried to regain my composer.

"No it's fine, I can't ruin this movie night" I explained awkwardly. She looked at me worriedly before nodding her head and playing the vid once again, her head coming back to my shoulder.

The relief I felt was so overwhelming when instead of receiving a negative reaction from her, she was worried.

This girl is special. I quoted in my head.

We continued watching the movie and I stopped squealing cause everytime something scary would come up I would secretly move my sight towards her face and just smile timidly, she was too concentrated to notice anyway.

It continued like that for half an hour till eventually I felt her head fall into my chest, a light snore leaving her mouth. I slowly glance at her and frowned before my expression soften. She was sleeping peacefully, a little drool was on my shirt but it was adorable for some reason. I grabbed the remote as careful as possible and shut the TV off. I didn't want to wake her up so I stayed in my place, watching her sleep.

She's really beautiful. I thought as a strand of hair fell into her delicate face and like last time, I couldn't help but tuck it behind her ear with a light smile.

"Goodnight" I whispered before slowly shifting in a more comfortable position. The room wasn't cold so it's fine if we didn't have a blanket, her body was warm and mine was too. It was enough.

"Sweet dreams" I whispered once more before closing my eyes and succumbing to sleep.

Sorry I made ya'll wait. Here's a chapter for you hope you like it.

Have a great day/night!

AsahinaMinamotocreators' thoughts
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