
Forbidden love they can never be together

In this mystical realm, the land is ruled by two powerful families - the Arlins and the Cormeris. The Arlins are a noble and benevolent family, known for their compassion and wisdom. The Cormeris are a ruthless and ambitious family, feared for their fierce battles and merciless tactics. For generations, these two families have been rivals, vying for control of the kingdom. Amidst this tumultuous landscape, our story begins with Alyssa Arlin, the youngest daughter of the Arlin family. Despite the enmity between their families, Alyssa has always harbored a secret fascination with the Cormeris, especially their young heir, Torin Cormeri. Torin is handsome and cunning, a master strategist who would do anything to further his family's cause. When Alyssa and Torin meet by chance in the depths of the forest, the sparks of attraction ignite between them. But their love is forbidden, and their families would never allow it.So they meet in secret, stealing moments of passion in hidden alcoves and moonlit glades. But as their love grows stronger, so too does the danger of their forbidden romance. When their families learn of their affair, the consequences are devastating. Alyssa and Torin find themselves torn between their love for each other and their loyalty to their families. As war threatens to engulf the kingdom, they must make a choice: stand against their families for the sake of love, or sacrifice their happiness for the sake of peace.And so our story begins. Our lovers, Alyssa and Torin, must navigate treacherous waters as they seek to forge a future together. But in a world where duty and honor are as sharp as the swords that guard them, can their love survive? As Alyssa and Torin's forbidden romance ignites a firestorm of passion and intrigue, the realm is plunged into chaos. Will their love be a beacon of hope, or will it be a catalyst for destruction

Bolarinwa_Rukayat · Fantasy
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Chapter One: The Arlin Estate

The sun was setting over the Arlin Estate, casting its golden light across the kingdom. Alyssa Arlin was standing by the window in her chambers, staring out into the distance. She had been raised to be a noble lady, but her heart yearned for something more.

Suddenly, she heard a noise at her door. She turned to see her handmaiden, Eva, enter the room."My lady," Eva said, bowing her head respectfully. "It's nearly time for dinner. Your father will be expecting you in the dining hall."

Alyssa turned back to the window. "I'll be there shortly," she said, her voice distant. "Thank you, Eva."

Eva knew better than to question her lady's mood, and so she said nothing more.As Eva left the room, Alyssa's thoughts turned to her home, the Arlin Estate. It was a place of beauty and elegance, but Alyssa found herself restless in its gilded halls. Her life was one of privilege and comfort, but she yearned for adventure, for passion, for something that would set her heart ablaze.

Her thoughts turned to the Cormeris, the rival family who ruled the eastern half of the kingdom. They were fierce and cunning, feared by all, and Alyssa couldn't help but be intrigued by them.As Alyssa dressed for dinner, she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to meet a Cormeri. Would they be as dangerous as the stories said? Or would they be noble and brave?

She shook her head, dismissing such fanciful thoughts. Her father would never allow her to associate with the Cormeris, and she knew that to defy him would be a great dishonor.

And yet, as she made her way down to the dining hall, she couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold for her and the Arlin Estate.The dining hall was a grand affair, with marble pillars and glittering chandeliers that cast a soft glow over the gathering. Alyssa took her seat next to her father, Lord Arlin, and smiled politely at the other guests.

"My dear, you look lovely tonight," Lord Arlin said, patting his daughter's hand affectionately.

"Thank you, Father," Alyssa replied, glancing down at her dress. "You're too kind."As the first course was served, Alyssa began to tune out the polite conversation around her, her mind drifting back to the Cormeris. She could almost picture them sitting at a similar table, surrounded by their own loyal followers, plotting their next move.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the hall. Alyssa jerked her head up in alarm, her eyes searching the room for the source of the disturbance.

To her surprise, she saw a tall, dark-haired man standing in the doorway, a sword in his hand. He was clad in leather armor, his face fierce and determined.As the man strode into the hall, the other guests began to cry out in alarm. But Alyssa found herself transfixed, unable to look away from his piercing gaze.

"Who dares to trespass on Arlin land?" Lord Arlin demanded, rising from his seat.

The man did not answer, his eyes fixed on Alyssa.

Without thinking, Alyssa stood, her gaze locked with his. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice as steady as her heart was racing."My name is Torin Cormeri," the man said, his voice low and dangerous. "And I've come to claim what is mine."

Alyssa's breath caught in her throat. Torin Cormeri? The son of Lord Cormeri himself?

Before she could say anything, Torin's hand shot out, gripping her wrist tightly.

"Come with me," he said, his voice a demand. "I've come to claim the hand of the Arlin daughter."Alyssa gasped, her mind racing. She had never seen Torin Cormeri before, but she knew of his reputation as a fierce warrior and a skilled strategist. Why had he come to the Arlin Estate? And why had he chosen her?

Before she could protest, Torin pulled her closer, his grip firm but not painful. "Do not resist," he said, his eyes intense. "I have no wish to harm you, but I will not be denied."

Alyssa glared up at him, defiance sparking in her eyes."Let go of me," Alyssa said, her voice firm. "I am not some prize to be claimed."

Torin smirked, his gaze never leaving hers. "But you are a prize, Alyssa Arlin. And I intend to claim you as my own."

Alyssa's heart hammered in her chest. She could feel the eyes of the other guests on her, watching the exchange with bated breath.

"Release me," she said, her voice low and dangerous.Torin's grip on her wrist did not loosen. "I cannot," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "My father has ordered me to bring back an Arlin bride, and I will not fail him."

Alyssa's eyes widened. An Arlin bride? Did this mean that the Cormeris were planning to unite the two families through marriage?

"You are mad," she said, her voice shaking with anger. "Do you honestly believe that my father would allow me to be kidnapped by the son of his enemy?

this is my first time writing a book pls feel free to correct me Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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