
Forbidden love, The saga

Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter’s happiness

Thatnerdygirl · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 34: Marc

We worked out from dawn to dusk. We cannot possibly defeat Tobias by ourselves. The most we can do right now is prepare. Tobias has amassed an army. I feel calm when I look at Tia and Lisa getting along. Tia was a student in the Netherlands at a boarding school, which is why Tobias was unaware of her presence when Erica claimed to be my soulmate and said she wanted to marry me.

"We've only just met," I remember telling her, stepping away from her. "It's getting late; I've got to go." I paid my bill and got ready to leave the bar.

"So we meet again. Is tomorrow good for you?" She asked. 

I left quietly. From there on, no matter where I went, she'd follow me. I could sense that she was a werewolf as well, but I knew strength comes from desperation. I could take her down if she caused trouble. I ignored her, knowing it wouldn't last.

To my surprise, she kept running into me for a month. "Enough with the games already. I am getting tired of it." She claimed one day.

"I work here; stop following me." I was beginning to lose patience. "Don't make me mad. You won't like what you'll see." I warned her.

"Ohh.. am scared." She spoke without a care and leaned in to kiss me. "Come here; you don't know it yet, but we are fated to be together." She held my face and inched closer, barely leaving any space between the two of us.

"Enough." I yelled and pushed her back. She stumbled and fell. It took her by surprise. Erica was used to getting her way. My rejection only turned her more hostile. She got up and launched an attack. "How about if I win, you buy me dinner?"

I avoided her attack, grabbed her arm, and walked out of my office, knowing full well that I'd lose my job if I acted any further.

In the parking area, Erica jolted herself free and looked at me cunningly. "You are going to regret that," she said, lighting a cigarette. "You are going to regret that a lot. I am giving you one last chance."

"Get out of my face." I yelled and left.

I drove aimlessly for a while, trying to calm myself. My phone buzzed. I was surprised to see the text from my boss. 'Acts of violence in the office aren't tolerated. You are fired.' 

I had a feeling Erica had something to do with it. But I couldn't care less in the moment. I continued to drive for a while longer and called Tia.

"Hey, kiddo. "How are you?"


"How do you pass your exams with the sleep you manage to get in the day?"

"I am a genius. Now let me sleep." She hung up.

She is a stubborn teenager. I smiled to myself and made my way home. The sight at home is something I'll never forget.