
Forbidden love, The saga

Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter’s happiness

Thatnerdygirl · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 28: Marc

"Wait! How did Tobias find out that I had arrived in town?" Veronica asked me startled. She wasn't telling Lisa more for now but contemplating how Tobias could know so soon that she was here.

In an instant, the answer became apparent to both of us.

"He knows." We said in unison.

"There was no other explanation. He had to know that Lisa was Veronica's daughter and probably had someone follow her everymove." I offered.

"So that means he…" Lisa spoke embarassingly looking around the room, "knows about us too?" She managed to say looking at me. Colours drained from her face. It meant Erica knew as well.

"But if he already knew about us why would he not yell at you?" She wondered, "Or has Erica confronted you?".

"Because he knew I'd lead him straight to you. Shit. We have to get out now."

Just then The Five stormed the basement. Our speculations were right. Tobias had known all along. And that's why he set me off. I walked straight into the trap he set for me.

Veronica didn't waste a minute, and turned. Her beautiful milky flesh now had a beastly demeanour. She stood tall, anger visible in her eyes. I turned next.

"Tia. Lisa. Get out of here." I demanded. Tia had only recently wolfed out and wasn't battle ready. She was only a teenager but we had to stick together if we were meant to get out of here alive.

Lisa and Tia walked closer to the wall opposite the door and stood pressed against it. As long as The Five were in the room, there was no way to get out.

Veronica attacked one of them. As Lisa and Tia began to walk, I took the other two with me. Something in me was being fired up. I didn't know I had the strength that I was fighting with.

After snapping her opponent's neck, Veronica put her hand in his chest and pulled his heart out. She tossed his body against the wall and moved to the other attackers who had come to end her daughter and bring her to Tobias. She wasn't about to let anyone hurt Lisa. I wouldn't have it either.

One of my opponents held me in place, while the other one was getting ready to crush my heart. Kicking him back, I flipped the one holding me back and continued to attack in a mad frenzy. Both of them got to their feet quickly and came at me together.

What happened next blew my mind. One of them flew to the wall, and the other wasn't fighting me anymore but was defending himself from Lisa's blows. She continued to attack him skillfully.