
Forbidden love, The saga

Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter’s happiness

Thatnerdygirl · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 20: Marc

"Time to get to work. I need you to act tonight." Tobias told me as soon as I stepped out of the car.

When I saw Tobias waiting for me, I knew what this was going to be about. He had told me that one day he was going to need me to take on his enemy. The Tobias I know can take on anyone on his own. Why he needed me was something I never understood. I didn't have the authority to question him. No one had ever stood up to the alpha and those who attempted were never to be heard from again.

It was rumored that Tobias once fought alphas of three other packs on his own once. After beheading all of them bare hands, he had established himself as the head of all three groups. His pack is the largest in the country. What could a man as powerful as he be hesitant of.

"She is in town. One of my men saw her at the airport. I have called The Five." He continued.

The five were the chosen amongst the pack. They were the closest to Tobias and did all his dirty work. Unmatched in their strength, they could take down an army on their own. I had never faced them and nor did I want to.

I tried my best to listen to him but I found myself drifting. Something was happening to me and I wasn't sure what it was. It felt like something was growing inside of me, a light. A red wave with orange edges, as if it was engulfinging me from inside. I didn't feel week or sick. But somehow, my senses seemed heightened and my bones ached slightly.

"Are you listening" Tobias was practically yelling now.

"Yes, I am sorry, The Five are on their way here?"

"No. I will not be ignored again. Pay attention," his eyes were red in anger now as he walked towards me. I wanted to push him away, knowing it would lead to my death within seconds. But no matter how hard I tried, this coloured wave kept flushing my soul and I wasn't sure what was happening.

"I am sorry, again. Yes."

"The five will meet you at the airport. She won't stay for long. Knowing her, she is here for something. I don't care who it or what it is. Find her before she leaves. She isn't stupid to take the road knowing our speed."


"Veronica Green," He spat out her name.

"You mean, The Veronica Green?"

"Yes, Her. Do you know her?" he asked me.

"No. I have just heard of her." I lied, trying to keep me calm so Tobias couldn't sense anything. What did Veronica have to do with any of it?

And suddenly it hit me. Lisa Green. How had I missed that? They couldn't be related. The lady who visited her that evening? Her mother. Oh it couldn't be. Is Lisa, Veronica's daughter?

"Alright then. Bring her to me. And be careful. I will tell Erica I sent you on business to europe for two days. Veronica won't go down easy. Do whatever it takes to bring her to me."

"Yes, Sir." I nodded like a loyal dog and got back in my car.