
Forbidden Love, Lust, and all the above

War between werewolves and vampires. Maria, a vampire, falls in love with James, a werewolf they know they're supposed to be archenemies, but their love triumphs over all and is forbidden.

MunchK1n · Fantasy
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I know all about love, loss, and war ever since I was a little girl. The Sanitago Clan and the Silverwolf Pack have been archenemies ever since I can remember. The Santiago controls the city of Eugene while Silverwolf controls the woods of Blachlt Mountain Forest. The war never ends no matter how many people die on either side. Tonight, I asked my father, the vampire king, why the Silverwolf we're our enemy, and he told me that a member of the Silverwolf pack killed the first king of the Santiago Clan that's how the two became enemies I have decided to leave this family tonight because I can't stand this mindless killing over something that happen so long ago. After finishing talking with my father, I waited for him to go to sleep, and I started to pack a bag. Then, I opened my window quietly as I could since vampires had very good hearing. I ripped my sheets and started to tie my sheets together and made a rope to hang out my window. I tied one end to my bag for a weight and the other side to my bedframe.

Then, I lowered myself down the rope slow and quietly as I could until I hit the ground. I united my bag from the rope and headed into the forest near the manison. Once in the forest, I made sure to move quiet since this was werewolf territory. Almost to the end of the werewolf territory, I could feel someone following behind me. Everyone of my senses is telling me to make a run for it and make it pass their territory, but if I do, then I'll die. I got to the edge of the werewolf territory and could still senses someone following me. I heard a twig snap, and I turned around but couldn't see anyone. I turned back around and saw a man about 6'4 "blonde hair and golden glowing eyes with sharp teeth staring at me. I started shaking and started to think that this was where I'm going die. I slowly reached in my bag and took out my perfume, sprayed him, and ran as fast as I could.

I know that vampires are faster than werewolves, but they are stronger and know the woods much better than any vampires could ever know. I heard twigs snapping, branches breaking, and scrubs rustling behind me, then ran into the wall of rocks, dead end. I saw the same golden glowing eye staring at me and coming toward me, and all I could do was scream, I kept telling myself that this was where I die. I could see him about to bounce and rip me to shreds. He came toward me so slow, and I thought that I might be able to climb this rock wall, but I could see where to place my hands, so I kept slipping. I turned around toward this man who was coming closer and closer to me, so I closed my eyes, waiting for death to come, but when I opened my eyes, I saw James. I have had a crush on James Silverwolf since junior high. He was handsome, blonde hair, 6'4, blue eyes, and buff. I started thinking of why he hastened to rip me to shreds. I pushed him away from me, and he looked confused, I asked why he didn't kill me like another member of the Silverwolf pack would have. He told me that he was nothing like the rest of the pack, like his father, who is the alpha of the pack. I asked why he was hunting me down and making me think I was going to die.

His answer was that he thought I was someone else. They are on the look for a man, so when he saw a woman in the woods alone at night, he was curious. He told me that he was never going to hurt me, but when I sprayed him with my perfume, he got mad and started chasing me. Then he asked me why I was in the woods at night by myself, and I told him that I was running away for my family and life because i couldn't stand being part of this pointless war between our families. After some time, he also told me that he doesn't see why our family is at war. I asked James if his father told him about how this war began, and he said that Santiago was the first to kill the first alpha of the pack, and that's how the war between the two families began. I told James that my father told me that it was the first alpha that made the first move again the Santiago Clan. We both started thinking that these stories didn't add up and that in each story, the one that made the first move was from the other family.

I said that there is more to what our parents' stories that they aren't telling us. I asked James if he wouldn't mind finding out what really happened between our families and see if we can end this war. James agreed, and I told him I needed to head back to my house to see if I could find out more on my end. James walked me back to my place but stopped about 30 feet from the border, so none of my fathers guards couldn't smell him. I asked him if he could meet me tomorrow night around 10 at night at this abandoned house in the middle of the woods. He agreed, and right before I could turn around to head back to the manison, he held my hand and pulled me toward him, and kissed me. I got lost in the moment because I had waited for this for so long, I started to think it was a dream but then snapped back.