
Forbidden Love in Death

Luna was an angel of death who was tasked with picking up the spirits of the dead. Her existence was invisible to humans but always overshadowed their activities. And she—and all the angels of death that exist—is not allowed to interfere in human life. However, when her accidental action changes the fate of humans from being dead to the living, she must suffer the consequences. She was punished. Become human and live among them. How was Luna’s life in the human world? Will she succeed in carrying out her mission?

aishimizudani · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A Mistake

Luna stepped into a room that said 'Library' on the door. From the outside, the room looked small. But when she was inside, the room was without limits. As far as she walked, the length of the hallway in front of her never shortened. There was always a long corridor with shelves full of books on either side.

She had no intention of walking down the long corridors. She just wanted to sit there, rest, and enjoy her leisure time in silence. After dropping the grandmother off and reporting to the head office, her plan to visit Mystic Cafe was canceled. Suddenly she was lazy to go there. Hence, here she was. Became a visitor to this comprehensive library.

Luna glanced at an open book close to her. The reader must have been in such a hurry that they forgot to close the book they were reading. Her eyes squinted as she tried to read the words there. But, nothing. Finally, her hand moved to take over the book.


Life and death are two things that cannot be separated. The two are not parallel or go hand in hand, and the two cannot replace each other because life and death are continuous processes. The living must die. In other words, death is the end of the life process.

However, when death gives rise to life, the order of destiny becomes chaotic. Life and death become confusing. Are they alive? Or do they die like the fate they have lived?

But, you must know. When life is born from death, the two will become one. If one is alive, then the other is also alive. And if one dies, the other will also die. The bond of destiny is so strong that it cannot be separated.

Oh, death. Watch out for life! Remember, everything will end up dead!


Luna's brows knitted together after reading the lines on the page that opened before her. She didn't understand what it meant at all. All she knew was her job was related to death. If so, then life must be connected to those who live on earth. She understood that the living must die. But the rest, she didn't know.


A notification came into her black tablet. A new job. A young man in his suit and information about him appeared on her screen. Luna jumped from her seat as soon as she realized the deadline was coming coon. Less than half an hour or a penalty waiting for her. Instantly, she ran away, leaving the open book in the same position as the reader before her.


Luna was half running towards the quite busy crossroads. She found it a little strange to see some of her comrades standing there, huddled together and talking about something.

"It must have been a big accident," said a grim reaper she recognized as Ariel.

"Big accident?" Luna repeated once she got there and became part of the mob.

"You'll see. There's nothing here, apart from roads and vehicles and people. It's most likely a series of accidents."

Luna followed Ariel's gaze. Indeed, roads and motorized vehicles dominated the place. The traffic was even quite heavy on this hot day. And as her GPS pointed out, this was where the work would take place.

Luna had read the information regarding her target, including how the man would die. That was why she knew an accident would really happen on the road in front of her. But, she didn't know that the calamity in the next five minutes was a big accident, so seven angels of death had to deploy to pick up the human spirits who would die here.

"I have to bring a pregnant woman," said the grim reaper with the appearance of the youngest among them. His body looked like a late teenager. However, it had been over twenty years since he had that appearance. That meant it was more than twenty years after he died. His figure was precisely how he looked now. Late teens.

"What a pity." The angel of death beside him chimed in.

Yes, she was so sorry to hear that. It was sad to see just one death. Moreover, there were seven deaths that she would later have to witness, and one of them was a pregnant woman. Life should be born from her womb. But, it all failed to happen when death came first and took her life and the tiny creatures inside.

Luna waited while putting her hands in the pockets of her black coat. Seeing the color of her clothes, she remembered the words of the humans she often heard. Black was not a nice color to wear in hot weather. They said it could make the body hot quickly. Of course, she couldn't feel it. Again, because they were different.

Luna looked to the right, then to the left. She wondered where the accident would be started. There was no detailed information about the process of occurrence. All she knew—and her colleagues—only the accident and what happened on the road.

The time of the incident drew near. The grim reaper had prepared to see the tragic accident in front of them. But suddenly, a child ran right through their bodies. The toddler did not stop and continued to walk until his tiny body was in the middle of the highway.

The creatures dressed in black looked at their tablet to find information about the toddler. There wasn't any. None of them had his data.

Three possibilities could happen. First, the little boy didn't die. Second, if the toddler died, the angel of death who would pick him up must come late. The latter was an unexpected death. Although it didn't happen often, unexpected deaths usually occurred in young children, especially toddlers. Why? Because children were still innocent whose destiny was sometimes challenging to know.

As soon as the theory entered Luna's mind, she realized that there was a motorbike speeding right at the toddler. The distance between them was no longer possible to stop because, indeed, the little boy suddenly appeared there. And as the vehicle drew closer, she decided to act. Luna ran between the two. In her heart, she prayed for the child to be safe.

Luna's surroundings shone as an invisible wall enveloped them—herself, the toddler, and a human near them. Her breath caught as the motor pierced the barrier she had made and passed the three of them with no problem. She smiled contentedly. The toddler was safe.

Luna left the barrier there until the little boy returned to the side of the road. After making sure everything was safe, she then removed the transparent bulkhead. Her steps swayed toward her friends in their original place with unsteady steps. Her brows furrowed when she saw the reaction of those looking at her, full of concern. What was it?

Before her brain had time to digest everything, she suddenly felt dizzy. Her vision was spinning. Her body suddenly felt weak, as if all her strength was exhausted. And then, dark. She fainted.