


Kiss Your Tears

Ashley's POV

I entered my chambers and my heart dropped when I remembered how I was banned from wings like this. I smiled a bit and turned back to look at the maid assigned to me. She was young and I couldn't recognize her in any way.

/"May I run you a bath?/" She asked carefully and I nodded pouncing on the bed but stopped immediately when the familiar chocolate and cinnamon scent puffed up in waves.

That imp.

/"Did you arrange my room?/" I asked while turning to her and she shook her head.

/"The Alpha suggested he'd do it. I don't know why,/" She trailed off looking confused and I nodded to myself getting the picture of what he was trying to do.

He was trying to make me run mad. Why would he get this scent all over this room? And why the hell was my mouth almost watering?