


The Meet-Up

Iziah's POV

I had frozen again last night and even heard Ashley's voice crying this time. Like she was calling out to me. I felt more and more lonely and useless as days passed and no problems occurred apart from the colored moon.

I had even sent Ares to search through all the rogue homes around our pack when he told me that mates liked to stay a little too close to keep their sanity but he always came back futile.

The door opened and I looked up at Ares almost wanting to stand up in my office but he shook his head and instead, waved a letter at me.

/"You would never guess who?/"

My heart skipped.

He dropped the black and gold letter on the table and slid it towards me. I looked at the inscriptions and I gulped a little. I was friends with him since the treaty but had he decided that he wanted a war? Cause I was keen on other stuff right now.

I opened the letter and it read.

Dear Alpha Iziah Azon,