
Forbidden Enchantment

Just been dumped Ella Sweet has always been too conservative, too innocent, and too darn sweet. Her best friend Charlotte tells her a good hook up is all she needs to feel better; but can she do it! Can she really hook up with the next hot guy she meets? Read on and find out if Ella has what it takes when she runs out of gas and is picked up by a stranger. Is he just the bad boy she needs or is she the next victim of a serial killer? Either way she’s in a heap of trouble.

LonerGirl · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Fire Everywhere

She could barely think as beaded perspiration formed along her body glistening everywhere. She grabbed a handful of Damon's dark hair and yanked his mouth to hers. Her hips moved against him grinding desperately; she needed him inside her.

With her hand tangled within his thick hair she pulled him close to look into his deep green eyes. They held each-other's gaze as if they'd always been lovers staring each other down like two opposing stars in a night sky.

She didn't speak save for the soft mews and gasps that escaped her lips. Instead she returned his intense stare all the while yearning for him to fill her deeper.

Damon read her mind and plunged himself inside her.

With every one of his thrusts Ella felt as if a million stars had just exploded. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around Damon's waist wanting him to go harder.

Each thrust sent one mind blowing explosion after the other. She gasped for air like a fish out of water as he took her higher and higher.

That final thrust sent her over the edge. As she came in throbs, she clutched his back digging her small nails in as her body tightened and released over and over in waves of elegant pleasure.

She moaned loudly as she orgasmed in a grand, finale like, fireworks explosion, just as he let out a loud growl.

Her entire body went limp and satiated as the sexual tension they had built floated away like clouds in the sky.

She laid there completely satisfied. "I never knew," she finally whispered.

"Never knew what," he said as he fell next to her. He stroked her arm down to her hand and then cutely coiled his within hers.

"That sex could be this good with someone I barely know."


Damon swallowed and then let go of her hand. Her words were so sharp. He felt as if a dagger had just been plunged into his heart.

It wasn't the first time.

He had once thought he was in love with a water nymph who stole his heart as she cavorted across the realm sleeping with whoever she fancied because she loved getting him jealous.

He swore he would never go down that road again.

Now here he was.

He didn't mean to, but he couldn't help it. He made love to her with every fiber of his being. He wanted to show her how sorry he was for what had happened to her earlier. He wanted to take care of her while she was in his embrace. Damon gritted his teeth thinking of the man that treated her thus. But his heart panged again reminding him of her words.

To her it was just sex.

He kept repeating it in his mind so he wouldn't ever forget. Still, maybe it was better she thought of it like that. He couldn't truly be with her in a relationship anyway. She lived in the mortal realm.

It would never work.

She would go home in the morning and he would never see her again.


A loud banging on his door roused him from his thoughts. He placed a finger on Ella's lips to silence her. She brushed it away as she sat up yanking the blanket to cover her naked breasts.

"I'm busy," he yelled out angrier than he meant. "Unless there's a fire."

Violet yelled through the door, "The vineyard is on fire."


Ella watched the frantic activity from her bay window. There was the strong smell of smoke and for a time she worried the fire would find its way to their home. Even in the dark she could see large plumes of dark smoke rising through the air.

The hills in the distance looked like glowing caterpillars and tiny embers floated all around. She shuddered thinking how they had walked in that area earlier. She also felt a profound sadness for the lush gardens she had seen on their walk. Not to mention the vineyard itself. It was their livelihood.

There were red and blue flashing lights and firemen in their yellow gear everywhere her eyes darted.

People were scrambling all directions like little ants from her vantage point. But for some reason he wanted her inside her room.

She didn't want to be in the way.

Besides, Damon had practically thrown her inside her room and commanded her to not leave it. He said he would come for her if, heaven forbid, they needed to evacuate.

It was so strange, the feelings she had. What a horrible and strange day it had been. Her heart didn't feel as broken as it did earlier in the day, thanks to Violet and mostly Damon. She sucked in a breath as she thought of him between her legs. She couldn't remember if she had ever thought of Brian that way.

She could see Damon pointing the way where the firemen could navigate through the vineyard. The way his dark hair fell over his eye and his taught muscular arm pointing made her heart skip a beat. She continued watching him feeling like a voyeur. He ran a hand through his hair pulling it out of his eye. She nibbled her lower lip. Charlotte would have called him a hunk of burning love.

And they had sex together.

She couldn't believe she had done something so outrageous. But something tugged at her heart. Though she tried to convince herself it was just a hook up. In her heart it felt like more. She bit her lip ashamed.

Silly Ella.

Suddenly she felt embarrassed. It was as if reality had finally hit her like a punch to the gut. She should not be here in this beautiful house and in this fairytale bedroom. The fire was gone but even Ella could see it had done significant damage. Damon and his sister had better things worry about and deal with, than a stranger who had run out of gas.

So, she changed back into her clothing, headed downstairs, grabbed her keys and left.

It was a beautiful fairytale night.

But that was all.


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