
Forbidden Descendants: The Chosen One

ellahecstasy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1_ Forbidden Love

Before we proceed to the star of our book, let's talk about the goddess of seduction and the demon

Ever wondered why demons and witches were forbidden from mating with each other?

Well, you'll find out here

Demons and witches used to live peacefully among each other but then something happened

Zamiel, a demon mated with a human whose name was Alicia

Alicia was a very pretty lady, was average height, she had pretty curves, pink soft lips, eyes as purple as amethysts, and platinum blue hair like the ocean. She was also a very soft and kind-hearted lady

Zamiel was also a very tall and muscular figure, he had thick black hair like ebony, emerald green eyes, and a perfectly chiseled face with a nice jawline.

Zamiel had a cold heart and used to be very wicked and cruel not until he met Alicia, the one who opened up his heart

Getting Alicia to love him wasn't an easy task but he didn't give up

When the witches heard that a demon mated with a human, they were very furious and warned Zamiel to end the relationship before he regretted his actions but Zamiel wasn't going to give in to their threats

Years passed and Zamiel and Alicia had already given birth to a beautiful daughter, her name was Calista, meaning most beautiful.

Though Calista was very young her beauty was very alarming, she had a slim but curvy body, slightly pale skin, jet-black eyes like ebony, and long platinum-blonde hair

When the news of the birth of Calista got to the witches, the level of their anger was as hot as lava

They called Zamiel again and warned him to separate himself from them but he bluntly declined and then again provoked them

After Zamiel had left, the witch's councils decided to come up with a plan, and that plan was something Zamiel wasn't going to like.

It was dark when the sun had gone to take a rest and had handed over to the moon and star to be in control when some witches snook into Zamiel's apartment

They wanted to kidnap Alicia and Calista or they'll kill Alicia and Calista

First off, they headed to Calista's room and took the little girl, then they headed to the master's bedroom which was where Zamiel and Alicia slept in

They couldn't just open the door because they were sure either of them would wake up after much thought one of them came up with the idea that they teleported

Witches couldn't teleport so the others were confused, then the one who came up with the plan decided to elaborate more

Witches are well-known for casting spells, the teleportation spell was difficult to find so they couldn't teleport

'I found the teleportation spell' Ken, the one who came up with the idea said and that attracted lots of gasps

'How come?'

'How was that even possible?'

Questions came flying from different angles on how he got the teleportation spell because it was said to have been hidden in the royal house

'How I got the spell is not what's important but the fact that we can use it to achieve our aim is what's important' Ken said

'Agghh' Calista screamed which took the witches by surprise because they didn't know when she woke up and immediately one of them covered her mouth with his hands but they were too late

Zamiel and his wife already woke up when immediately they heard the screams.

As the witches were about to turn around and leave, Zamiel was already in front of them and oh boy the look on his face wasn't giving. His face was as red as lava, the look in his eyes was deadly and enough to send cold shivers running down your spine, and his aura was dark and deadly

The witches were scared to death, especially since they weren't expecting that look on his face

'Ken, how about that teleportation spell you learned?'

'It would come in really handy right now'

Two of the witches said out of fear

Ken tried the transportation spell but it wasn't working

He tried it continuously while Zamiel stood and watched him try to showcase his stupidity

'Ken!!!', one of the witches yelled

'What's going on?' another asked with fear

All the witches were trembling while Zamiel grinned wickedly

Ken didn't know what happened

'We're doomed guys' Ken said in retreat

When the other witches heard it, it felt like their world came crumbling right in front of them

Slowly, Zamiel walked right up to them. With every step he took, his aura became deadly and the look in his eyes couldn't tell less

Without wasting time, Zamiel pounced on them like a hungry lion that's been waiting to capture its prey, he started by shredding their skins.

You didn't think he was going to let them off the hook that easily after breaking into his home and kidnapping his daughter, did you?

After slowly shredding their skin, he tied them up, put scrapper on fire, and began shredding their other layer of skin, the pain was excruciating but they didn't know Zamiel hadn't even started

After shredding their other layers of skin, he slowly removed their nails, both toes, and fingernails and then he took the metal from the fire and pressed it against their naked skin, they all yelled out in pain, and Zamiel felt pleased to hear them scream in pain.

'That's all for today' Zamiel said as he was about to retire to bed

'How's Calista?', Zamiel asked his wife

'She's asleep' Alicia replied

'It'll all be fine' Zamiel said

'Let's go to bed', he added and Alicia replied with a nod

The next morning, Zamiel went back to his task, which was to torture them

Immediately he entered the room, all the witches whimpered in fear but he was less concerned

Zamiel tortured them for days

The witch's council was worried, they tried communicating with them but they couldn't

After some days Zamiel got bored of torturing them so he killed them.

The witch's council was getting ready for their usual meeting when suddenly they heard a scream coming from the office and immediately they all rushed in to know what was wrong only for them to meet the dead bodies of their members

Sorry for the late update

ellahecstasycreators' thoughts