
Chapter 49: The Real Wealth in Life

(Asher’s POV)

Asher heard the shuffles of feet and the swinging of doors opening and closing before he stirred. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and his torso itched and ached. Distantly, he heard a steady electronic beep and people talking around him.

None of this made sense.

Where was the sound of seagulls?

Why did everything smell like antiseptic?

Why did his stomach and gut ache?

Did he pass out somewhere?

He opened his eyes and regretted it as bright light streamed in. He blinked a bit to adjust to the light and groaned. A dark, blurry figure sitting next to him stirred.

“Hey, dude… Asher, you up?” 

Asher knew that was Orlando’s baritone voice with a hinge of worry.

“Uh…wha…where?” Disoriented, the tan lifeguard began to look around him at the white beds and the equipment.