
Forbidden curse

Have you every felt what it's like to experience bad luck and misery everyday? Talkless of getting cursed for the rest of your life? If you don't, there's a girl who'll tell you all about it. She's Kimora Hyacinth, an ordinary human who was given to a supernatural family of powerful angels. They all had amazing powers and abilities, but Kimora had none of that. With dark hair, she was more pretty and attractive than her three siblings. But because she was powerless, her family maltreated and abused her every single day of her life, till she bled and even fainted most times. Angels are supposed to be kind and nice creatures, right? But that's the opposite for Kimora's family. They're all monsters who want nothing more than to see her cry. Then, the unfortunate night of her life came, the unforgettable night that made and ruined her completely. That night, Oberon her eldest brother raped her mercilessly, then he placed a terrible curse on her. The curse was so powerful that the moon turned bloody red. After that, he banished her to Earth. Even on Earth, she still kept being hated by humans because of the curse . It would rain cats and dogs every single day, she couldn't step into any building because her curse would destruct it, she couldn't even touch anybody because they would likely die before 24 hours. Life became even more miserable for her, so miserable that she was ready to do anything to end it. She ended up in solidity and loneliness, waiting for the day that Dear Death would come and take her away. But there was someone in the supernatural realm who suffered as much hatred and misery as her. His name is Damon, popularly known as a demon, a monster, a supernatural freak, and that's exactly what he is. He's a prince, but got disowned by the royal family because of an unknown reason. Ever since that time, he's been known as an outcast that terrorizes the world at dark. His heart is colder than ice, his attitude eludes any signs of humanity, He's every woman's nightmare, but simultaneously he's every woman's dream. His beauty is off the charts and to die for. What could occur when a heartless monster like him meets an ordinary human like her? Would he show her his dark side, or would she be able to melt his cold heart first? Would she ever be free from her curse?

billbanky63 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 2

A red crescent appeared on Kimthat forehead for a short while before dia sappearing, and their eyes turned normal. The ground beneath Kimra opened up and swallowed her, serving as a portal to Earth.

The portal appeared in the sky on Earth, and Kimora fell out of it. She fell down to the trees and crashed multiple times through the branches before landing on the rocky ground of the forest.

She tried to stand up, but was too weak and fell back to the ground. She grabbed the ground tightly and started weeping bitterly.

" Why me!!!" She screamed terribly into the ground.


Some hours later, Kimora was found wobbling and taking trembling steps in the forest. Blood was between her legs, and practically every other part of her body was injured. She looked terrible.

She felt so hungry and thirsty that she might just die. She fell on her knees when she couldn't walk anymore with tears running down her face.

She looked slowly to her side, only to find a river there. Her eyes widened, she must've been so miserable she didn't even notice it on time.

She crawled to the river and placed her mouth directly into the river, gulping in some water. She sighed satisfactorily, laying her head on the ground to rest.

She heard some noises in the forest and opened her eyes alarmingly. It sounded like bandits, and they were coming right for her way.

" C'mon, let's get moving! This way!" She heard one of the men shouting, and a gunshot followed. They sounded very angry and dangerous.

She staggered up to her feet and tried running out of the forest. She tripped on a stone, and she fell with a painful cry, attracting the bandits.

They started running and shouting insanely towards her direction. They appeared behind her, and Kimora whimpered as she struggled back to her feet and ran for her life.

" Hey, Stop running!" They shouted and even shot bullets at her. Kimora yelped and ducked to avoid getting shot.

She arrived at a waterfall, and she stopped running abruptly. There was no way for her to escape anymore.

" Hah! We've got you now." They said, surrounding her with their weapons. Kimora's heart jumped to her mouth as she slowly turned back to them.

They were instantly taken away by her beauty. She was so beautiful and attractive than her siblings that they just stared at her like idiots.

Kimora stepped on a slippery rock, and her foot slipped from it. She lost her balance and started going down, and her eyes widened as a terrified scream ripped through her throat.

She fell into the waterfall, and it didn't take long before she landed into the ocean. She instantly went unconscious and started drowning.

A mermaid found her and grabbed her hand, swimming her fast out of the ocean. Kimora opened her eyes slightly and saw just her tail before going back to unconsciousness.

The mermaid brought her out of the water and placed her on a nearby rock. 

Her tail transformed to legs, and her long hair covered her naked & vulnerable parts. She was pretty, too pretty to even be a mermaid, but Kimora was prettier than her.

She gave her stomach some presses, and Kimora coughed back to life. She started breathing again, but didn't open her eyes.

Celestia noticed all the wounds on her body and looked very pitiful. She parted her lips and started to sing beautifully, touching her body. A blue light shone from her hands and transferred to Kimora's body as she healed her.

But something strange happened. Kimora's body rejected the healing and remained in its bruised up form. She wondered why and stopped singing worriedly.

" Who are you?" She asked half-consciously, in a weak voice.

" I'm Celestia, a mermaid. I just saved your life." Celestia replied with a bright smile.

" Mermaid? Cool, I wish I was a mermaid too." Kimora said & smiled.

She wasn't fully aware of what she was saying, so her words night sound silly or strange.

" Where are you from, young girl?" She asked, touching her beautiful face.

" I'm from... I'm..." Kimora tried replying, but she couldn't as she went fully unconscious again.

Celestia carried Kimora in her arms and started carrying her to a safer place with her long hair dragging on the ground.

She accidentally tripped on her hair and fell, dropping Kimora.

" Aaaaaarrrrgghh!" She screamed as she got injured on her knees and hands.

They bled quickly, then she quickly sat up and used her singing to heal herself. She passed the moment off as an unlucky one and tried to carry Kimora again.

She heard cracking noises behind her, and turned to see an unstable tree falling for her. She quickly grabbed Kimora out of the way, so the tree missed them and collapsed heavily on the ground. 

Celesta sighed, then was about to walk away with Kimora when a heavy wind blew her so hard that she fell & dropped Kimora again.

She slowly turned to Kimora with wide eyes. These strange occurrences were beginning to look extra-terrestrial to her.

She looked at the crescent in the sky, and it turned into a bloody colour again. An eerie screech came from nowhere that threatened to split her eardrums, and she covered her ears tightly in pain.


She looked at the crescent in the sky, and it turned into a bloody colour again. An eerie screech came from nowhere that it threatened to split her eardrums, and she covered her ears tightly in pain.

The screeching stopped, then the moon turned back to normal. The heavy wind stopped, and Celestia looked at Kimora with strange eyes.

" What are you?"

She caught sight of a dark figure in front of them and looked up with horrified eyes. Her heart was beating fast as she stared at the towering entity in front of her, dressed in a cloak and holding a trident.

" W... Who are you?" She asked trembling, but the figure didn't respond.

It pierced its trident into the ground, making it stand on its own. It then pulled down the cloak, revealing a beautiful young girl her age.

Celestia held her chest and breathed out.

" Diane, you scared me." She said.

" Celestia, what are you doing out here? You know its not safe for us to venture into the human world. What if you got caught?" Diane spoke worriedly.

" Relax. It's not like I'm not smart or strong enough to not take care of myself. I'm fine." Celestia responded, and Diane's eyes darted to Kimora.

" Also, who's the girl?" She asked.

" I don't know. She's kind of a strange being. She fell into the ocean where I was swimming, then I rescued her. I noticed all her bruises and tried to heal her up, but for the first time my powers just decided to disobey me. They didn't work on her. Many other strange things happened too, it's just too much to tell now." Celestia narrated.

" Alright, you'll tell me later then. But what do we do about the human?" She asked.

" I was thinking of bringing her to the Institute with us." Celestia said, and Diane's eyes widened.

" Are you crazy? An ordinary human in our supernatural world? She'll be a major threat to us! She might've been sent here as a spy! We have to kill her before she tells anyone about our existence." Diane said, dragging out a dagger to stab Kimora, but Celestia shielded her.

" She isn't a threat Diane, calm down. She's not even awake." Celestia defended her.

" Now what? We can't possibly leave her in the forest here. It's either we kill her, or..." She paused, and Celestia gave her a knowing look.

" Uggh. Fine, we can bring her to the Institute." She agreed, and Celestia smiled.

" Though, I don't think she's an ordinary human," Celestia muttered, looking over at Kimora.

" What makes you say that?" Diane inquired.

" Don't worry, I'll tell you later. Let's just get her to the Institute." Celestia said.

Diane shapeshifted into a strong man and lifted Kimora into her arms. Celestia went to wear her clothes that she left on some nearby rock, then they left into the woods together.

They finally reached a portal which was standing between two trees with a bright light emanating from it. They went through together, and the portal closed up.