
For the Void I will Sacrifice

The beings on the planet of the magicians were not friendly with the little orphan, not even giving him a name, and he ended up on his deathbed at a young age, but ends up being noticed by a superior being. Follow the turn of the little orphan's fate. *I am not the owner of the image, in case you are the owner and you want me to remove it, just send me a message.

PoderosoNada · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2- Unusual situation

What do you want with me?" Darius asked the man in the suit.

Realizing the courage emanating from the boy's eyes, the interest of the man in the suit only increased. Initially he had as his objective only to treat the boy's body as material, to perform the spell of summoning the dead.

"I just want to know your secret"

He replied, ignoring the fact that until recently he wanted to turn the boy's body into a living dead.

Upon hearing his answer the boy found himself in a complicated situation, because if he answered honestly and told the truth without a doubt he would be killed and possibly dissected by the man in the suit. However if he lied he would go against dogmas, which he he learned at the orphanage from the nuns, who visited the orphans and always told stories about their god.

The boy was widely influenced by the Holy See over the years, so he knew that according to one of the stories he was told when lying on his death he would be punished for not being able to go to paradise. Darius made a decision and chose to lie, reluctantly abandoning this dogma, which had influenced him for a long time, he said.

"Sir !, I believe you may be mistaken, I am just a humble commoner I have no secret"

The boy shrewdly replied, but for his misfortune again the man in black was a skinny black man of the first level, able to expand his vision and notice the small details emitted by the face of a mortal when lying.

Realizing the lie the black magician, contrary to expectations, was not nervous with the boy, just laughed and stretched his hand towards the boy's head, touching it, he said.

"Acting cunning may seem smart or right to do considering your current situation, but you need to know who you are being with, if the being is simply more powerful than you, it will just end in suffering"

Hearing the man in the suit, the boy realized his naivety and remembered the conversation he heard between the innkeeper and a hunter in the tavern two weeks before trying to steal food from the same establishment.



Two weeks ago, Taverna two dreams.

"The hunter, already drunk in his reverie, said I wish to be like the magicians, I also want to have these extraordinary powers" - As he spoke, he stretched his arms as if he had a staff and made noises similar to those of the energies gathering.

Having left his short daydream, he continued his speech.

"Wizards are able to face magical beasts head-on without needing to use large numbers of soldiers, like meat barriers to slaughter a single beast." "

The innkeeper, listening to the hunter's reverie, no longer so surprised by the information, for having had to listen to several similar reveries, over time exercising his profession, but out of sheer curiosity he asked.

"What else can magicians do?"

The somewhat experienced hunter having been hired a few times by a group of magician apprentices, for his vast experience as a forest explorer replied.

"They are able to perceive small details, which ordinary people like us cannot, for example, can perceive when we are lying, I suffered in my skin when I tried to deceive an apprentice once."

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As he recalled that day, the boy felt a shiver down his spine, and fear spread throughout his body, but his persistence did not allow him to accept the consequences of his lie and soon tries to get out of his situation, he says.

"Sir, I beg your pardon for my former audacity"

Hearing the boy, the black magician smiled again, because the boy had not left his reach since the attack ordered by the nobleman and when the magician caught him having made an inspection using his inner energy, his curiosity for the unknown arose and quickly spoke.

"Go ahead, tell me what happened to your body"

Darius, without much choice, remembered his condition in his supposed unconsciousness, and when he remembered he tried to find something that could be used as a sacrifice, but despite having searched the entire room he couldn't find anything that could be sacrificed.

He then realized that it would not be possible to lie to the man in black, but he shrewdly thought of a possibility, using half-truths to hide Normandy's existence, because he knew it was too dangerous to tell a third party, and then he spoke.

"Sir, when I became unconscious I ended up in a place where there was a beautiful woman and she used her powers to save me."

The boy's short answer did not cause a big surprise to the black magician, as it was within his expectations, although the planet on which they live is called the planet of the magicians, there are still divine existences, of which they sometimes do good deeds to mortals, saving them from desperate situations.

Having the answer to his curiosity the black magician with an evil smile on his face turned to the boy and pointed out his current choices available to him.

"Little boy, your current situation is not good I will give you two options for your choice"

"The first option if you choose it, you will become my apprentice and I will give you basic knowledge about the world and the great art of black magic"

Hearing the first option, Darius acknowledged that it was an opportunity for a radical change in his current situation, noting that he asked.

"And what will I have to do in exchange for this precious knowledge?"

The black wizard replied without delay.

"You just need to know that it won't be a fair trade"

The black magician, after realizing that the boy entered into a kind of self-contemplation, raised his arms as if he were about to reveal something great to the boy and continued to speak.

"In the second option, you will accept your current situation and stay in the tank you are currently in, and this will transform you into a low-level undead soldier and after the transformation you will no longer have a conscience, and your body will integrate the grand formation. of the living dead of the great Mordus Cairo. "

Despite the skeletal and flaming head of the now Mordus, Darius in a strange way could perceive the madness and mania of grandeur in his eyes, without much reflection he made his choice, the same being obvious in his vision.

"I choose the first option"

With the choice of the boy Mordus found himself a little disappointed, for having spent ingredients for nothing to nourish the boy's body with energy before the transformation, without delay he removed the chains that held the boy in the tank and quickly removed it.

Now somewhat free and out of the tank Darius felt that there was a certain strange energy leaving his body, with the passage of time, without knowing exactly what that energy would be, he only managed to associate the energy of the magician who hit him the most early.

"Follow me"

Hearing the command, the boy began to follow Mordus, when he left the room he came across a corridor full of shelves and in them there were several glass jars with things inside like animal heads, organs and unknown liquids. Despite feeling an immense retch, Darius managed to hold on.

Observing the boy's strong will, Mordus in his mental disorder caused by the reaction of the failure of an experiment, thought that it would not be a bad idea to really have him as a disciple, setting aside another evil thing, which the same would do with the boy .

Facing a black door full of markings similar to ancient runes, Mordus turned his head and started watching the boy as a precaution if he attacked while gathering energy in his hand, to open the door and then touched the door opening it , still looking at the boy he said.

"We arrived at our destination, now enter"