
Chapter 7: Jameson

They had been living in the cabin for just over two months and he had grown entirely too dependent on her. His emotions had become tied to hers. On days when she was smiling he felt invincible, as if he could take on the world. But on the days when her homesickness and worry for her father and country overwhelmed her he felt his as if someone was ripping his heart from his chest. He cared so deeply for her. He probably even lov.... no, he couldn't allow himself to acknowledge his feelings for her. She couldn't return them even if she did feel them. And he was sure that she felt something for him. She was constantly smiling at him and holding his hand. She no longer put the flour bags between them at night and more than once he had awoken to find her laying on his chest. Of course he always moved her off him before she woke but he could still feel her warmth even when she was gone. He chuckled as she hummed while cooking breakfast. She put the food in dishes and carried them to the table where she stood waiting for him to join her. He stood and walked to the table pulling out her chair and she smiled her thanks. "Thank you for making breakfast."

"It's my pleasure." She smiled as he sat. They ate for some time before she spoke. "Jameson, can I ask you something?"

He smiled. "Of course."

"Would you say we're still seeking comfort from each other?"

He nearly choked on his food. "Wh-what do you mean?"

She smiled. "I feel as if you've become one of the most important people in my life. I long for you, Jameson."

He blushed as he cleared his throat. "Annalise... I... thank you."

"thank you? Is that all you've to say?"

"Annalise, you've become important to me as well..." She smiled. "But we cannot be together. I am not... I'm not Cailan."

She stood up and moved to his side where she looked down at him with the most hope filled eyes he'd ever seen. "I know that you're not Cailan... but I... love you anyways."

He froze. There it was, her true feelings. He had suspected but hearing her say so made his heart skip a beat. "I am beyond happy to hear you say those words to me, Annalise. But I... I can't return your feelings."

Hurt flashed across her face. "Is it because you love Allaree?"

He stood and took her hand. "No. I've no feelings for Allaree."

"Then why..?"

"My first and only priority is your safety. Nothing can come before that." It hurt to tell her this but it was the truth. He had to keep distance from her even if it broke his heart.

"I understand. But Jameson, please don't let your fear keep you from me. I've seen your true self and that is all that matters. And if you're worried about ruling then just treat the citizens as you do the men under your command and you'll be an incredible king."


"I will leave you to your thoughts. If you don't mind, I'd like to step out and say my morning prayers."

"Of course, just stay close by please."

She nodded. "I will, thank you."

She walked out the door and he sat in the chair running his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe that she could actually love him. He wanted so badly to hold her and kiss her but he couldn't. His hands were covered in the blood of all of Morea's enemies and before she was on the throne the pool of blood at his feet would only deepen. She was too pure and good to be tied to him. He chose his path, the path of war, and there was no going back. Even if he did want her... He shook his thoughts away. They can't be anything more. She was sweet and pure and he would surely destroy everything he loved about her.

He jumped up when he thought he heard shouting outside. He grabbed his sword and ran out the door scanning the area. "Annalise?!" He looked around but he didn't see her. Without much thought he sprinted into the swamp desperation robbing him of sense. He got about twenty feet from the cabin he stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted her under a huge cypress tree that loomed over a small body of water. The summer sun crept through the leaves and it seemed that all of the rays of light were shining down on her. She was kneeling, eyes closed, hands clasped in front of her, her long hair blowing in the gentle breeze, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked like a goddess or a dream or both. He could have watched her all day but he didn't want to disturb her so be backed away slowly. As he reached the cabin he noticed the door was wide open. He tried to think back but he couldn't, for the life of him, remember whether or not he closed the door on his way out. He pulled his sword from its sheath and cautiously moved to the open door. He peer around the corner and found the cabin empty. He sighed in relief as he walked through the door. "Looks clear..." he froze. The chest at the foot of the bed was open. He knew for a fact that he hadn't opened it. His heart clinched painfully as he ran back out the door. "Annalise... please be safe." Why did he leave her unattended? He should have known better. As he was running down the path he saw her walking towards him. The sun was blurring his vision but she appeared to be fine. "Annalise, thank the Seven. I was terrified..."


He froze as she entered the shadow of the trees and he noticed a man behind her and a blade at her throat. "Annalise!"

"Don't move! Take one step and she dies." The man spoke, his shouts causing Annalise to tremble.

"Release her and I'll do whatever you ask." His voice gave hints to just how desperate he was but he stood his ground.

The man laughed hideously. "Allaree said that she had feelings for you but she never mentioned that you cared so deeply for your princess."

"Allaree sent you?"

"How could she? We found her half dead with burns covering her face and chest. The healers barely saved her. The scarring is extensive and she has yet to speak to anyone or leave her room." He didn't know how to respond, he really did care about Allaree but she had attacked Annalise, who only defended herself. "You're the only fire mage around! I know it was you who burned her, Jameson! And I plan to get revenge."

He was so relieved that the man thought it was he who burnt Allaree. "You can have your revenge or whatever else you want. Just let the princess go."

"Jameson, no!"

The man just grabbed a handful of her hair twisting her head to the side. "You best be silent, Princess. The men are talking."

Jameson took a timid step forward, "She has nothing to do with this! If it's revenge you want come and have it."

The man laughed again his dagger now pressed against her skin. "That's not the revenge I crave. The way I see it, you left the woman I love scarred and disfigured. I think I should do the same. Though I don't have magic, so I'll just have to use my blade!" In one fast motion he pulled his dagger from her throat and drew it across her cheek. Blood instantly ran down her face and neck as she screamed in pain.

She was obviously in pain but other than the initial scream when he cut her she hadn't so much as whimpered. But still he could feel his rage building. Flames danced on his fingers as he took another step closer. She locked eyes with him. "Jameson, don't let him instigate you."

The man laughed. "Oh, Jameson, you're so helpless." He then brought his knife down her cheek again. She groaned as her blood began to spill but said nothing more. "Aren't you going to save your woman?"

"You're an idiot." Annalise grunted. "I am to be his sister-in-law."

The mans eyes widened slightly. "I don't believe you."

"I am marrying his brother, Cailan. Surely you've heard of the Morean Knight who is becoming king. And now you've assaulted the crown princess of Morea for no real reason. And when my knight arrives he'll run you through for sure."

She was so convincing Jameson almost believed her. "She speaks the truth. My brother is at the the fort for a meeting but he will soon return to his bride." He said as closed the distant between them.

"I don't want trouble with a Morean Magic Knight." He said as he threw her at Jameson.

Jameson wrapped her in his arms as they fell to the ground from the momentum of her being shoved at him. He pulled her tightly against him. "Annalise, I am sorry..."

"It's my fault. I was lost in prayer and let him sneak up on me." There was something off about her voice. She didn't seem herself.

The man starred down at them. "Stand Jameson. We've a matter to settle."

Jameson stood prepared to fight but Annalise stepped before him. "Actually, I am the reason you seek revenge. I am the mage who burnt Allaree."

The man grew clearly angry. "Why would you?!"

Annalise got a wicked grin about her as she wrapped her arm around Jameson's waist, her eyes glassed over. "She threatened the man I love." She then leaned in grazing his lips with hers before she stepped closer to the man with fire dripping from her fingers. "I would have let you run off but you had the audacity to cut my face, twice!" The fire started to burn up her arms but she clearly felt no heat. She then reached out grabbing at the man but he jumped back. "What's wrong, coward? Scared of my revenge?"

"You bitch! You lied to me!"

"Of course I did. You would have slit my throat before I could finish casting. And you should have!" She yelled as the fire leapt from her fingers arching before started burning at his clothes under his armor. He started to panic pulling at his clothes as she stepped closer. The flames began to swallow him whole and his screams filled the air as Annalise just stood there watching.

Jameson reached out touching her shoulder and she swung at him. He looked into her eyes and all he saw was rage. He knew instantly that she had lost control and his heart broke. "Annalise! Annalise, look at me!" She just starred through him, the fire still on her hands. "Annalise, please, I need you to come back to me!" Still nothing. He grabbed her pulling her tightly into his arms despite her struggles and her fire that was burning him wherever she touched. He grit his teeth against the pain pulling her closer yet. "Anna...lise... please..." she was tharshing about burning him with every strike yet he couldn't let her go. In fact, he pulled her closer. He refused to lose her this way. He would do whatever need be to save her because he knew that he could not cut her down. He had been forced to kill a few mages who lost control, one being a close friend of his, and he refused to kill her. He couldn't even if he wanted to. She was his heart. He flipped her over pinning her to the ground with the last of his strength. "Forgive me, Annalise." He pinned her arms beneath his knees and cupped her face with his hands. "I... love you, Annalise. Come back to me." He then leaned down kissing her rather passionately. At first she tried to get free but then she stopped moving.

He pulled away as her eyes blinked a few times before they focused on his. "Jameson... I... what happened?"

"You lost control but you're back now... that is all that matters."

"I'm sorry... for hurting you. I shall heal your wounds..."

"You've already used far too much magic." He smiled down at her. "Rest now."

She smiled weakly. "You kissed me."

"I apologize. I was desperate to bring you back to me."

She nodded. "Please, do it again."

He ran his fingers through her silky curls. "Are you sure?" She simply nodded at him and he leaned down pressing his lips to hers. He wrapped his arm under her head lifting her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. He then pulled away. "Rest."

She nodded, her eyes fluttering closed. Within seconds she was unconscious. He tried desperately to stand, lifting her into his arms but he didn't have the strength. The pain of the burns began to make him dizzy and despite his best efforts all he could do was collapse protectively atop her and fall unconscious as well.

Cloud meet silver lining.

BasilliaLovecreators' thoughts