
Chapter 3: Jameson

He was laying in bed and couldn't help the wicked grin on his lips. Allaree had just left him and she was always pleasing. She had learned a lot traveling as a sell sword and not all of it was battle related. As he was about to let pleasure carry into to sleep there was a knock at his door. He sighed as got up pulling it open, annoyed that his men would bother him so late.

Her eyes widened and her checks reddened as she turned her back to him. "G-General, I must ask that you dress!"

He couldn't help but chuckle. Only this woman would come to his door at night and then complain about his appearance. "Princess, what are you doing at my door? The sun has set. This is hardly appropriate."

"We can discuss that as well once you are wearing a shirt."

He shook his head pulling his undershirt on. "I am dressed. Come in and close the door before someone sees you."

She entered shutting the door behind her and then she stood there, nearly frozen, not moving further into the room. "I have come to apologize."

He cocked his head slightly to the right. "Seriously?" He had honestly been expecting another lecture or yelling at the very least.

She nodded clasping her hands in front of her. "Yes. I have..." she paused dropping her gaze to her feet. "I have been acting rather childish. Refusing to eat, hiding away... and being a burden to you. I am sorry. I will correct my behavior. You've enough to deal with." She met his eye once more. "And I will no longer question your orders. My father made you General for a reason and I will respect and trust in his decision."

He didn't know how to respond, he was rather shocked. "Thank you. In return I will try to be more understanding. Losing Cailan was hard on all of us... and I know what it is to lose a father... not saying you've lost yours of course."

She nodded. "Thank you. I shall try to remember that he was your brother before he was anything to me."

He took a step closer. "Thank you, Princess. But as your knight he spent more time with you than he did me. I am sure it stings all the more for it."

She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "It was comforting to have him at my side all throughout the day. And I will admit that I feel a bit, lonely without him. But he would not want me to act in such a way."

"I could say the same." He sighed as she stepped before her. "I am here if you need me."

"Thank you." She nodded as she turned reaching for the door nob. She then looked over her shoulder and smiled quite beautifully. "And thank you for the honeyed bread! How'd you know it was my favorite?"

"Cailan mentioned it some time ago and I guess it just stuck." He smiled.

"I see. I am no less thankful. It was delicious!" She then turned the nob. "Good night, General."

"Sleep well, Princess." As she opened the door there was a huge explosion from the courtyard and he leapt forward knocking her to the ground, his body shielding hers. She shook like a leaf with fear beneath him and so he scooped her up into his strong arms and backed through his door kicking it closed. He moved swiftly to the far side of his bed where he sat her on the ground before kneeling as he pulled her against his chest. "Are you injured?" She just stared through him clearly in shock as the sounds of battle overwhelmed the fort. "Hey! Look at me!" Finally her violet eyes met his. "Are you hurt?"

"I.. no. I don't think so."

"I am glad. It sounds as if we are under attack, which means I must get you to safety. I will need you to help me into my armor."

She nodded frantically. "I.. I don't know how but I will do whatever you instruct."

He stood and grabbed his armor putting on all that he could on his own before he turned to her. "I need you to buckle my shoulders and sides." She jumped up and nimbly fastened the buckles. "Thank you. Now stay put while I peak into the courtyard." He stood and snuck to the door pulling it slightly open. He looked out and saw men fighting every where. It was utter chaos. He closed the door and moved swiftly back to her side. "We have to go now. The battle is raging so I am hopeful we can slip away."

He stood and began to move to the door but she froze in place. "I... I am sorry, General. I can't seem to make my body move."

"I understand that you're afraid but we must go. Take my hand and I swear I will protect you."

It was clear she had to force herself to stand but she did and then she grabbed his hand tightly. He opened the door with one great movement and then ran outside pulling her behind him. Once in the courtyard the smell of blood assaulted his nostrils and he could feel her body tense through her hand. He gave her hand a squeeze and kept running. A few men stepped in his path but they were quickly met with the flames that danced on his fingers. Soon enough they were up the slick stone stairs to the top of the battlements. He scanned the area before moving to his lieutenant who was giving orders to both mages and archers. "General! I am happy to see you. And happier still you have the princess."

He nodded. "What in the name of the Seven is happening?"

"We were ambushed by a large force traveling under no banner. They came through the South Gate."

"Impossible! That route has been clear for weeks!"

"I don't know either but you need to get the princess to safety."

"I know. I just need to find Allaree."

He said looking into the on going battle.

"There isn't time!" The lieutenant groaned. "Besides the princess is more important. I know you care for Allaree but she cannot come before Morea's future."

He shook his head. "You're right. I'm sorry. Try to hold them off while I get her highness somewhere safe."

"Good luck. It's been a pleasure working under you."

He smiled. "Drinks are on me next time." The lieutenant nodded with a smile and then went back to shouting orders and he grabbed her hand pulling her along the battlements and down the far stairs. When they reached the bottom he smiled filled with relief. "Allaree, thank the Seven. I thought I was going to have to leave without you."

Allaree smiled. "No, I'm glad I found you."

"Good! Let's go! I have to get the princess to safety!" He said looking at the smooth hand wrapped in his.

Allaree nodded. "I'm right behind you!"

He nodded as he began running once more. A few minutes and spells later they had reached a hidden door that lead to a opening under the fortresses' walls. They made their way through the tunnel and then out into the woods where he stopped for a minute pulling her close. "It looks like we're in the clear." He sighed in relief as she wrapped her arms around his waist crying into his chest.

Is the dear general blinded by love or to it?

BasilliaLovecreators' thoughts