
Chapter 28: Annalise

Annalise was pacing back and forth across her cold room. Since her father used threats to force her into marriage the fort had seemed unbearably cold. Every stone room felt like a prison. It was sucking the life from her, she could feel it. Yet, this slow painful death, was tolerable so long as Jameson was free and safe.

Jameson, she whimpered, nearly crying. She missed him so badly. It broke her heart to read his letters, each more desperate than the last. But she couldn't bring herself to leave them unopened. And she couldn't reply to them either. How could she tell him that she wouldn't marry him? How would she explain herself without telling him the truth? She couldn't tell him the truth... Jameson was a loyal man, a man who would die for his king, and Annalise knew the hearing the fact her father would kill him for his own gain would break Jameson. She refused to see him broken. It was just easier not to see him.

His last letter came two days ago. He told her that Maryn was with child. She was so happy for her friend and then heartbroken that she couldn't return to Thorngate. She wanted to congratulate Maryn... to raise her own child alongside Maryn's... but those were childish desires.

There was a knock at her door, and Henry entered. He walked over to stand in front of her with kind eyes and a gentle smile. "You've never looked more beautiful... or sad." He reached up and tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear with a kind smile. "Have you told him?"

A single tear trailed down her cheek. "How could I?"


"I just, I don't want him to feel how I do now. If I tell him he will just have to suffer alone."

Henry smiled. "He'll find out eventually."

She met his eye giving him a sad smile. "I am hoping he'll have given up on me by then."

Henry laughed softly. "Have you met Jameson Amerthine?"

She couldn't help but smile. Henry was right, her general was the most stubborn man alive. Maybe even in history. "Let's get this over with."

Henry nodded, gesturing for her to go first. She lifted the skirt of her new gown, the heaviest she'd ever worn, and walked towards the door. Henry and her maid had to help get the skirt through the threshold but then she had no problem walking through the wide halls of the front. She held her breath as she walked up to the double doors that led to the throne room but did not hesitate. She pushed the doors open letting them cash to the sides and walked into the room with her head held high.

Her father was sitting in the throne, of course, and standing on his left, with his guards just behind him, was her traitorous bastard of a uncle... of a finance. Alion smiled as she approached and the look in his eyes made her stomach churn. No one stopped him when he walked to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You've turned into such a beauty, Annalise. You look just as your mother did at your age."

"You would know better than I, uncle." She said with a flat voice.

Alion grinned, running his hand through his deep brown hair. As loathed as Annalise was to admit it, Alion was not an unattractive man. He was toned with a handsome face and amber eyes. "You might call me Alion, Annalise. We will be wed soon."

"Old habits die hard."

Alion looked her over, studying her. "That they do." He then turned to the king, still sitting on his throne. "She is perfect. You've your city back, brother."

The king smiled. "Let us sign the treaty then."

Alion turned back to Annalise, "Yes, as soon as I get a kiss from my bride."

Annalise felt sick. She wanted to puke or cry. Perhaps both, but instead she bit her bottom lip and turned her face offering him her cheek. He grinned and pressed his lips to her face. "You're a good girl, Annalise. I will take care of you."

Alion, the king, and the rest of the men all filed out leaving Annalise standing alone in the throne room, only Henry left to see her fall to her knees. He was at her side instantly. "Annalise..."

She looked up to him with tear filed eyes. "I just..."

Henry smiled kindly. "I know." He grabbed her hand helping her to her feet. "I'm no Anerthine... but perhaps you'd trust your guard to a Claireness."

"Henry you're Knight Captain... I couldn't expect..."

Henry smiled kindly. "You haven't expected... I offered. I'll resign from my post. You and Jameson are my only friends and if he can't be by your side, I will be. I'll protect you for him."

She was crying tears of gratefulness. "Thank you, Henry. You're my only friend."