
Chapter 24: Jameson

Jameson woke just before sunrise, with Annalise laying on his chest. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before gently moving her off of him. As much as he loathed it, he needed to get out of her room before someone came in and found them together. Even if he hadn't taken her virginity, one comment to the wrong person and the kingdom would considered her ruined. And it would break his heart if her reputation was destroyed because of him.

He grabbed his sword and opened her door, only to come face to face with a smirking jackass. "Henry."

Henry grinned. "Good morning, Jameson."

Jameson groaned. "Don't you have anything better to do, Knight Captain?"

"Nothing as important as you, General."


"You don't have to say anything." Henry stopped him. "You'll be hard pressed to find a man in this fort who isn't falling in love with Annalise."

Jameson wanted to groan but he just shook his head. "Keep your hands off my princess."

Henry laughed. "Is she yours? You haven't claimed her."

"We're just waiting until she can talk to her father. I love her enough to wait for his blessing."

Henry patted his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me. I don't think I've seen you smile in seven years. She's a special girl, Jameson. I'm glad she found you."

He smiled. "She's everything. But I need to get going. Henry, look after her while I can't..."

Henry nodded as Jameson walked down the hall to his room. He quickly washed and dressed before he walked to the mess hall and grabbed his breakfast sitting alone at a table. As he was eating he overheard some of the men talking. "I heard the king as made marriage arrangements for her already."

"Oh really? With who?" The other asked.

"I don't know, but she has apparently known him her entire life."

Jameson rolled his eyes. If he had learned anything in his time in the army it was that soldiers gossiped like woman having tea. It helped to break up the monotony of living on a repeating loop of patrols and training. And though he was typically able to ignore them, hearing them gossip about Annalise annoyed him. It would have been so easy for him to tell them to shut up and eat their breakfast but that would have only added fuel the fire. Instead he shoveled down the rest of his food and left, heading to the war chamber.

He slumped in his chair as the rest of the council wondered in. He stood when the king entered but sat as soon as he could respectfully do so. The meeting begin and they spent hours talking in circles. "We need to get that bastard out of the palace!"

The king sighed. "I am aware! I'm working on it... but first, we need to deal with the threats at Thorngate." Jameson eyes widened slightly. "There are mercenaries and foreign troops about, we need to be sure that we are secure. If we lose Thorngate, Amberyn can waltz right into Morea."

Jameson groaned. The king wasn't wrong but the internal threats seemed far more pressing. But what did he know he was only the head of the army.

"Jameson," the king continued. "I need you to take a few companies of men and secure the area."

"Your Majesty, with all do respect, I should be here, with my men." And his princes, but he didn't dare say.

"It's not up for debate General! I can lead the men here, I need you there to keep control of things. And based on the reports I got, it was some of your mercenaries that attacked Thorngate to begin with."

He bit his tongue. They weren't his mercenaries. He was against hiring them but the lieutenant general had convinced the king they were necessary. And though he paused time with Allaree... he sighed. "Of course, Your Majesty. Will Henry remain the princess' guard?"

The king just nodded. "I can spare him for the time being."

Jameson nodded. "When do we leave?"


"Tonight?!" Jameson's jaw dropped. "I've so much to prepare."

"Then you best get on it."

Jameson stood and rushed out the door. He didn't care about getting packed, he needed to find Annalise. He had to be the one to tell her he was leaving. He checked the mess hall and the prayer garden before heading to her room. He knocked and one of her maids opened the door. "General Amerthine!"

"Let him in." He heard Annalise say.

"But, Your Highness, it wouldn't be appropriate for a man to be in your room..."

"Don't make me say it again. The general wouldn't have come without good reason."

He smiled, he liked that Annalise finally had a backbone. "Good afternoon, Princess. I've something I need to discuss."

She stood from her vanity and crossed the room to stand in front of him. "General, you look distressed."

"To say the least."

Annalise looked over her shoulder at the three woman watching them intently. "You're excused."

"Your Highness!" The eldest began.

"Excused. Henry is outside the door. All is fine." They all shuffled out, two with their heads hung and the third smiling at them. Once the door was closed she stepped into his arms. "Jameson, what's wrong?"

"I'm leaving... tonight."

"No." She was trembling but he wasn't sure if it was with sorrow or rage. Possibly both. "He can't do this!"

"He can."

"No! He's refused to see me and now he's sending you off..." she cleaned her fist around her skirt swearing under her breath. "Jameson... I can't... I need you with me."

"Annalise... we knew this could happen but it changes nothing." He pulled her closer, slanting his lips over hers. "I will love you no matter how far apart we are."

"And I you... but that doesn't mean I don't want you here."

He kissed her again. "I know. I want you with me as well. Always. In fact," he pulled the chain from his neck and took a diamond ring from it. He knelt before her,

taking her hand in his. "I love you, Annalise Amell. I will always love you and I want to spend the rest of my life proving my love to you. Will you marry me?"

She was crying and laughing at the same time and Jameson couldn't help but smile. "Of course! Yes!"

He slid his mother's ring onto her finger and then stood kissing her deeply. "Thank you."

She kissed him and then looked at her finger. The ring was damn near a perfect fit. "It's beautiful."

"It was mother's."

"I didn't realize you wore it with your cross."

"I didn't use to... I got mother's sword and Cailan got her ring.. the night we were attacked, he gave it to me for safe keeping. I think it's kind of fitting that it was hers, then his, before it was mine and then yours. You were the daughter she never had and the only thing Cailan and I have in common."

"I love it." She said kissing him.

"I'm glad." He sighed. "Annalise, I should really go prepare."

She nodded sadly. "Could I persuaded you to stay?"

She slipped her dress off of her shoulders and let it fall to the ground, leaving her standing there in only her under garments. He chuckled and shook his head. "You temptress."

"I am your fiancée, Jameson. And even if we wait until the wedding to... we can still be intimate. I want, need, to be close to you right now."

"I could never deny your needs." He laughed.

She grinned at him as she pulled his shirt over his head. Her fingers traced his chest followed by her lips and he threw his head back moaning her name. She smiled at him. "Trust me okay? I know you're wishes and we will respect them... but fair is only fair." She said as she untied his pants. Her soft hands ran down his legs as she undressed him and he quickly kicked out his boots and pants. She took a step back and looked him up and down, a strange look on her face. "So, this is the whole of a man?"

"Disappointed?" He grinned.

"Hardly. You're incredible." She moved forward and pressed herself to him. "If I finish undressing will it be too tempting?"

"I want to see you. We will just have to control ourselves."