
Chapter 12: Jameson

He sat up straight in bed as he heard Annalise yelling his name. He looked around the cabin and she wasn't there. As he was jumping out of bed he happened to glance out the window and caught a peak of long blonde hair on the ground. She must have hurt herself getting water. He ran out the door and around the back but stopped when he rounded the corner. Annalise was pinned under the lieutenant who was binding her wrists. "What are you doing? Get off of her!"

He turned looking over his shoulder but didn't move. "Damn it, Annalise, you woke him."

"You don't have the right to use her name, now get off of her!"

He sighed. "I am just trying to help her."

"By kidnapping her? It was you! You're the one who was working with Allaree!"

"Yes! But only to keep Annalise safe. Allaree was going to turn the hole fort into a battlefield to get to her but since I knew her plans I didn't signal for them to enter the fort until I knew she was with you."

"You bastard! She almost died because of you!" Jameson moved forward trying to grab him but Annalise's whimpers made him freeze.

The lieutenant grabbed her hair while standing up pulling her to her feet. "Tell the general his services are no longer required, Annalise."

She was clearly terrified as she looked into his eyes. "I..." he yanked hard on her hair jerking her head to the side painfully. "Your... your services are no longer required, General."

"See? You can go now General. I will take care of our dear Annalise. I'll love her like you never could after Kyria."

Jameson looked deep into his eyes. "Please don't take her from me..."

He shook his head. "You had your chance, Jameson. You picked Allaree. Even when the fort was swarming with enemies you put Allaree above Annalise..."

"No, I..."

"You did, Jameson..." Annalise said so softly. "You didn't want to leave until you had found her."

He was at a loss for words, she was right. In fact the reason Allaree was able to attack them that night was because he brought her with them. "I... you're right, Annalise. I'm sorry."

She shook her head. "You'll always put those other women before me. You don't... love me."!Her words were so soft. But his heart broke nonetheless. He loved her. He loved her so deeply. Could she really not see that she was his reason for life? "I'll go with you, Calis. Just give me a minute to say my goodbye."

The lieutenant smiled brightly and nodded. "Just hurry, Annalise."

She walked towards him. "General... I know that I am difficult and overbearing but you should know..." she stepped right before him. "That I love you more than anything in this world." She stepped forward and he wrapped his arms protectively around her.

"Annalise... I was worried for a second."

"Yes, I'm sorry. I've learned to be a convincing liar."

"What are you doing?!" The lieutenant was clearly angry as he stepped forward. "You better get over here, Annalise."

"You will stay away from her!" Jameson yelled. "Annalise, go hide."

"Jameson, I can't leave you."

"I will be fine. Go, now."

She leaned in and kissed him rather passionately. "Don't leave me, Jameson."

"I would never."

She took off running around the cabin and toward the swamp and he sighed in relief. "You'll regret that, Jameson."

"Oh, I doubt it."

"You've no sword, no armor, not even a shirt. How do you plan to beat me?"

Jameson laughed. "There is only one magic user better than me in Morea. And she's on my side."'Flames started to dance on his hands as he took a step forward. "And I won't forgive you for touching my Annalise."

He threw a handful of fire at the lieutenant but he jumped to the side dodging it while drawing his sword. "I just wanted to take her somewhere where'd she'd be safe from both the king and her uncle."

"She is Morea's next queen. She can't hide."

"You'd risk losing her on the battlefield?" He asked starring at Jameson.

"I shall be with her. And I'd die before she'd get hurt." He said stepping closer. "Which you did. Her wrist were already bruised." His fire arched from his fingers burning the lieutenant. "But I don't want to kill you. So you need to go."

Fire continued to burn the lieutenant but he stood his ground. "I won't leave without her. Looks like you'll have no choice."

Jameson turned his back as flames swallowed his once friend whole. Thankfully he died rather quick. He got a shovel and buried the lieutenant so that Annalise wouldn't have to see another dead body. He then went into the swamp looking for her. As he walked passed a large tree she ran out to him. "Jameson!"

He pulled her into his arms sinking to the ground. Once she was nestled safely between his legs he untied her wrist which were cut and bruised. "Do they hurt?" She just shook her head. "I'm glad... Why didn't you wake me this morning?"

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast as an apology for last night but we were out of water. And he showed up while I was coming back from the well..."

Jameson leaned in and kissed her. "That explains why you're wearing my shirt."

She blushed beautiful. "I couldn't go out in my chemise and I didn't want to wake you to tie my corset."

"I am glad that are wearing it. Had I found him on top of you in just your chemise I might have lost control."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "I wouldn't want that. But seeing you shirtless is making me lose control."

He laughed. "Annalise, you shouldn't say these things."

"I am speaking the truth."

"I know." He groaned. He kissed her. "I love you. You know that, don't you?"

"Of course I know. I see it every time you look at me." She smiled running her fingers through his hair.

"Am I truly so transparent?" He laughed.

"I am afraid so." She laid her head on his chest. "Who would have thought that the great General Jameson Amerthine would go so soft faced when looking at a girl."

"A very pretty girl." He whispered into her ear. She laughed, her body shaking against his chest and he felt like all of the pieces had suddenly come together. She was everything he needed in order to be happy and he was happy. Hearing her laugh while laying on his chest was how he wanted to spend every day. He sighed. "We need to get back. And then go into town."

She nodded. "So you can take me to my father."

"I wish there was another way. But even though I want to take you and hide some where no one can find us, I can't. You've a duty to Morea and her citizens. And they will find no better ruler than you."

"Thank you." She smiled so innocently. "Am I a queen you'd follow into battle?"

"The only queen I'd follow anywhere." He said as he stood before offering her his hand.

She smiled as she grabbed it. "I only hope to be worthy of you."

He pulled her to him kissing her. "You're already far beyond anything I deserve."

"I never thought it possible but you say the sweetest things." She smiled against his lips.

"You've made a hopeless fool out of me, 'tis all." He gave her hand a squeeze before leading her back to the cabin where he just smiled at her.

"What is it? You do you look at me so?"

"You're wearing my shirt."She blushed as he walked over to her. She grinned as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt lifting it ever so slowly. He stopped just below her breasts and chuckled at the deep red that had over taken her face. He leaned in and whispered against her lips. "Arms up." She just nodded, her eyes wide and her blush spreading to her ears. He lifted his shirt over her head and pulled it off. She jumped back her hand on her heart. "What's wrong?" He asked chuckling.

"My... heart is racing and my..." her blush deepened further. "I cannot finish that thought, I'm sorry."

Now he was blushing and fighting the urge to toss her on the bed. "I am going to step outside. Call when you need my help." She nodded and he raced out the door pulling it closed behind him. He slumped against the door clutching his shirt in his hand. How could she say such a thing to a man... he sighed. He did just undress her, even if she still had her chemise on. He was going to have to be more careful. He was determined not to ruin her but sometimes when he was next to her, smelling her sweet scent, feeling her smooth skin, or kissing her plump lips, he lost all sense. He smiled, who could blame him, she was so beautiful and her body was so shapely. She had a full chest, a narrow waist and round hips, any man would lose himself in her... and her hair. Her hair was so beautiful and it smelled like honey. He shook his head as she called for him to help her lace her corset. She was still a bit red when she finally turned to face him and he just smiled while he dressed. "Grab everything of importance. It makes more sense to leave from town. Damn. Give me a minute." He left the cabin an went to the make shift stables where he found his horse and two others along with all of his gold and everything they'd need to set out. He was honestly surprised, just what was the lieutenant's plan? He sighed. It didn't matter now. At least they'd now have a horse to carry stuff, like his armor.

She walked to his side holding only a necklace. "I am ready."

"That's all you wish to bring?"

She looked down at the small crystal that hung on a long silver chain. "It was my mother's, before she was queen. It's all that matters. The rest are just dresses and jewels my father gave to keep me placid while he gave me no say in the decisions he made for me."

He took her hand. "I'm sorry, Annalise."

She smiled lightly. "I have you now. Nothing else matters."

He kissed her lightly. "I agree. Shall we go then?"