
Chapter 1: Jameson

"General! Might I have a word?"

He groaned as he heard her voice call to him from behind. "Of course, your highness."

She marched up to him her heavy skirts in hand. "I would like to know why you've removed the guard from the South Gate?"

He bit his check to keep from swearing. Why he had to answer to her at all he hadn't a clue. "There has been no one spotted there in weeks. We haven't enough men to adequately man all the gates. I must station them wisely."

"And how could leaving the swamp facing gate unguarded be wise? It would seem a rather tactical advantage to advance from the cover of the trees, or would you disagree?"

This time he groaned aloud and she glared at him. "Listen, Princess..."

"I would suggest you speak to me more respectfully, General!"

He laughed loudly. "Your father ordered me to keep you here, and I will never defy and order from my king, but as far as I am concerned you are of no importance to me. I will allow you to traipse around in your fancy armored gowns and smile at the men, since it's good for moral, but as soon as I get word that it's all clear I'm putting you on the next carriage back to the capital."

"Jameson Amerthine, you've a cruel heart and a harsh tongue!" Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. "Cailan would have never been so mean spirited!"

She hurried off the pain written over her delicate face and he sighed. It was true, his elder brother was always kind, especially to her. But that didn't matter now. Cailan was gone and he was head of the King's armies which left him with more to worry over than one spoiled princess. "You should really learn to speak more kindly to her. She will be queen someday, probably soon." Allaree said walking to him.

He sighed as he smiled at her. "She's a handful... and I have more important things to do."

"More important than tending the princess?" She smiled slyly at him, her tan fingers twisting her crimson hair into tight curls.

"It is not my job to tend her." He took hold of Allaree's hand. "She has a whole lot of people to do that. And if I can't hold this fort she won't be princess much longer."

Allaree gave his hand a squeeze. "Still for all we know she could be the last Amell in Morea. It'd be wise to stay on her good side... and, I think Cailan would have wanted you to keep her under your wing."

"Cailan chose to die. He could have protected his precious princess had he come with us. It's not my job to step into his shoes... at least not when it comes to her. Besides, why are we talking about the princess when we could be in my room enjoying one another?"

Allaree smiled. "Once again, you're right. Come before anyone else wants to comment on the patrols."

So, he’s kind of a jerk. But you know he’s handsome.

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