
For the Downfall of My Beloved

In White Flower Kingdom, where only spring is welcomed. General Gion lived for the glory of the kingdom. The first thing Gion did upon returning alive from the 'Valley of Snow' was to kill the king and queen. "Gion?" To be more precise, the parents of the woman he loved. "Now the throne is your rightful place." The 17th and only royal descendant of White Flower Kingdom, the noble only daughter of the king, his beloved woman, Princess Rohwa, was thus seated on the throne. For the glory of White Flower Kingdom, for the life of Rohwa. And then, he died in front of her. He was certain. But for some reasons he could hear Rohwa's voice. "It took a hundred years." A hundred years after Gion's ‘death,’ White Flower Kingdom had fallen.

ShadowScripter77 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 7

On a night when the full moon hung in the sky, Rohwa sat by the pond in the White Dragon Castle.

With a delicate touch, she stirred the pond's surface, sending ripples dancing outward.

The moon's reflection wavered, a silvery mirage following the whims of Rohwa's fingertips. Then, a voice, distinct and familiar, cut through the stillness.


Gion's voice reverberated, crisp against the night air. Startled, Rohwa swiftly turned, her movements sending a fresh flurry of ripples across the pond.


She looked up at Gion, who was gazing down at her with eyes rippling like the pond's water.

Gion knelt down to meet Rohwa's gaze.

"What are you doing here at this late hour?"

The moment Rohwa saw Gion's face, her expression twisted in an instant.

Her fist clenched so tightly that her shoulder felt numb.


Rohwa's dark energy constricted around Gion's neck.

Contrary to Rohwa's glaring red eyes, Gion merely gave a wry smile.

"You're not falling for it?"

The shadow of a tree planted behind the pond was absorbed into Gion's body.

In an instant, the shadow enveloped Gion's figure and then quickly disappeared.

A man with dark blue hair looked down at Rohwa.

It was the Demon King.

"I thought you seemed down lately."

The Demon King knelt in front of Rohwa.

"Even though what you wished for has been fulfilled, why such a face? That guy didn't come back to life after all, did he?"

"You said you wouldn't enter this place."

"Is there a place the owner of the White Dragon Castle cannot enter?"

Rohwa turned her back to the Demon King and sat down.

"...What do you want?"


The Demon King frowned.

The lake, which had been rippling under Rohwa's touch, began to calm down.

"You never smile for me even once."

The Demon King grasped Rohwa's chin.

His fingers were so pale they were almost bloodless, yet the grip was so strong that it caused Rohwa's face to flush red. Nevertheless, Rohwa did not even blink, staring silently at the Demon King as if she couldn't feel any pain. Only the Demon King's expression distorted. But soon, he smiled as if a boy had found a new toy.

"As the king of White Flower Kingdom, I've decided to give him a gift."

The Demon King grinned with anticipation.

"I plan to send a Chime."


The Demon King had seven demons under his command.

They were the top among demons, feared even by other demons. They were different from ordinary demons, having received special powers directly from the Demon King.

Even Gion, who possessed the white Qi, would find it difficult to confront them immediately.

"A crisis is necessary for the pinnacle of drama, isn't it?"


"It's been a while since I've seen an entertaining play."

The Demon King fixed his gaze on Rohwa's brightly shining red eyes. Eyes redder than blood, flickering like blazing flames.

Seeing Rohwa's head bow down, the Demon King continued with even more excitement.

"A storm of blood will soon blow through the castle. The few remaining humans will be devoured by demons-"


Rohwa tilted her head with a faint smile.

"Is this all you consider a crisis?"

Rohwa dispelled the dark energy. As if nothing had happened, the surroundings became clear, and a gentle breeze blew.

"Even if you send the Chime to him, the drama you expect will not unfold."

Raising her head, Rohwa's face showed neither killing intent nor anger.

She just looked unimpressed, as if the topic of conversation was trivial. The Demon King, intrigued by her demeanor, stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"You know the Chimes well."

"You also know him well."


Rohwa rose from her seat and passed by the Demon King.

"I wonder what you will do..."

It was a soft murmur but more resolute than any other words.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Watching Rohwa walk away, the Demon King smiled a purely innocent smile.



Seated outside the castle gate, Gion gripped the book tightly.

Rohwa could do anything in revenge against Gion, and he would humbly accept it.

Whatever the reason, it was Gion's responsibility for having recklessly manipulated Rohwa's life.

Even if Rohwa's anger was directed solely at Gion, and even if the life Gion had regained was to burn in regret, it didn't matter.


Contributing to the destruction of the White Flower Kingdom was something that shouldn't have been done.

As soon as Gion died, Rohwa headed to the Valley of Snow. Without even performing the succession ceremony or her parents' funeral.

And she returned with her eyes turned red, having broken the barrier she had placed around Valley of Snow.

Naturally, numerous demons swept through the White Flower Kingdom, and for the citizens, stepping out onto the streets became equivalent to attempting suicide. It became a life-threatening act for the citizens of White Flower Kingdom to walk around their own country.

The whereabouts of the five guardian tribes were unknown, and the demons tormented the citizens, freely spreading their terror. Humans had become slaves, playthings, and tools for the demons.

All this time, Rohwa had done nothing except for using the white energy to save Gion.

Simultaneously, the Demon King took over the throne of the White Flower Kingdom. The White Flower Kingdom had become a land of demons.


Gion bit his lip so hard that blood formed.

Even amidst this chaos, there was so much unknown.

Doa asked Gion to kill Rohwa, yet why was she with Rohwa in the White Dragon Castle?

Why didn't she kill Rohwa herself and asked Gion to do it instead?

Why leave such a message?

What had happened to Rohwa over the past hundred years?


The white energy began to swirl around Gion involuntarily.

The power of the White Dragon. A force so immense that humans could hardly control it.


Memories of Rohwa laughing and talking with the citizens tore through Gion's mind.

The white energy began to rage uncontrollably.

-Gion. Look at this. A kid said I looked like him and made me a bouquet of white flowers.

Gion grounded himself. His legs trembled, and his vision spun. His whole body ached as if his bones were twisting, but Gion clenched his teeth and endured.


-Should there be a White Flower Path in the castle too... Maybe I should ask Father to make a walking path for the citizens?

A cluster of white energy stretched into a long beam of light and embedded itself beyond. Dust flew up, and the disintegrated white energy obscured the view. The smell of earth wafted through the foggy mist.


–Shouldn't the school for the children operate for free?! This won't do. I must go to Father.

His heart pounded violently.


Struggling to breathe, Gion took deep breaths to regain his composure.

Blood dripped from his palm where his nails had dug in.

"... Ha."

A hollow laugh escaped involuntarily.

Even with such power, he had failed to protect the White Flower Kingdom, instead contributing to its ruin.

He could have chosen to protect the White Flower Kingdom and the Five Guardian Tribes. But what frustrated him the most was that, despite having such power, he couldn't even control it and was panting, unable to organize his thoughts.

At that moment.

Clap, clap, clap!

"Wow. This is beyond my expectations."

A sharp sound of applause echoed, followed by a young boy's voice.

Gion recognized this voice. It was the voice he had heard at Valley of Snow.


As a short whistle sounded, the dust and fog cleared.

Then, a boy appeared.

"It's been a while. Mister."

Gion looked at the boy. A young child was smirking at him.

At first glance, he seemed like any ordinary little kid, but...

It was the Seventh Chime. The one who killed most of Gion's comrades at the entrance of the Valley of Snow.

"... Good."

Gion steadied his trembling legs and straightened his posture. He tidied his appearance, wiped the sweat from his brow, and then gazed squarely at the Seventh Chime.

"It's good that you're here. My mind was a mess, but I can ask you what I was curious about."

"Ahaha! That's why I like you!"

Watching Gion, the Seventh Chime's eyes sparkled as if he was finally going to have some fun.

His smile widened to his ears, and his eyes turned pitch black, the whites completely disappearing.

"That's right, come at me like that. You can't afford to lose your mind just yet."

The Seventh Chime casually glanced towards the inside of the castle gate while sitting on a tree.

"That's the Protected Demon Zone. You need to defend it."

Demons that had been dormant underground began to crawl out as if bewitched.

"This time too, you must entertain me. It was really fun at the Valley of Snow."


Countless demons manifested their dark energy and displayed their killing intent.

But there was no hesitation or fear.

Instead, as he witnessed this scene...

His swirling thoughts settled.

The disgust that heated his throat now made his mind feel icy cold.

Being swayed by emotions in this situation was a luxury.

It was enough confusion for now.

"Protected Demon Zone, my foot..."

The largest demon among those rushing in smirked and stepped over the boundary line.

That instant.


Gion sliced the demon's thigh with his sword. The sensation of tearing muscle reached his fingertips.



Before the scream could fade, Gion grabbed the demon by the hair.

"Good, you'll serve as an example."

The moment the demon trembled under the murderous intent swirling in Gion's pitch-black eyes.



The demon's leg was severed.

But it wasn't over.

"Don't look at me with resentful eyes. It's the Seventh Chime who summoned you here. Blame him for your terrible luck."

Next, the arms, hands, feet, shoulders, ribs, and flesh on the back...

The demon continued to be hacked and crushed.

After a few strikes,


The surroundings fell silent.

"You mentioned a Protected Demon Zone."

The demon, now just a mangled and unrecognizable mass of flesh, was trampled under Gion's foot.

It didn't even have a chance to scream properly before being completely crushed.


The demons began to back away slowly.

But Gion stepped forward and said,

"Spread the word to the other demons, if you can. Tell them what happens when they step into the Protected Demon Zone."


"Ah, you won't be able to do that."


Gion flicked the blood off his sword.

"Since you're all destined to meet your end here anyway."


With a single swing of his sword, about a dozen demons in front of him were obliterated.

The sword, emitting a faint whining noise, was surrounded by white light. Perhaps due to insufficient muscle or the recoil from clashing with the demons, his arm was numb. However, Gion did not stop and kept swinging his sword.

"... This was it."

Gion, drenched in demon blood, took a deep breath.


More than the sticky blood that bore the warmth of the demons, it was himself, buried in nostalgia and reminiscing about his family, that he found more revolting.

How dare he reminisce about the past when the present was in this state.

This life is an opportunity.

A singular chance to truly kill the demons that tore apart his comrades.

The last chance to restore the glory of the White Flower Kingdom.

Instead of indulging in memories, he should kill one more demon.

That was the duty of Gion, who had been granted life and the White Qi.


"I must fulfill my responsibility."

A murderous intent emanated from Gion, who muttered emotionlessly.

Despite appearing barely able to stand, the few remaining demons trembled at the coldness Gion displayed.


"Mister. It seems you're out of breath. Can you really kill them?"

The Seventh Chime asked Gion, who was barely standing and dripping with cold sweat.

The hundred years felt so futile.

That such lowly demons could occupy the White Flower Kingdom.


Gion chuckled. Instead of being provoked, he laughed leisurely, causing the Chime's expression to sour.

-This is the best gift I can give you.

Rohwa was right.

He was given the White Qi to kill such insignificant demons.

If that's not a gift, then what is?

Rohwa resurrected Gion, supposedly to exact revenge on him...

"... What a grateful turn of events."

Gion firmly grasped his sword with both hands, the white Qi pulsing within them. 

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