
BB 1

The Power of Lust

BY : Blooddutches

Category: +. to F > Bondage Mansion

Dragon prints: 13133Disclaimer: I do not own Bondage Mansion, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Chapter List


I do not own rights to Bible Black, that honor belongs to it�s creator. I do not profit from this.

This is my first try using the characters from Bible Black, for those of you that don�t know, Bible Black is already a henti but I wanted to see what I could do with it. I hope you all enjoy it. I had to put this here because there is nothing here for Bible Black.


The Power of Lust

On the outside, it looked like a normal Japanese junior college. The students wore uniforms and wore the shoes you have to where inside the school, the rooms were pretty ordinary with their desks and sliding doors going into every room. If the students knew the darkness that lurked throughout the schools soft purple hallways, they would never set foot inside again.

This darkness had lived in the school for the last twelve years, ever since a young girl named Reika Kitami was supposedly sacrificed in the schools basement during a dark ritual to summon a demon from hell when she was nineteen. The girls that sacrificed her, all belonged to a magic club and the leader of the ritual who�s name was Nami had wanted to have sex with Kitami but because Nami was denied that act, she chose to sacrifice her instead.

Kitami was sacrificed but did in fact live, only after making a deal with the devil and becoming the medium for the evil that now lived in the school. She was now the school nurse, and was waiting to make Takashido who was now the art teacher pay for what had become of her. The reason for this was, Takashido was the one who started the magic club in the first place and it had been her idea to sacrifice a human being and since she had been the only survivor of the club she was now marked.

There was also one other person who lived, she had nothing to do with the magic club but knew everything that had happened. Her name was Angel, and she had been friends with Kitami. She had tried to help her the night she was sacrificed but like Takashido, had been stopped by Nami. Angel had a real problem, because she was both in love with Kitami but feared her at the same time. Angel didn�t know if Kitami held a grudge towards her as well, even if she had nothing to do with any of what happened. It would be a matter of days, until Angel would find out weather she would end up being a victim of Kitami�s rage or a victim of carnal lust.

Angel was also a teacher at the college now, she taught music to the students after school for one of the many clubs that the school had. She was very good at what she did, and taught her students both how to sing well and play instruments. Angel loved what she did, and enjoyed teaching the students but her longing for Kitami was beginning to cloud her focus. She also had another dilemma, because not only was she in love with Kitami but she was also in love with a male student of hers named Minase. He was the hottest stud the school had ever had, with his smooth brown hair and deep emerald eyes. His skin looked soft and smooth and you could just barely see his finely etched muscles through the fabric of his white shirt.

It was a complete mess, being in love with both people at the same time was driving her crazy. If only she had known that in just a few short days, she would be she would be thrown head long into many fits of carnal lust and passion.