
For Jihun

Dear Sophia, I hope you are doing all well up there in heaven. I miss you a lot. Our son, Jihun misses you too. Your sudden death shocked us and left a dark void in our lives that could never be filled. I am sorry I couldn't protect you. I am sorry I couldn't save you. You said you didn't trust her but I didn't listen to you. It's all my fault. But, now if I stop my life your being guilty, what will happen to our son? I have a career. How am I supposed to raise our son into a good man without you? Before leaving this beautiful world, you said, "Find the love of your life, someone you can trust with your whole heart, someone who will love our Jihun just like I did." But, you were the love of my life. You were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until death pulls us apart. I love you a lot Sophia, I love you more than my dear life. Why did you leave me all alone with a son to raise? I am so lost without you. But no matter what, I will stay strong. I can never love another woman except you, but I will try for your sake, for our son's sake. Please don't get upset with me. I will try my best! Just watch over us from heaven. I will never let our Jihun feel your absence. He might be too young now to understand but, what will I do when he asks me about you? I know what you will say to me know, "You will figure it out." It's okay jagiya, I will find a way. I will not let the symbol of our love to cry and miss your presence, never. I can do anything and everything for our son. I love you and you only Sophia. Love, Your Sunghun~

Galazxxy · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Good evening, Sophie.", Sunghun greeted her. "How was the shoot?"

"It was okay.", Sophia got into the car and lazily buckled up her seatbelt. "Actually, it was tiring. Underwater shoots aren't fun."

"Is that why your hair is wet?", Sunghun chuckled as he drove their way back home. "You are gonna catch a cold."

"I already blow-dried my hair several times today, the photographer made me jump into the water the whole day. I don't want to dry it again and destroy my poor hair follicles, it will dry by itself by the time we are home."

"Alright, if that's what you want. Hae sent a video of Jihun babbling to himself, did she send it to you too?", he asked, stopping the car at a red light.

"Mhm, Jihun is getting cuter and cuter nowadays.", she smiled and looked out the window. "2 more days and he is turning 6 months old. Oh, when is mother coming back from Paris?"

"She will be back in a week.", he replied. "Do you want a McFlurry? Let's stop at McDonald's and have an early dessert."

"Yes please!"

"Jihun no! Those are important files!", Sunghun came running into the living room to move Jihun away from the coffee table who had a marker in his hands. "Why aren't you in bed yet?"

"Oh, Mr. Park he didn't have his bottle yet. I will put him to sleep right after he's done.", Hae walked into the living with a warm milk bottle in her right hand, "Jihun, let's go to sleep now. Say night-night to your father."

Jihun extended his arms forward wanting to be carried. Sunghun laughed and picked him up, kissing the baby's forehead. "Good night my love, sweet dreams.", he said and handed Jihun to Hae.

"What files were those?", Sophia asked as she walked out the kitchen taking sips of chamomile tea from her fancy teacup. "You don't really bring files home."

"Those are the original evidence file from the case my parents filed against Yoori. My dad sent me this in case she decides to harm us again, we can show the police proof of her previous crimes.", he replied and slumped on the couch. "Who knows what Yoori can do now that she's out of jail. No one has heard from her ever since she visited my office."

"Sounds like Yoori. Anyways, I will be going to bed now, don't stay up late. Good night, love.", Sophie softly peaked his lips and went upstairs to their room.

"Good night, mon amore."

"Should I stay home for you? Your fever doesn't seem to go down anytime soon.", Sunhun worriedly said placing the back of his hand against Sophia's forehead to feel her body temperature. "I told you not to take a bath before bed last night as you had an underwater shoot. Now look, you got a fever and a runny nose."

He scolded her as he got a tissue to wipe the sick woman's nose. Sophia was tucked in the bed with two blankets on top of her. She pouted and said she was going to be fine but, Sunghun didn't seem to buy it.

"Nu-uh Mrs. Park, you are not going to work today. You are going to rest and focus on your recovery. I wish I could stay by your side today but I have a meeting with Kang Corporation. I will try to come home as early as possible.", he kissed her forehead and stood up. "Hae, please take care of Sophia, call me if her situation worsens."

"I will take good care of her, Mr. Park. If possible, please buy some paracetamol, I gave Sophia the last one you had.", Hae informed.

"I'll keep that in mind. Goodbye, love.", he walked out of the room and went into Jihun's nursery which was right across their room.

Jihun was sleeping soundly in his crib. His hands grabbed the yellow dog plushy tightly as she slowly sucked on his binky. His eyes slowly fluttered open as if he felt his father's presence in the room. The binky slipped out of his mouth as he let out a happy noise. Sunghun giggled and picked up Jihun from his crib.

"Good morning, sunshine. Mama's a little sick today, don't trouble her, okay? Dada's off to work now.", he kissed the baby's forehead and placed him back in his crib. "I will tell Hae that you're awake. Have a nice day, sweetheart. Goodbye."

The baby bounced in his place and start whimpering as he's about to cry. Sunghun gives him a sad look and comes back into the nursery just when he was about to leave. "How can I leave you, my sweet child? Would you like to tag along with me to the office? Yes, sounds like a good idea. Let's get you ready then, shall we?"

"Did Jihun have his food yet?", Sophia asked Sunghun through the phone. "Oh, he's playing with Daniel? Okay then, I will hang up now. My throat feels hoarse...Ah no, I haven't had my medication yet...Awh don't scold me I am sorry...Yes, I will have it right now!... Babai, honey! Take care of Jihun... Come home soon!", she got off the phone and placed it beside her on the bed. "Hae! Can you bring me my medicine and some warm water?"

"Yes, Mrs. Park!", Hae replied and went downstairs from Jihun's nursery which she was cleaning.

Hae went into the kitchen and got the medicines that were kept inside the cupboard. Then she prepared the warm water. As she was preparing it, she looked around nervously and quickly poured the water into a glass. Grabbing the medicines from the counter, she ran up the stair, sweat coating her forehead.

"Here are your medicines and barley tea, Mrs. Park."