
For Jihun

Dear Sophia, I hope you are doing all well up there in heaven. I miss you a lot. Our son, Jihun misses you too. Your sudden death shocked us and left a dark void in our lives that could never be filled. I am sorry I couldn't protect you. I am sorry I couldn't save you. You said you didn't trust her but I didn't listen to you. It's all my fault. But, now if I stop my life your being guilty, what will happen to our son? I have a career. How am I supposed to raise our son into a good man without you? Before leaving this beautiful world, you said, "Find the love of your life, someone you can trust with your whole heart, someone who will love our Jihun just like I did." But, you were the love of my life. You were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until death pulls us apart. I love you a lot Sophia, I love you more than my dear life. Why did you leave me all alone with a son to raise? I am so lost without you. But no matter what, I will stay strong. I can never love another woman except you, but I will try for your sake, for our son's sake. Please don't get upset with me. I will try my best! Just watch over us from heaven. I will never let our Jihun feel your absence. He might be too young now to understand but, what will I do when he asks me about you? I know what you will say to me know, "You will figure it out." It's okay jagiya, I will find a way. I will not let the symbol of our love to cry and miss your presence, never. I can do anything and everything for our son. I love you and you only Sophia. Love, Your Sunghun~

Galazxxy · Urban
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15 Chs

Gold Digging Runs In The Family

"Hae, did you get Jihun's favorite binky? Did you pack an extra set of clothes and a washed blanket?", Sophia asked while putting on her gold hoop earrings and walking down the hall, her white heels making a clinking sound every time it came in contact with the marble floor.

"I packed them in the baby bag miss! I have dressed Jihun and strapped him in the baby carrier basket!", Hae replied as she handed Sophia the grey baby bag. "I also packed Jihun's yellow plushy in case he decides to take a nap."

"Okay, we'll be back by 12 am. Clean Jihun's nursery and fold his laundry, take some rest while you are at it. Jihun must have tired you out today.", Sophia giggled and walked down the spiral stairs.

"It'll be done, Mrs. Park.", Hae smiled. "Taking care of Jihun is no problem, he is such a sweetheart."

"Jihun is a sweetheart indeed. Sophie, let's go. The car is ready.", Sunghun said, the baby carrier basket in his arms.

"Let me see my handsome little man, oh my! Look at you! So handsome!", Sophie kneeled down and peeked into the carrier.

Jihun is now a healthy 3-month-old. He was dressed in a black suit looking absolutely adorable. He giggled seeing his mother and extended his arms forward wanting to be carried.

"Not now baby, we have a party to attend.", Sophia held his tiny right hand and kissed it before standing and straightening her pants with her hands. She locked her arms with Sunghun and looked at him.

"Let's go Sunghun.", she said as they walked to the opened front door, Hae closing it for them. "Bye Hae!"

The Park Couple walked into the party as all the attendees greeted them. Sunghun wore a black suit leaving two of the top buttons open while Sophia wore a white one-shoulder top with fitted white pants. Jihun was in Sunghun's arms looking around and occasionally cooing at the lights. He is a very friendly curious baby and his bubbly personality is slowly coming out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park! We finally meet!", a man, maybe in his late 50s greeted them. "Oh my! Is this your son? He looks very much Korean! I expected him to have the foreigner features as his beautiful mother is British but oh well!"

"Let's not forget the fact that I am half Korean here, Mr. Jung. I don't even look British.", Sophia said with a smile.

"Ah, right! I won't interrupt your family time! I'll have a business conversation with the other gentlemen over there, feel free to join us when you can Mr. Park.", Mr. Jung said and left the family of three alone.

"Look at this young gentleman! Looks just like his father!", a middle-aged lady came up to them and said. "Congratulations on attaining parenthood, Mr. and Mrs. Park.", Jihun smiled and leaned his head on Sunghun's chest while sucking on his binky.

"Jihun is a blessing to us. Thanks for coming to our party, Mrs. Lee.", Sophia said with a smile.

"Our party? Isn't this Sunghun's party because this is his company? I didn't know you are the owner of this company too?", Mrs. Lee asked with her eyebrows raised.

"What are you trying to say, Mrs. Lee?", Sunghun asked the woman, his eyes narrowing due to the raging anger in him.

"Oh, I didn't know that Mrs. Park was an owner of this company that's it.", she sarcastically said. "It was supposed to be my daughter in her place, being your wife and the mother of your child.", she mumbled to herself.

"Did you say something, Mrs. Lee?", Sunghun frowned his eyebrows not being able to understand what she mumbled at the end but, he was sure she said something regarding her daughter, Yoori Lee.

"That was nothing, can I have a word with you, Sunghun, in private?", Mrs. Lee requested, looking to signal that what she wanted to say was too confidential.

"Uh okay, I guess? Sophie, please look around the party, I'll be back in just 3 minutes.", he said and walked off to a private room with Mrs. Lee and Jihun in his arms. He didn't feel like giving Jihun to his mother as he couldn't spend any time with the child due to handling the preparations for this party.

"Sunghun, I thought you were a wise man. I still can't believe you actually had a child with that model.", Mrs. Lee scoffed. "Seems like your parents haven't raised you as well as they claim to do."

"Excuse you, Mrs. Lee, mind your language.", Sunghun was shocked at her words. "How dare you insult my family? This is my property you are standing on."

"Was my daughter not good enough? Yoori was a lot better than her. She had the fame, the money, the body, and the looks when you dated her. You could have just forgiven her for cheating, marry her and get instant wealth and as a bonus, my daughter is very good in bed. Isn't that what all men look in women?", she whispered the last part to Sunghun. He got disgusted at Mrs. Lee's words making him cover the ears of the baby but, that didn't stop her.

"On the other hand, what's her name again? Ah, Sophia Astley Park, she wasn't even famous. She didn't have the money as well. You had to struggle on your own to build this company. Don't you think you could have had this company much bigger if you were with my daughter? I just want answers.", she said and crossed her arms.

"Sophia was there when your daughter left me, she picked up my broken pieces and glued them together. She became my shield in a snowstorm. She believed me when no one else did. Your daughter left me just because I didn't want to do what she wanted but, Sophie stayed with me and helped me with whatever I needed. Without her, Park Industries wouldn't exist with the reputation it has today. Now will you please excuse me, I have a party to attend.", Sunghun sternly said at her face and went out of the room with Jihun.

"Ooo..", Jihun pointed at Mrs. Lee while they were making their way back into the party.

"I know right, she looks like Urcella.", Sunghun said making Jihun giggle and clap his hand. "Gold digging gene runs in the Lee family that's for sure."

The party went well. Mrs. Lee was nowhere to be seen. That's a good thing though, Sunghun didn't want Urcella around their party anyways. Jihun seemed to enjoy the party too. He cooed at everything that seemed interesting and giggled whenever anyone came up to him. Sophia had the time of her life. She got to talk with some modeling agencies and secure some photo shooting deals. She started working her job as a model again after Jihun turned 3 months, which was last week. Her comeback in the modeling industry became the head news of every media outlet. Jihun tags along with her to the photoshoots or sometimes he tags along with Sungun to the office. Other than that, he stays home with Hae.

"I am glad I met Sophia."