


It was at night when it happened. Two 17-year-olds were playing a popular game called 'For Honor' on the night of June 20, 2022.

The first was in a particular situation; his family owned a winery, and he learned a lot from them to know how to brew his alcohol when he eventually had control over the family business. He also studied history extensively, specifically warfare, tactics, strategies, etc., since they were the most exciting topics he could find. However, his most defining trait was that he was incredibly righteous; this made him often go out of his way to help those in need, such as helping an old lady cross the road or giving a homeless person some money.

The second was also as morally upright, if not more so. K came from a long line of farmers and architects; he inherited most of their knowledge since childbirth and is on the path to becoming an expert in land surveying or a similar field. Furthermore, the boy was also interested in things such as economics, business, and finance which would help him in the long run if he wanted to start his own business.

The two boys were close friends all their lives, using their intuition and cooperation to achieve great things such as high grades and helping their community. However, the night of June 20, 2022, began their long and arduous journey from reality into a fantasy.


"Dude, I think these guys are messing with us." Says the first. "They keep running to A when we need to be rushing B and C since we have only 500 while the other team has over 1000."

"What did you expect? We are playing in a public lobby." The second says. "It's not like we're in a team with people we know who can listen to us."

"Man, maybe we should just cut our losses and leave this match." So he proceeds to adjust his headset. "I'm starting to feel dizzy since this match began, and I got the munchies."

Both of the 17-year-olds had been playing the game 'For Honor' non-stop for the past 11 hours; they needed another hour before the '3 A.M.' challenge could begin; it was a popular meme at the time, and they wanted to see if any of the stories about demons and ghosts were true.

"I know…it's been over 11 hours, I think, but we are so close to reaching the threshold, I can feel it…." Says the second with a long breath into his mic.

"Fine…but I better see some demons or the imposter from 'Among Us' or else I'm gonna-" the first suddenly feels a pain coming from his chest; it's almost as if his heart was on fire.

"What-what is this…" he suddenly collapses onto the floor from his chair in the living room of his home.

He can hear faint gasps of air coming from his mic. Coincidentally his friend was experiencing the same phenomenon at the same time as him. However, the two do not recover from their plight as their hearts stop beating simultaneously, ending their lives.


There was silence. J first saw that he was nowhere except in a place dominated by clouds and sky. He could not find his friend even though there were no obstacles to prevent him from seeing anyone from afar. He then heard a voice call behind him, which was his friend's.

"J, Is that you?" Says the second with relief in his voice. "Thank god, I thought I wouldn't see anyone again."

"What do you mean, K? I think we only died just a few minutes ago," J asks curiously.

"For me, it's been almost a couple of hours; I think you held on a bit longer than I did, J." Says K.

"Then that would mean time moves faster here than on Earth," J explains further. "That would explain why you felt it had been hours since we died."

"Right, well…let's talk about the more pressing matter; where the hell are we?" K says while looking around slowly.

Suddenly, there was rumbling from the sky, and they saw cracks forming. They were confused about what was happening but braced for the worst. Instead, a colossus of a man stepped out from the opening made by the cracks in the sky. He had incredibly long hair and a long beard; he wore a pure white robe and black sandals. The most strange feature I could see from the man was that he wore black shorts and a white t-shirt underneath the robe.

J and K were extremely confused to see someone wearing such average clothing yet looking divine in every aspect. Immediately, the colossus shrunk to our size but continued before reaching a staggering height of 5'6 ft.

"Hey pussies, it's me, Jesus." He says to them with some excitement. "Oh shit, newcomers! Let's go, baby; that's what we have been waiting for! That's what it's been all about, Wooo!"

"Are you…moistcritikal?" K asks Jesus with extreme confusion.

"Yeah, it's a name I picked up during my 'second coming,' it fit, and I just kept using it. Anyway, you two were selected to help me." So says Jesus while beginning to point at the two of them. "You will both be transported to the world of Westeros."


"…what?" Says both 17-year-olds questioningly.

"You see, there has been an alteration in the timeline by my father and the council (don't ask) by 'mistake'; to be specific, they watched the entirety of 'Game of Thrones and wanted a different ending caused by two heroes." Jesus continues. "And those heroes are you guys; you two have the skills to survive and flourish in that world, so good luck."

"What…so wait, do we get powers or something because two 17-year-old boys are probably gonna be killed within the week if they don't make the right connections or choices," J says plainly.

"Ah yes, your powers, I almost forgot," Jesus says while slapping his head. "You both will be receiving the powers, abilities, strengths, weapons, and armors of the characters you played in 'For Honor' since it's the closest game you played before dying of exhaustion."

"Exhaustion? How is that even possible? All we did was- and I immediately remembered now." Says K immediately.

"Yeah, you guys played that game for over 11 hours straight; what did you expect was going to happen?" So says Jesus with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, we played characters from the Knight faction, the Warden, and Lawbringer, so do we get to look like those guys?" Says J questioningly.

"Yes, you will become as tall, smart, strong, and honorable as your characters; they will also be at their maximum level because you two have played the game since its release." Explains Jesus. "I think you two have played as alpha testers, yes?"

"Yeah, we won a sweepstake." So says K. "I guess we were pretty lucky, J?"

"I suppose, so where exactly in Westeros are we getting transported?" J asks.

"I will transport both of you to the North. It will be the most likely place to take newcomers with open arms, but being dressed as knights will make them a bit anxious at first since that usually symbolizes you have accepted the Seven's faith." Explains Jesus.

"Wait…let me ask one more question; is the faith of the seven a scam?" J asks.

"Absolutely, without a doubt, a scam made by a bunch of pussies, so is the faith with the Drowned God and R'hllor." Says Jesus. "The only faith we will be taking after is the Old Gods since it is the most simple and easy faith to follow."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure." So says J. "Alright, I think we are ready to go." Says K.

"Good luck." Says Jesus with a wave of his hand. "You're going to need it; by the way, the timeline changed a bit, so money, events, and dates may be different such as the pricing of something. Additionally, you will begin in the year of 275 AC with about one million golden dragons."

"At least we have money to start a business or something." So says K. "Do we need to change our names too? They sound a bit too modern."

"Sure, your names will now be Justus and Kelemen."

The two suddenly feel like they're withering away, painlessly transporting to their next lives. They both look at Jesus with a nod, understanding what their mission was. They finally disappear with nothing left of them as they completely transmigrate to the world of Westeros.

"Now, where is Tetra? I remember I needed to box him for the next video…." Jesus says as he takes off his robe and summons a black cap, turning it backward and growing back to colossus size to reenter the opening in the sky.


-Somewhere in the North, 275 AC-

The ground was covered in snow; no people were in sight of what was about to happen. Suddenly, static electricity begins to form as it creates a portal-looking anomaly slightly above the ground. A pair of tall and large-looking men are suddenly thrown out of the portal into some bushes, followed by a large chest before it disappears, leaving them alone in the wilderness. One of the men gets up to see what happened and looks to his right, and goes with an iconic Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson eyebrow raise. The other is getting up slowly from the ground when he is no longer bewildered by the experience of being transported to another world.

"Well, we made it, Kelemen." Says the first man. "Not sure what we are supposed to do now, though."

"Justus, I think the first thing we should do is find someone to tell us where we are in the North; it looks like we are on the side of a road somewhere." Explains Kelemen.

"I see, very well." He agrees with Justus as he begins to walk towards the road with Kelemen. "Our journey has just begun; now, do we need to rush things?"

"Well, we need to think about some important things first, such as how we will make money? We have a million golden dragons, but that will eventually whittle down to nothing." Says Kleenex worriedly.

"Do not be shaken, Kelemen. I recall from the wiki there is an island in the North called Skagos; we will take over the island from its corrupted lord and conduct our business there where it will be easy to know who comes and goes." Justus says assuringly.

"But won't the North know about that? Some random guy shows up and takes over an entire island?" Kelemen leans closer. "And if Lord Richard Stark learns of this, hmm? What will you do then?"

"He won't be concerned when he will be the one to give us permission to do it," Justus says while looking away from Kelemen. "I recall that this was the year his wife was killed by bandits up in the North while he was visiting Castle Black."

"Truly? Why was he even visiting Castle Black in the first place?" Kelemen asks.

"Don't know; all that matters right now is we need to save Lady Lyarra Stark from her death at the hands of some bandits," I say determinedly.

"But we might be on the other side of the North for all we know; how can we possibly-" suddenly, another portal shows up near them and spits out two horses.


"Does that answer your question?" Justus says smugly.

"…just load the chest and let's go," Kelemen said defeatedly.


-1 week later, 275 AC-

Throughout the journey, Kelemen discussed with Justus things that they should start to consider when creating their army once they have landed in Skagos. They decided it would be wise to implement good discipline, equipment, strategy and tactics, and logistics when considering their army; to simplify, they will need to provide them with food, arrows, armor, clothing, alcohol, etc. Furthermore, they talked about things they could introduce to Westeros, such as rum or whiskey, but the two wanted to save information about that for themselves, so they could find a way so that only the two could produce it instead of South.

"What about the 'Four Crop Rotation' technique? It gave heavenly yields to many people back in the day." Kelemen suggests.

"True, but we need to make sure only the North knows about it since the South would use this method to make the North and its people suffer from their damn pricing during the winter," Justus says. "I have heard that there were gold deposits across the continent and a prosperous one resided on Skagos, so that'll be another way we can earn money easily."

"The Tyrells and Lannisters will be hard to deal with because of the money they got rolling in, Lannisters with their mines and Tyrells with their fertile soil and farmland which gives them the greatest share of crops in Westeros," Kelemen warns.

"We will deal with them soon enough; we need more influence, money, and power," Justus reassures.

"Mhm." Says Kelemen. "Hold on; I think I see something up ahead…."

The two look ahead and see a skirmish; Rickard Stark is fighting off about 19 bandits with his sword while six remaining guards guard his wife; they deduce the others were killed in the supposed ambush. Justus and Kelemen look at each other and nod in agreement; they must protect Lord and Lady Stark at all costs. They immediately rushed to their aid using their horses, Boadicea and Buell; they both pulled out their weapons and prepared for battle.

Justus was holding a longsword (Caelia Camulus) while Kelemen held his halberd (Marbled Honor Axe); the most prominent part of both weapons was that they were made of Valyrian steel, the rarest and most durable material in Westeros.

They got off their horses when they were close enough and engaged in combat. Kelemen used his halberd to immediately cut down two bandits before moving on to another who was about to kill Rickard stark from behind. Rickard turned around to see a man with a short sword about to stab him in the gut, but he did not expect a giant man (6'6) to appear behind him and immediately shove the man to the ground before killing him with a halberd. Kelemen took a look at Rickard before nodding and moving on to some more bandits.

Justus threw a grenade (Fiat Lux) at five of the bandits, which temporarily blinded them for several seconds. However, they could not recover since Justus immediately brought down his longsword on the bandits and killed them in three moves: slashing three, slashing another, and then hitting one with his pommel.

The guards protecting Lyarra Stark were suddenly attacked and killed by several bandits (about 9 of the 19 bandits turned their focus onto Lyarra Stark). Justus immediately ran to her aid and killed three before quickly moving Lyarra Stark somewhere with Rickard as he and Kelemen had killed the last five bandits in their area. Kelemen took notice of the remaining six bandits and threw a grenade (Pugno Mortis) at them, exploding and killing all 6 of them. Kelemen and Justus looked around their area to see if there were any more hiding in the shadows or bushes, but they saw nothing. They turned to look at the surprised yet relieved faces of Rickard and Lyarra Stark, who appear to be covered in some blood; Justus was the first to step forward and introduce himself.

"Greetings, I am Justus Daubeny, and this is my brother, Kelemen Daubeny."


This is my remake of GoT x For Honor, I didn’t like how my previous story was going so I made the executive decision to effectively END its existence.

This one will be easier for me because I am only focusing on two point of views (so far) of my OCs.

Remember to comment, collection, review, and follow so you can help me and yourself.

See you guys later.

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