
For Her Heart

The princess has Finally come of age to be wedded and her best friend, Eric, must show the best of his skills to the royal family to win for her hand. He fights through other eligible men and women to get what he wants. Through multiple obstacles and hardships, will he be able to win her heart? Or will he lose to another?

redutopia · Fantasy
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1 Chs

i. A Witch?

"Eric wait!"

A little girl giggled as she ran through a town square filled with shops and lively people. She chased her best friend, struggling to catch up to him, her little legs going as fast as they could.

"Hurry Mars! We need to see them before they leave!" Eric called back as he picked up the pace. Mars huffed as she ran faster, she really wished the bridge wasn't so far from her home.

As the came upon the bridge, completely out of breath, the saw knights and noblemen gathered around a carriage.

"My lord, shall we head forth to the kingdom of Lycia?" one guard asked to a man with very pompous clothing.

"Do we have all the men needed? It is quite a journey and you can never be too prepared!" the man said with a hearty laugh.

He paused for a moment and gazed over the area. His eye caught a tuft of black hair poking out from behind a bush.

"Well men, it looks like you need to stay alert," he says as he walks toward the bush, "because we have two little followers."

He pushes the leaves back to reveal the two children who have been watching them. All of the men laugh as Eric steps forward.

"Oh father! We just want to know where you are all going!" Eric says as pouts. Mars twiddles with the end of her hair, not wanting to get in trouble for speaking.

"You two already know where we are going, why do you need to know the reason?"

"I just want to make sure you are all going to make it back home okay," Eric says with worry, "We need all of you to protect our kingdom!"

The man understood and walked back to his carriage, grabbing a small box, he hands it to his son.

"This will help you protect everyone my son. Go to Miss Iris and open the box with her, she will know what to do."

Eric nodded as he held the box tightly. As his father turned to walk away, the boy held onto his side tightly as tears spilled down his face.

"Please come back okay?" Eric said through thick tears. His father held him tightly, "I'll try my best okay?"

As the parted from one another, the man looked down at Mars, "Take care of him, okay my dear?"

Mars nodded as she bowed to the nobleman. The two waved goodbye to the men and headed on their way to see Miss Iris.

"What do you think is in there?" Mars asked curiously. They were almost to the town square and had been walking in total silence until the curiosity was eating her up.

"Maybe a dagger?"

"Well whatever it might be it must be very important if it can protect everyone."

Walking into the town, they spotted for Miss Iris' jewelry shop. It was a relatively small shop, very homey and quaint.

They pushed open the door, ringing a little bell, signaling Iris to make her way to the front.

"Welcome to Miss—why hello princess Mars! Mr. Eric you as well!" An older lady came in greeting the children. She had graying dark brown hair that just fit her honey toned skin so well. She wore deep blue robes and several rings and bracelets.

"What brings you here little ones?"

"My father requested that I open this in front of you," Eric set the box on the table next to the woman.

"Oh goody! Go ahead and open it my darling." She clapped her hands excitedly as she brought over a chair to sit in.

Eric started to slowly open the box, his curiosity increasing. Mars peered over his shoulder to get a look of what was inside and her eyes widened upon seeing it.

"A w-wand?" Mars said aloud, complete astonishment written across her tanned skin.

The boy picked up the wand and swore he could feel it vibrate in his hand. He looked over at the older woman who had the widest grin on her face.

"My boy, you have been chosen by the universe to become a witch."

Eric stood there staring at the wand with absolute confusion. His mind going from one question to the next.

"Why? How did—"

"Your father was a witch as well my dear but he gave it up to you when you were born," Iris said as she sipped on her hot tea, "I used to be under the same master witch as him before he became wedded to your mother."

His father was a witch? Eric couldn't believe that he never knew. Mars started to giggle next to him.

"What's so funny?" he asked the giggling princess.

"That means you have to fight for my hand in marriage when I become of age." she said bursting into a fit of laughter.

"I—I don't want to marry you!" A visible blush crept its way onto the brunette's face, "And what do you mean I have to fight?"

"Why my dear, all those who seek the prince's or princess' hand must show their skills to the royal family in order to earn it." Iris said with a stack of books.

"Oh don't worry Eric, I know you will win," Mars said as she placed a kiss on the boy's cheek, "I have faith in you to win my heart."

Eric blushed even harder than before, "Goodbye Miss Iris! I will come by later this week after classes to get my mother a gift."

And with that the princess left a smirking Iris and a flustered Eric.

"You chose the right one darling. Now! Let us start these classes shall we?"

Eric nodded and sat down in front of his new teacher.

i wrote this in one go somehow. hopefully it’s actually good?

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