
For Elensia

"The entire kingdom will be ravaged, our defences crumble, houses will be burned, children witnessing their parents' falling right before their eyes. Every man in sight will be slain, cries, screams, horses trampling on damp grounds, swords slicing through the flesh the only sounds that fill the air. You both are brought to the throne room kneeling before your children who cry out for you" Elise is the princess of Elensia, only the second to ever exist in all its history. Her parents send her a training camp to hide her identity Twelve years later, the kingdom prepares for the return of their princess. Now Elensia is divided, if after all these years, she is fit to rule Can Elise inspire the country to be one again or will she conform to it and lose herself? From the palace, to the camp then back to the palace. She learns about family, death, love, betrayal and trust

Rebecca_Harris_31 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

In The Storm (Part 2)

The little girls and their guardians entered the castle alongside Elise and her mother. Their eyes moved from wall to wall, window to window, door to door. Engulfed in the atmosphere is one thing, it was natural. Both child and guardian were more anxious about the upcoming interactions. For those who were not of nobility, the biggest question that would so soon be answered

"What possibly could the Queen of Elensia and I have in common?"

Everyone entered the gardens where an entire table of foods and drinks was prepared.

"Elise and I are happy to invite you into our home to celebrate her birthday. As our guests, please enjoy. But first, Elise has a gift for our special invitees." Rena signalled for one of the guards to pick up a well-decorated box, he lowered it to allow Elise to pull the items out.

She presented each girl with a thin gold tiara, with three crystals: on the sides and center. Elise carefully placed it on each of their heads.

"Is this real gold and crystals?" Yuna whispered to Elise hoping not to offend her.

"Of course," Elise responded. The girls looked at each other wearing their smiles. Some kept touching the tiara, while others were hesitant because of the disbelief that the Princess of Elensia had gifted them something that they have never expected to possess.

"What would you like to do, Princess. I mean Elise?" Amelia asked

"I have several games for us to play, shall we?" Elise said while showing her invitees around the garden with the activities on full display.

"How are you, your Majesty?" Duchess Katherine caught Rena off guard with the question, she has never been asked that question by a stranger.

Her initial response "Why do you ask?" the other guardians immediately looked at one another not expecting what the next statement would be.

Would Duchess Katherine choose to change to subject?

Would she continue the conversation?

She chose neither "I'm sorry if I offended Your Majesty, it wasn't my intent, please accept my sincerest apologies"

Rena smiled down at her hands

"You mean, everything that has happened with recent events" she looked at the Duchess

"Yes, the passing of His Grace, someone breaking the castle, the almost fatal injury of Her Grace" hearing it being said out loud, it truly is a lot to experience. Rena looked at them, genuine concern on their faces

"My family and I experience life which includes loss and fear. Like all families, if we remain by each other's side which can overcome the things that dare to tear us apart. To answer your question we are on our path to healing, thank you for asking."

"Of course, Your Majesty, I think I speak on everyone's behalf when I say we have your best interest at heart. After all the entire kingdom is your family"

"Thank you, let's not allow the tea to get cold, we have quite a variety" Rena signalled for the maids to the service

"What's it like to be able to learn to fight?" Yuna asked while picking up one of Elise's arrows

Before Elise could correct her, Gabby had beaten her to it

"The appropriate term is combat not fighting, learning combat involves both offence and defence along with theory and practical which extends before the battlefield" Gabby saw how the expression on her changed and by the way she had placed the arrow back in its original place.

"Don't feel bad, not many persons know the difference, some of them are adults?" Elise notices that Gabby is one to speak her mind, something she admires about her.

"It's true, if it weren't for my studies, I would've thought the same thing" Elise saw how the mood had shifted back to light

"Why do you ask Yuna, are you going to be a member of the Royal Army?"

"I think it would be interesting, to be able to reach the end. It would the furthest any female in my family have have gone. They usually drop out after the first two years."

"Do you know why?" Elise never imagined that a discussion like this would happen at her birthday party especially with this group.

Yuna appeared like she has wanted to bring up this topic

"They were afraid, afraid to follow their path. Instead, they wanted to live what they consider a safe life."

"I'm only in training because my parents think that once people know I have the training they will fear me." Kya shares her perspective

"I want to join the camp"

All of the girls gasped

"You know you don't have to do that"

"I know, but the kind of training they receive is the best thanks to your mother," Gabby said staring at Elise straight in her face

"Don't get me wrong, Elensia's military training is top-notched but since The Sirrah incorporated their methods, it has become on a level of its own."

"How do you know?' Amelia finally asked

"Cousins, all males, they said it themselves. I want to be treated and trained like everyone else"

"Guess that means you want to serve in the Royal Army"

"Of course, the thought of training and then I so happen to be invited to Elise's birthday to meet her acquaintance. It's almost as if it was meant to be." Gabby said never breaking eye contact with Elise.

Amelia looks back and forth between Elise and Gabby and finally breathes a sigh

"Guess I'm the only one who is genuinely scared of the training, I rather not do it but if I must then I will."

"Well if all enter the camp and promise to help each other and stay until the end, we would make quite the group," Gabby says boldly

"That is if Elise would be there with us also"

"Me?" Elise said pointing to herself "I haven't given the proper amount of time to think about it"

There was a brief pause

"But it would be nice to have friends there."

"Now, I feel a little better" Amelia, relieved

Kya added, "I could talk to my parents, I think they would feel comfortable knowing that the princess is also there. I mean Elise."

"Then it settled, we stay by each other's side until the end. After camp, we return to Elensia as the greatest warriors to ever exist" Gabby gathered the girls.

"Don't you mean female warriors" Yuna added

"Oh my Yuna, you have so much to learn" Gabby responded tapping her shoulder.